Some of the links which connect old New-York City, the New-York of the Knickerbocker, to the present bustling, hurrying confusion of metropolitan New-York of ...
February 17, 1853, New York Times, New-York City,
CHARGE OF CONSPIRACY TO DEFRAUD--ARREST OF THE ACCUSED PARTIES.--STARTLING DISCLOSURES.--During the last few months, the police authorities have been busily engaged in effecting the arrests of persons charged with defrauding the community out of monies and other property, by alleged false-pretence operations, whereby various business men have been victimized to the tune of hundreds and thousands of dollars....running back 150 feet on Pearl street, opposite the old New York Hospital, have been purchased by BOWEN , the extensive silk jobbers. These have not sold ...
May 31, 1855, New York Times, The New-York of 1774.
The following description of old New-York is from a number of the famous Gentleman's Magazine for 1774. It may be hardly necessary to remark that the City has grown some since this was written.
June 4, 1856, New York Times, NEW-YORK CITY.; How our Younger School Children are Packed ...
On the 31st of May, 1756, just one hundred years ago Saturday, was published number one hundred and ninety-nine of "the New York Mercury, containing the ...
July 23, 1858, New York Times, An English View of a Distinguished New-Yorker,
From The London Saturday Review. It is very probable that hardly any of our readers have ever heard of Dr. John W. Francis, the author of Old New-York; but it ...
August 20, 1864, New York Times, Death of Another Old New-York Merchant,
Mr. JOHN H. TALLMAN, for a long series of years a dry goods jobber and cotton factor in Pearl-street, died Friday, Aug. 12, at his residence in West Nineteenth-street. Mr. TALLMAN was in the eighty-eighth year of his age at the time of his decease, and up to his last illness had enjoyed almost uninterrupted health during his whole life. He was a native of Dutchess County, and came to New-York nearly seventy years ago, when there were less than 50,000 inhabitants. There was but one banker and an insurance company at that time in this City. Many years since he retired from business, but his large wealth and extensive real estate possessions kept him active as a man and diligent in financial circles. Mr. TALLMAN was well known in Wall street for his energy of character and the integrity of all his dealings. His rigid habits of temperance and constant daily exercise kept him vigorous, and nothing but an exhausted nature, from a most painful malady (dry gangrene in the foot) removed him from his family circle and the duties of life. Mr. TALLMAN's memory was remarkable, relating events of sixty years' standing with great accuracy, and repeating readily any verse or chapter in the Bible with ease. He was a genial old gentleman, a kind neighbor and an affectionate husband and father, dying in full communion with the Episcopal (Trinity) Church. Mr. TALLMAN leaves a venerable wife and three daughters, two in this City, and one in Poughkeepsie, on the Hudson.
July 3, 1870, New York Times, Lost Churches; Ancient Fanes of New-York and What Has Become of Them; The First Sanctuaries of the City The Old Down - Town Churches The Upward Movement - Short-lived Places of Worship--Sad Transformations,
Among the many changes which the activity of the Metropolis occasions among old and cherished land-marks, none have a greater interest than the destruction of churches and the obliteration of all the traces of their former existence.
OLD NEW-YORK AND 8. Thus it will be that in former times that portion of the City below the City Hall Park was as thickly studded with any of the island at ...
January 5, 1871, New York Times, LOCAL NEWS IN BRIEF.; NEW-YORK.
The traveling public, frequenters of the old New-York Hotel, will be pleased to learn that Mr. Hiram Cranston, so long and favorably known in connection with this house, but retired from its management some four years since, will reassume the position of proprietor on the 1st day of May next. Mr. Cranston was in charge of this hotel for thirteen years, and during the period rendered it one of our most popular public hostelries. Before taking possession in the Spring the house is to be thoroughly remodeled and improved. New Bath-rooms, and other water conveniences, are to be introduced, and an elevator constructed. In addition, the hotel is to be refurnished throughout. The exterior of the building is to be also improved, the entrance being changed and enlarged, the present windows replaced with French plate-glass, and in other particulars so modernized as to present a rejuvenated appearance.
February 14, 1872, New York Times, NEW-YORK AND SUBURBAN NEWS.; NEW-YORK.
1 gave a masquerade at the National Assembly Rooms last night. The old New- York City Central Underpround Railway are efforts to hasten tho construction of ...
March 7, 1872, New York Times, House of Representatives; The Old New-York Post,
York, presented a memorial of the Chamber ut t;om: of the ...
January 14, 1873, New York Times, Progress of the Alterations at the Old New-York Theatre,
DALY'S NEW PLAY-HOUSE.; Progress of the Alterations at the Old New-York Theatre.
A little army of carpenters, painters, upholsterers and decorators, were yesterday busily at work inside and outside of the old New-York Theatre, transforming it from a dingy edifice into a beautiful little theatre, arranged and furnished according to the latest models.
November 8, 1873, New York Times, Erie in Jersey City; Its Defective Titles to Property--A Fraud on the State, They are as follows: Events and the operations of the old New-York and Erie Railroad Company taught the lesson flint the terminus of their road at Piedmont was ...
June 3, 1874, New York Times, Old New-York; The Old Streets of New-York Under the Dutch; A Paper Read Before the Historical Society Last Evening by James W. Gerald, ESQ,
The regular monthly meeting of the New-York Historical Society at their library, corner of Second avenue and Eleventh street, last evening, was well attended. Among those present were the following officers and members: President Frederic De Peyster, Secretary Col. Andrew Warner, Rev. Dr. Samuel Osgood, Chas.
(Lengthy text posted here.)
July 9, 1876, New York Times, Old New-York Staging; Primitive Travel by Land. A Woman's Vexations on the Road; The First Coach Between New York and Boston; The Noted Points of Interest On the Line; Other Routes--Albany the Centre of Western Travel,
The word stage, so rarely used in England, is said to be an Americanism, but like many another good old expression has been forgotten there while retained ...
July 23, 1876, New York Times, Old New-York Racing; A Sketch Of Its Ups and Downs, FIRST RACE COURSE ON HEMPSTEAD PLAINS --NEW-YORK COURSE ON SITE OF OLD COLOMBIA COLLEGE--THE BLOODS OF THE COLONY--COMPETITION WITH SOUTHERN HORSES--THE DELANCEY; CONGRESS FORBIDS RACING. The sturdy, short legged Hollanders who settled the good old City of New-Amsterdam were net given any such frivolous ...
August 13, 1876, New York Times, Old New-York Ball-Play; Incidents in Its History; Ladies the First Ball Players--HANDBALL AND RACKET--NINE-PINS IN THE CATSKILLS--CRICKET AND THE MISFORTUNES OF PRINCE WILLIAM--HURLEY,GOLF, AND FOOT-BALL--A WORD ABOUT POLO. The history of ball-play is so ancient that the memory of man runneth not to the contrary. Even old Homer makes allusion to it, and, oddly enough, as a ladies' ...
September 3, 1876, New York Times, Old New-York Boating; Some Incidents in Its History; The First New-York Yacht; THE RESTLESS --COL. MORRIS' YACHT, FANCY--FATAL INCIDENT ON COL. RICKETS' YACHT-- THE GOVERNOR'S BARGE--THE PRIVATEER HARLEQUIN--THE PRESIDENT'S BARGE--FIRST BOAT RACE--WHITEHALL MEN AND THE BRITISH FRIGATE HUSSAR. History, romance, and song have for centuries told the ancient story of Naples and chanted be praises of its beautiful crescent bay. The human mind, forgetting ...
While the picture-galleries of Europe form one of the strongest magnets to draw citizens of the United States across the Atlantic. lovers of the fine arts do not, as a rule, consider for a moment the possibility of finding at home as instructive, and perhaps in some respects as good, specimens of the best painters....The original collection of paintings belonging to the Historical Society consists of the collection of Luman Reed, the bequests of the old "New-York Gallery," and ...
May 1, 1879, New York Times, The Truck-Drivers' Feast; May's Advent in New-York City; What the Experiences Are; Mishaps and Inconveniences Attending a Change of Residence,
When Mr. Tennyson wrote of the 1st of May as "the merriest, maddest day," he may have had rural England in mind as to the merriest, but he certainly referred to New-York when he mentioned the maddest. If there is a day in all the year when New-York is thoroughly mad, it is the 1st day of May. From the head of the stylish household, who looks with disgust at his satin-covered sofas bound...
May 3, 1879, New York Times, Death of Mr. Walter Brown; An Old New-York Merchant Dies In Burlington,
Mr. Walter Brown, of the firm of Walter Brown Son, No. 131 Duane-street, one of the oldest wool houses in the City, died in Burlington, Vt., of pneumonia, after a short illness, on Wednesday night. He was born in Dover, N.H., and after obtaining what education the village school could give, he obtained a position in the dry goods jobbing house founded by his elder brother, William H. Brown, in Philadelphia.
May 12, 1879, New York Times, New Publications; Old New-York,
After almost a century has elapsed, the manuscript history of the Revolution, written by a Loyalist while a refugee in England, and after being attainted as a traitor to his native colony, makes its appearance, supported by the double prestige of the New-York Historical Society and an able and well-versed editor.
June 22, 1879, New York Times, New-York Hotel-Keeping; The Business Past and Present; Forty Years Ago and To-Day--A DINNER AT THE OLD CITY HOTEL--REMARKABLE SERVICE--THE NEW SYSTEM--THE WINE QUESTION FROM DIFFERENT STANDPOINTS. I.THE OLDEN TIME. II. THE NEW ERA OF EXTRAVAGANCE. III. A GREAT NEW-YORK HOTEL TO-DAY. IV. MINOR POINTS IN HOTEL-KEEPING. Forty years ago, and until the opening of the Astor House, the City Hotel, at that time situated near the old Trinity Buildings on Broadway, was the principal hostlery in New-York. In those days it was regarded as being not only a comfortable and commodious, but a luxurious place of entertainment, To-day it would be ...
The following copy of a bill of fare, half printed, written, bears date of February, 1841, and is now in the possession of an old New-York , is a Lair sample ...
December 13, 1879, New York Times, Stories of Old New-York; A Merchant's Recollections of His Early Days, MR. William E. Dodge Lectures Before the Lebanon Club--Curious Reminiscences of Former Days in the City's History--How the Boundaries of City and Country Have Been Destroyed, The Lebanon Club, for working men, which was organized just a year ago to-day, last night listened to a story of old New-York by Mr. William E. Dodge, in the ...
January 13, 1880, New York Times, The Marine Society Renewed Evidences of the Prosperity of an Old New-York Institution, The one hundred and eleventh annual meeting of the Marine Society of the Port of New-York was held in the rooms of the Chamber of Commerce yesterday ...
May 9, 1880, New York Times, Scenes in Old New-York; How It Looked When the Century Began.
There called, at THE TIMES office a little over two months ago a hale and hearty old gentleman, with a bundle of manuscript in his hand. He introduced himself as Mr. Daniel B. Bruen, of Newark, and said that he was 85 years old, and that, having read Mr. William E. Dodge's first...
January 7, 1881, New York Times, City and Suburban News; New-York. Brooklyn. Staten Island, New Jersey, The Hon. William E. Dodge will deliver his lecture on "Old New-York" in Chickering Hall on Monday evening, for the benefit of the Peabody Home for Aged and ...
February 6, 1881, New York Times, City and Suburban News; New-York. Brooklyn. Long Island Westchester County. Staten Island, New Jersey, Thomas F. Do Voe will lecture on "Old New-York and Greenwich Village," in the Sunday school room of the Church of St. John the Evangelist, corner ...
February 10, 1881, New York Times, Old New-York; Col. Thomas F. De Voe Sketches the History of the Island, "Old New-York and Greenwich Village" formed the subject of an entertaining anecdotal lecture delivered last evening by Col. Thomas F. De Voe. Superintendent of Markets, in the Church of St. John the Evangelist, Waverley-place and Eleventh-street. It was the last of a course of lectures in aid of the poor of the parish, and drew a crowded audience to the church....It had its "obelisk," as Central Park now has the monolith, the monument to Gen. Wolfe, which it was the fashionable custom to visit and admire. Afterward it became famed ...In 1797 a State prison was built in Greenwich, and afterward formed the centre of the nucleus of Greenwich Village. There were mutinies and riots in this prison, and it once burned down. In 1828 the State prison was removed to Sing Sing, and the old prison buildings were let out. What remains of them is now occupied by a brewery.
November 2, 1881, New York Times, An Old New-York Family; Death of John R. Murray at Mount Morris Yesterday; The Son of an Early and Wealthy Resident of This City--A Name That Recalls the Early History of Murray Hill--How An Old Farm Became a Fashionable Locality, The telegraph announced last evening the death, at his home in Mount Morris, of John R. Murray, the owner of a large tract of real estate in this City and of a magnificent domain in the Genesee Valley. Mr. Murray was 70 years of age. To many old New-Yorkers the news of his ...
Even the dingy map of the farm, which was prepared by Spielman & Brush, civil engineers and surveyors, in 1837, soon after the elder Murray's death, has vanished from the records in the Register's office. It was cataloged map No. 406. It is replaced by a fresh and modern-looking copy, which shows the boundaries of the farm at that date, but nothing whatever of its topography. Along the east ran the new obliterated and forgotten Eastern post road, which was one of the fashionable drives of Manhattan Island 50 years ago. It crossed Thirty-third-street nearly at right angles, a few yards west of Lexington-avenue, and ran diagonally northward with a graceful curve, intersecting Thirty-eighth-street a few yards to the east. Another and still more popular old-time drive bounded the green fields of the Murray farm on the west. This was the middle post road, which crossed Thirty-third-street a little to the east of Madison-avenue, and Thirty-eighth-street between Madison and Fifth. Thirty-third-street was the southern boundary of the farm, while the north lay parallel with Thirty-eighth-street, a few yards north of that thoroughfare.
November 28, 1881, New York Times, Events in the Metropolis; Wiping Out Old New-York,
Another feature of old New-York is threatened with destruction. The Department of Docks propose to fill up that part of Coenties-slip opening inward from the line of South-street to the bulkhead near Water-street. The occupants claim to have a right given them in an old deed which will enable them to hold possession of the property.
March 25, 1882, New York Times, The Old New-York Post Office; Speeches For and Against its Sale to the Chamber of Commerce,
The House Committee on Public Buildings and Grounds took up to-day Congressman McCook's bill providing for the sale of the old Post Office Building on Nassau-street, New-York City.
March 26, 1882, New York Times, The Old New-York Post Office,
The House Committee on Public Buildings and Grounds listened to-clap to the objections op Mr. Conant, lessee of the old Post Office building in ...
April 20, 1882, New York Times, The Old New-York Post Office,
April 19.-The House Committee on Public and Grounds today agreed to report favorably a bill authorizing the secretary of the Treasury to sell the site of the old New-York Post Office at public auction to the highest bidder,
April 26, 1882, New York Times, The old New-York Post Office; A Bill for its Sale That Will Probably be Passed if it Can Be Reached, If Congress shall approve a bill now before it the old New-York Post Office property on Nassau-street, between Cedar and Liberty streets, will be advertised and ...
June 18, 1882, New York Times, A Relic of Old New-York; The Lenox Mansion, Near the Battery,
At the corner of Bridge and State streets, wedged in by modern warehouses and surrounded by all the turmoil, confusion, and traffic of the South End, stands an old brick building from which the traces of a bygone grandeur have not entirely disappeared.
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