May 3, 1839, Burlington Free Press., page 2, Origin of the Mormon Bible,
Richard Montgomery Young (February 20, 1798 – November 28, 1861) was a U.S. Senator from Illinois.
Young was born in Fayette County, Kentucky and was admitted to the bar in 1816. In 1817, he moved his law practices to Jonesboro, Illinois and was appointed a Captain in the State Militia. He served in the Illinois state house from 1820–1822 and as a circuit court judge from 1825-1837. He resigned his judgeship after being elected to the U.S. Senate in 1837 as a member of the Democratic Party. As a federal Senator, he served one six-year term; during the first four of his six years in office he was Chairman of the Senate Committee on Roads and Canals.
Upon the end of his term in the Senate, he was appointed to the Illinois Supreme Court (1843–1847) and then became a land office commissioner by appointment of James K. Polk. He served as the Clerk to the United States House of Representatives in 1850 and practiced law in Washington, D.C. from 1851 until his death.
Young was the presiding judge at the 1844 trial of the accused murderers of Joseph Smith, Jr., the founder of the Latter Day Saint movement.
Publication - Issue 11 - Page 435 - Google Books Result
Illinois State Historical Society - 1906 - Illinois... 206 Young, Berenice Adelaide— daughter of Richard M. Young; wife of John A. ...Brigham 92,99.102 author of doctrine of polygamy as taught by Mormons 92 ... for Governor of Illinois 312,321 candidate for the U. S. Senate 316 career of, ...
Lincoln & His World: Prairie Politician, 1834-1842, vol 2, by Richard Lawrence Miller, 2008
Publications of the Illinois State Historical Library, Illinois ..., Issue 11
By Illinois State Historical Library, Illinois State Historical Society
page 302, Forgotten Statesmen of Illinois. Richard M. Young, by Dr. J.F. Snyder, (1906)
September 23, 2011, He Didn't Do Right By The Founder Of The Mormon Church: Judge Richard M. Young,
The Latter-Day Saints Millennial Star, Volume 17
“Quincy—the Home of Our Adoption”: A Study of the Mormons in Quincy, Illinois, 1838–40
by Richard E. Bennett,
January 11, 1840, The Columbia Democrat., page 2,
January 15, 1840, Jeffersonian Republican, page 3, The Mormons. Dr. Galland,
Joseph Smith, jr., Sidney Rigdon and Judge Higbee, have just started for Washington, to petition Congress for relief growing out of the Missouri persecutions.
February 4, 1840, The Caledonian, (St. Johnsbury, Vt.) page 3, Old Tippecanoe in Ohio, [Dr. Galland]
May 16, 1840, Salt River Journal, (Bowling Green, MO) page 1, Latest From the Mormons,
August 11, 1840, The Caledonian (St. Johnsbury, Vt.) page 1, Mormons Lynched,
October 10, 1840, The Columbia Democrat, (Bloomsburg, Pa.) page 3, The Mormons,
November 21, 1840, Salt River Journal, page 2, The Mormons,
April 22, 1841, New-York Tribune, page 2, The Mormons, The Corner Stone of the great Mormon Temple,
April 24, 1841, The Illinois Free Trader, page 2, Mormon City of Nauvoo,
Charter Ordinances
June 5, 1841, Boon's Lick Times [Fayette, MO] page 3, The Mormons,
June 5, 1841, Boon's Lick Times [Fayette, MO] page 3, War!--The Mormons,
June 26, 1841, New-York Tribune, page 2, The Mormons,
December 11, 1841, The Radical., page 3, The Mormons,
Charter. Ordinances,
June 8, 1842, Jeffersonian Republican., page 2, Prophet Rumored Dead,
Same newspaper. Same issue. Same page. One "Jo" is dead, Another "Joe" is bankrupt, and wishes he were. Even "Hiram's" name is misspelled.
June 8, 1842, Jeffersonian Republican., page 2, Joe Smith Files For Bankruptcy,
January 27, 1844, New-York Daily Tribune, page 1, Mormons and their Prophet-Legislation at Nauvoo-The Temple,
Charter. Ordinances.
Vol. III. No. 210.
The Mormons and their Prophet-Legislation at Nauvoo-The Temple.
Near The Temple of Nauvoo, Jan. 12, 1844.
To the Editor of the Tribune:
I take my pen to-day to give you some account of the Mormons and their Prophet--about whom much is said abroad, and but little known.
No one, unacquainted with this section of country, since 1937, can realize the extent to which its prosperity has been impeded, by the settlement of the Mormons amongst us, on leaving the scenes of their difficulties in Missouri. That section of country, embracing an extent of fifty miles, having the Des Moines Rapids arid the City of Nauvoo for its centre, possesses natural advantages, in my opinion, not equaled by any other of similar extent in the Mississippi Valley. At the date alluded to, this region was rapidly filling up with an enterprising, moral, and intelligent population : now, since the sojourn here of the ragamuffin imitation of Mahomet and his servile followers, an effectual stop has been put to emigration--excepting, indeed, such as is intended to swell the number of adherents to the fortunes of the Prophet. And it is not unreasonable that it should be so. It is not to be expected that peaceable and inoffensive citizens would desire for their neighbors a set of fanatics, whose fundamental doctrine is, that the Earth and its good things are theirs, and that they will shortly inherit them ; many of whom are not willing to await their appointed time, but proceed to take their portion from the Gentiles in advance.
I am far from casting reproach upon the whole body of the Mormon people. There are, doubtless, many exemplary and estimable citizens among them, whose chief aim is to live righteously, soberly, and godly, in this present world. Their greatest failing is in that they are yielding too implicit obedience to the mandates of a most wicked and corrupt man. But, after an intercourse of six or seven years with numbers of the sect, the unwilling conviction has been forced upon me--that a large number of them are evil- disposed men---men, who like their leaders, embraced Mormonism for the sake of more effectually preying upon their fellow men.
Of the Prophet himself, none who know him can respect him. They cannot respect him for his sincerity?for he cannot he sincere; he can. not be the victim of his own delusion. They cannot esteem him for his piety--lor he does not even profess to be pious--and he is notoriously the greatest blasphemer and railer in the
country. They cannot respect him for his talents--for he has none, he is uneducated and ignorant--possessing no more of the qualifications for a great Reformer (as he professes to be) than can be found in fifty grog-shop loafers in your city. Let me assure you and your readers, that this man is much more indebted to circumstances for the unenviable position he occupies, than to any ability of his own.
He has obtained a strong ascendancy over a mass of mind---uneducated and vicious, as it undoubtedly is. For this, as I have said, he is indebted to circumstances--and by the force of circumstances alone is he able to maintain it. His own people do not love or respect him. Many are jealous of his power ; and only submit to it because their present interest seems to require it. Even Sidney Rigdon, (who has been the main pillar of Mormonism, in its earlier days,) I am assured, is only waiting for a favorable opportunity to withdraw.
In Smith centres all power---spiritual and temporal, he is Prophet, Priest, President, (an office in the Church,) General, Mayor of the City, and Landlord.!
The organization of the City, under a Charter obtained from the Legislature of Illinois, is complete. They have a City Council, whose acts are but the echo of the Prophet's will.
I send you two specimens of their legislation. Both are now in full force in the city.
"An extra Ordinance for the extra case of Joseph Smith and others."
[Preamble--recounting Smith's difficulties with Missouri.]
Section I. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Nauvoo. according to the intent and meaning of Charter for the "benefit and convenience" of Nauvoo, that hereafter, if any person or persons shall come with process, demand or requisition founded upon the aforesaid Missouri difficulties to arrest said Joseph Smith, he or they shall be subject to be arrested by any officer of the city, with or without process, and tried by the Municipal Court upon testimony, and if found guilty, sentenced to imprisonment in the City Prison for Life, which convict or convicts can only be pardoned by the Governor, with the consent of the Mayor of said city.
Pass'd December 3, 1843
Joseph Smith, Mayor.
Willard Richards, Recorder.
What beautiful legislations! The pardoning power taken from the Governor!--and life imprisonment under a city ordinance!! Here is a less dangerous one:
"An Ordinance for the Health and Convenience of Travelers and other persons."
SECTION 1. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Nauvoo, that the Mayor of the City be and is hereby authorized to sell or give spirits, of any quantity, as he in his wisdom shall judge to be for the health, comfort, or convenience of such travelers or other persons, as shall visit his house from time to time.
Passed December 12, 1843.
Joseph Smith, Mayor.
Willard Richards, Recorder.
The sole intent of this ordinance is to give to the "Mayor of the City"---Joseph Smith---who, it will be recollected is a tavern-keeper, a monopoly of retailing liquors "to travelers and others" without license!!!
Should the Temple ever be finished, on the plan originally contemplated, it will be the most magnificent building in the West. But it will not be finished ! At the rate it has progressed, since its foundation stone was laid, it would require 20 years to complete it--and a sum of money not far short of half a million of dollars. I have good grounds for the opinion, that large sums, bestowed for that purpose, never have been, or will be, expended on that splendid monument of folly and wickedness. Yours, 'Westward Ho' !'
April 4, 1845, Vermont Watchman and State Journal, page 2, Nauvoo, It's Acquisition, Present State, Prospects, &c.,
Under a caption something like the above, I saw, in the Vt. Patriot of the 10th ult. an article from the "Transcript" (what Transcript does not appear) abounding in errors both of fact and opinion." As the Ed. Pat. seems indifferent about the correction of those errors, for the benefit of readers, I will correct some of them, especially those in relation to facts.
1. That article stated, that 'Nauvoo it situated at the foot of the lower Rapids, on the 'Father of waters' and accessible to the largest class of steam boats navigating that river." This is not true. Nauvoo is at the head of those Rapids, and therefore, not accessible to such boats.
2. That article stated, that "before the Mormons settled Nauvoo, the place had neither inhabitants nor dwellings." This is not true. It had been settled a good many years, though it was not a great place, as it never can be, from its location, as above described. It was once called 'Venus,' then 'Commerce,' before the Mormons came there ; and I have known many enterprising settlers who resided there before the Mormons as the Whites, Cutlers, Kimballs, Robinsons, Dr. Galland, Wells, &c. &c. As to the dwellings if the writer of the article in question had ever seen the stone houses which Rigdon, Smith and others occupied, when they first came from Missouri to Illinois, especially the splendid one occupied by Rigdon, he neither would have denied the existence nor value of 'dwellings' then on the present site of Nauvoo.
3. Again, said the article in hand, " each lot in Nauvoo has a house on it" or words to that effect. Such is not the fact. A good share of that "paper city" is yet wild woodland or Prairie.
4. The temple is spoken of in the article under review, as finished or nearly so, whereas its walls are but about half up, and sober, observant judges think it never will be completed. Indeed, candid men on the ground, think Smith neither cared nor hoped to see it finished, but set it afoot simply to keep his poor followers engaged in a common effort, humbling them by hard labor, and diverting their attention from his acts and tricks o deception, imposture and oppression.
5. As to the city's containing "10,000 inhabitants," as asserted by the article in question, good judges put the number at 8,000 at most---and doubt whether the population ever reached that height.
6. As to the Mormons continuing in Nauvoo permanently, as the article opines, let the loss of their leaders---their general paralysis, their starving state, and their dispersions testify.
8. That "Nauvoo will be a great city," as that article judges, whether the Mormons remain there or not, is a wild vagary, refuted or rendered improbable by the location of the place, the fall of property 300 percent since the death of the Smiths and all sound reasoning and common sense touching the matter.
I simply add, that it is alternately ludicrous and vexatious lo one acquainted with Nauvoo, the Mormon leaders, their operations, &c. to see so much falsehood, crude speculation and nonsense afloat in the papers in relation to them.
An Observer of the place and people.
September 29, 1886, Barbour County index., page 4, Land Office at Larned, Kans. Aug. 27, 1886,
Many transfer references to a Isaac H. Galland.
Barbour County index., November 13, 1907, Image 1, Obituary--Isaac H. Galland,
October 16, 1904, The Salt Lake Tribune, page 6, Departing From the Standards,
"Dr. Isaac Galland's generosity"
Origin of the Book of Mormon, by Theodore Schroeder,
December 1, 1907, The Salt Lake Tribune, Sunday Magazine page 34,
December 8, 1907, The Salt Lake Tribune, Sunday Magazine, page 40,
December 8, 1907, The Salt Lake Tribune, Sunday Magazine, page 41,
December 15, 1907, The Salt Lake Tribune, Sunday Magazine, page 40,
December 15, 1907, The Salt Lake Tribune, Sunday Magazine, page 41,
The Regulators and the Prairie Bandits: Vigilante Justice in the Rock River Valley, by Herbert S. Channick,
ArchivedDavenport, past and present : including the early history, and personal and anecdotal reminiscences of Davenport ; together with biographies, likenesses of its prominent men ; compendious articles upon the physical, industrial, social and political characteristics of the city ; full statistics of every department of note or interest, & c. (1858) by Wilkie, Franc B. (Franc Bangs), 1832-1892 [Davenport : Luse, Lane & Co.]
Historical encyclopedia of Illinois, by Bateman, Newton, Selby, Paul Kauffman, Horace G; Kauffman, Rebecca H, Chicago : Munsell Pub. Co. (1909)
May 12, 1875, Nashville Union and American., page 3, The Mormon Succession,
On Whom Shall the Mantle of Brigham Young Fall ?
Sidney Rigdon reigned for a brief period after Jo Smith's death, when he was suspended by Brigham Young, then fourth in power and finally expelled [from] the church and "delivered over to the buffeting of Satan."
Rigdon now lives at his old home in Allegheny county, New York. Rigdon was the inventor of the Mormon scheme, and by right, the mantle of his co-conspirator should have fallen on him. Cowdrey, who
transcribed the tablets, was also expelled for being too ambitious, and retired in virtuous indignation to his former home, near Kirtland. William Smith, the only surviving brother of Joseph made an effort to assume the Mormon togo, and his religious head was cut off. Joseph Smith, oldest of four legitimate sons of the prophet claimed to succeed his father as head of the church and he met the same fate. Young Joseph was at last accounts living near Nauvoo with his mother, and still claims his inheritance. He is not a polygamist and denies the genuineness of that "revelation" to his father. In view of Brigham Young's extreme age, 74, and failing health, his successor to the Presidency of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is looked forward to with much interest---several factions claiming the same by divine inheritance, and in this probable contention, let us hope that the fabric of the "Mormon Empire," based on fraud and superstition, and founded by scheming impostors may crumble to atoms and thus be the means of its own downfall.
Sidney Rigdon reigned for a brief period after Jo Smith's death, when he was suspended by Brigham Young, then fourth in power and finally expelled [from] the church and "delivered over to the buffeting of Satan."
Rigdon now lives at his old home in Allegheny county, New York. Rigdon was the inventor of the Mormon scheme, and by right, the mantle of his co-conspirator should have fallen on him. Cowdrey, who
transcribed the tablets, was also expelled for being too ambitious, and retired in virtuous indignation to his former home, near Kirtland. William Smith, the only surviving brother of Joseph made an effort to assume the Mormon togo, and his religious head was cut off. Joseph Smith, oldest of four legitimate sons of the prophet claimed to succeed his father as head of the church and he met the same fate. Young Joseph was at last accounts living near Nauvoo with his mother, and still claims his inheritance. He is not a polygamist and denies the genuineness of that "revelation" to his father. In view of Brigham Young's extreme age, 74, and failing health, his successor to the Presidency of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is looked forward to with much interest---several factions claiming the same by divine inheritance, and in this probable contention, let us hope that the fabric of the "Mormon Empire," based on fraud and superstition, and founded by scheming impostors may crumble to atoms and thus be the means of its own downfall.
November 16, 1876, Nebraska advertiser, page 4, "Mormonism Unveiled," and How It Came to be Written--The First Mormon Society,
March 30, 1877, The State Journal (Jefferson City, Mo.) page 6, John D, Lee As Our Neighbor,
The notorious John D. Lee said in his Confession that he lived with the Mormons at Far West, in Caldwell county, the second county east of this city. Two years ago the Herald published a full history ot the Mormon settlement in this part of the State, and a few facts will not be uninteresting now.
November 16, 1876, Nebraska advertiser, page 4, "Mormonism Unveiled," and How It Came to be Written--The First Mormon Society,
March 30, 1877, The State Journal (Jefferson City, Mo.) page 6, John D, Lee As Our Neighbor,
The notorious John D. Lee said in his Confession that he lived with the Mormons at Far West, in Caldwell county, the second county east of this city. Two years ago the Herald published a full history ot the Mormon settlement in this part of the State, and a few facts will not be uninteresting now.
Far West was in the western part of Caldwell county, and was selected by the Mormons for a home in 1836. The county was organized in December of that year from a part of Ray county. John Whitmer was the Mormon who selected the locution. The leading Mormons who soon came there were Joseph Smith, Hiram Smith, John Carroll. Sidney Rigdon, Edward Patridge, W. W. Phelps, Philo Dibble, Elias Higbee, Oliver Cowdry, John Cleminson, John Daley and David Whitmer. Their converts settled all over the county.
Far West was their commercial center, and became the county-seat, but the settlements extended into Livingston, Daviess and Clinton counties. In 1839 the town contained about 3,000 people. In 1838 the corner-stone of a temple was laid, but the building was never erected. Many desperadoes and thieves were
drawn to Far West and its vicinity, and they roamed through the country plundering at will. This led to retaliation, mob violence, and many dark and bloody crimes.
In 1839 Governor Boggs ordered Maj. Gen. David R. Atchison to call out the militia to enforce the laws and put down the insurgents. The first brigade, under command of Gen. Alex. W. Doniphan, proceeded to the seat of war. G. W. Hinkle commanded about 1,000 Mormons. There was a skirmish between them and General John B. Clark's forces on Crooked Creek, in the southwest part of the county, but the principal fight was at Haun's Mills, five miles south of the present town of Breckenridge. The militia made the attack, killed eighteen Mormons and captured 125.
When the militia appeared at Far West, where the principal Mormon forces were gathered, Joseph Smith surrendered, agreeing to Gen. Doniphan's conditions that they should deliver up their arms, surrender their prominent leaders for trial, and that the rest of the Mormons should leave the State. Indictments were
found against Joseph Smith, Hiram Smith. Sidney Rigdon and others. A change of venue was granted, and while the prisoners were being taken from Liberty to Columbia they escaped. The other Mormons, about 4,000 in all, removed to Nauvoo. In 1842 the County seat was removed from Far West to Kingston.
The Mormon settlement in Jackson county was made in 1830. They were forced to leave there in 1833, and crossed the river on the third of November of that year. St. Joe Herald.
September 13, 1877, Fayetteville Observer., page 1, (Cincinnati Enquirer) Obituary. Brigham Young,
September 7, 1877, The Princeton Union., (MN) page 2, Death of Brigham Young,
October 31, 1909, The Salt Lake Herald-Republican., Society-Music, Page 5, Image 33, Genealogical Society To Give Old-Fashioned Ball,
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