Wednesday, February 15, 2012

1900-1909 News Articles

1900-1909 News Articles

Feb. 17, 1900, NYT, City's Jurisdiction Limited.

April 11, 1900, Rochester Democrat Chronicle. Page 1, Column 6, Pan-American Architect
Albany, April 10.—In answer to an inquiry from State Architect Heins, as to whether the board of managers had the right to select an architect to prepare plans and specifications and to supervise the construction of the state building for the Pan-American Exposition at Buffalo, Attorney-General Davis to-day gave it as his opinion that such matters rightly come under the jurisdiction of the state architect, provided he had the force to do them. In the event that he could not arrange to take charge of the matter, then the board of managers would be authorized to select an architect.

May 26, 1901, New York Times, "DONGAN ACTS" RESTORED.; Papers of New York's Colonial Days Returned to the State by Massachusetts. ALBANY, May 25. -- The "Dongan Acts," so called, were restored to the State of New York yesterday for deposit among her archives, by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, consist of loose separate sheets of parchment, eight in number. They are engrossed acts passed during the years 1687-88, bearing the signatures of Tho. Dongan, the then Governor of the Province of New York, and sundry of his Councilors.

July 17, 1901, Oswego Daily Times, NO CONTRACT GIVEN, Local Normal Board Not Satisfied with Plans for Heating.
Opening of Bids Deferred for Another Week—Architect Heins Says Plans Are Satisfactory, but Will Send One of His Attaches to This City.
(Special to the Times)
ALBANY, July 17.—Half a dozen bidders for the work of renovating the Oswego State Normal School were in attendance at the State Department of Public Instruction yesterday afternoon, the date fixed for 
opening the bids. Nothing was done in the matter, however, and probably the opening of the bids will be deferred until another week.

Received a Protest.

It seems that Deputy Superintendent of Public Instruction Danforth S. Ainsworth lately received from the Building Committee of the Oswego Board of Public Education a protest against the manner in which the
plans for the proposed work had been drawn by State Architect Heins. The committee, in their communication to the State Department, alleged that according to the plans the heating and lighting facilities to be provided would be altogether unsatisfactory. Architect Heins is not disposed to agree with the committee's view of the matter. After a talk with Mr. Ainsworth, however, he consented to send one of his attaches to Oswego to look into the criticisms passed upon the plans, and to see what can be done to bring about a condition of concord among all concerned. It is his belief that the plans as drafted by
him, will be found to be entirely satisfactory.

Principal Poacher stated this morning that the local board of the Normal had objected to the plans and they were not considered as up to date as they might be and that the sending of an architect here was in accordance with the Board's suggestion. He said that the Board wanted to be courteous with the State Department but felt that as the ainpunt of money to be expended in the improvements is considerable that the work should be modern in every repect
The representative from the architect's office is expected here in a day or two to look into the matter. 

July 18, 1901, Wyoming County Times, Laws of New York State--By Authority.

For painting and other incidental repairing necessary to the preservation of the buildings and premises in charge of the superintendent of public buildings, and to be expended in his discretion, the sum of five thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary.

For additional new flooring, painting, concreting, furnishing and further necessary labor and expenses, for the completion of the improvement and betterment of  Geological and Agricultural hail, to be expended in the discretion of the superintendent of public buildings, with the approval of the state architect, the sum of four thousand five hundred dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary. For the repairing, improvement and renovation of the toilet room on the first floor south side of the capitol, and the ladies' toilet room adjacent thereto and for the necessary repairing of other toilet rooms in the capitol, the sum of, two thousand six hundred dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary. For repairing the sidewalks and driveways about the executive mansion, and for furnishings to replace those worn out or broken, the sum of three thousand five hundred dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary. For raking out joints and caulking and pointing up the same and for cleaning the granite work generally on the. east, north and south approaches of the state capitol, the sum of three thousand dollars or so much thereof as may b e necessary. For compensation of the secretary to the trustees of public buildings, one thousand dollars. For carpets and furnishings for the senate chamber, the lieutenant-governor's anteroom, the senate finance committee room, one passageway and three lobbies connected with the senate, the sum of four thousand two hundred dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary. For alterations, additions, building of cases and partitions, plumbing, decorating, furnishing, electric lighting and all other necessary labor and materials, to equip rooms in the state capitol for the state tax commission, the state commission of prisons, the fish, forest and game commission, the civil service commission, the department of labor and the state architect, made necessary by the consolidation' of state departments, the sum of ten thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary. For extending a mezzanine floor over the assembly elevators, in the state capitol, connected with the rear lobby of the assembly chamber, and raising the present cases therein, and all other necessary labor and materials, the sum of ten hundred and. fifty dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary.

July 19, 1901, Penn Yan Democrat, State Laws, No. 4. Page 2, Column 5, 
Building. For salary of janitor, nine hundred dollars; watchman, eight hundred forty dollars; two messengers at six hundred dollars and five hundred forty dollars respectively; clerk, four hundred eighty dollars; and for services of elevator men, porters, laborers and cleaners, for the care and cleaning of the regents office, college and high school departments, state library and other rooms occupied by the university of the state of New York in the basement, on the first, third, fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh floors of the capitol, eight thousand five hundred dollars; for power and for running two elevators and for necessary repairs, fittings and supplies, to be paid on vouchers duly authenticated by the regents as for their other expenses, five thousand five hundred forty dollars; for new shelving and for new card catalog case, two thousand dollars. Column 6, State Library. For salary of senior librarian, two thousand four hundred dollars; law librarian, two thousand one hundred dollars; education Iibrarian, two thousand one hundred dollars; reference librarian, two thousand dollars; director's assistent, one thousand eight hundred, dollars; sociology librarian, one thousand, eight hundred dollars; archivist (manuscript division), one thousand two hundred dollars; sub-librarian (reference) one thousand two hundred sixty dollars; head cataloger, one thousand two hundred dollars; head classifier, one thousand two hundred dollars; sub-librarian (accession), one thousand two hundred dollars; one assistant, one thousand two hundred dollars; two assistants, nine hundred dollars each; two assistants, eight hundred forty dollars each; three assistants and one shelf clerk, seven hundred twenty dollars each; one clerk, six hundred sixty dollars; four  clerks, one messenger and one page, six hundred dollars each; one clerk, five hundred forty dollars; one sub-cataloger and six clerks, four hundred eighty dollars each; seven clerks, three hundred sixty dollars each; and for temporary services and for keeping the library open evenings and holidays (except July and August), and for maintaining the duplicate department, and for fittings supplies, printing, and for other expenses pursuant to chapter three hundred seventy-eight of the laws of eighteen hundred and ninety-two, three-thousand two hundred dollars, of which sum not more than two thousand dollars shall be used for temporary services; also fees of one thousand dollars or so much thereof as may be received in this account, involving no expense  to the state under section forty-nine of chapter three hundred seventy-eight of the laws of eighteen hundred and ninety-two.
For books, serials and binding, pursuant to chapter three hundred and seventy-eight of the laws of eighteen hundred and ninety-two, eighteen thousand seven hundred dollars, of which sum not more than thirty-six hundred dollars shall be used in paying for services of binders and other persons necessarily employed in binding books. For the state medical library, for books, serials and binding and other expenses of maintenance exclusive of salaries, pursuant  to chapter three hundred seventy-seven of the laws of eighty hundred and ninety-one, two thousand dollars. For books to be lent free to the blind of the state, one thousand dollars

Dec. 24, 1901, The Rome Citizen, Page 4, Former Roman's Success.
Mayor-elect Gauss of Albany has chosen Edward B. Cantine of Albany, formerly of this city, as commissioner of public safety for that city and he will assume his duties on the first of January. The salary of the office is $3,500 a year and the duties include the supervision of the police, fire and health departments. Next to the office of mayor it is considered the highest in the city. Mr. Cantine's numerous friends in this city will be pleased to learn of his appointment. 

December 17, 1902, The Sryacuse Journal, Page 1, Column 3, Odell in Rochester
ALBANY, Dec. 17.—Governor Odell went to Rochester Iast night with the other members of the board authorized by law to acquire a site for the State Industrial school now located in Rochester. With the Governor were Comptroller Miller, State Engineer Bond, State Architect Heins, Fiscal Supervisor Bender and Vice-President Stoddard of the State. Board of Charities.Governor Odell will review the Seventieth regiment in New York city Friday night.

Jan. 28, 1905, NYT, State Charities Board After Architect Heins. Blames Him for Delays in Completion of Buildings.

August 24, 1905, Albany Evening Journal, Page 1, CAPITOL CLERKS HAD A LUCKY ESCAPE MONDAY, [Posted to Blogger]
Portion of Ceiling in Record Room of Agricultural Department Crashed to Floor.
Supports Had Been Removed Some Years Ago --No Effect on Rest of Building

The fact that the ceiling in the record room of the state agricultural department at the capitol had fallen Monday afternoon of this week, and that the lives of the clerks employed there had been in jeopardy, was not generally known around the big building until this morning. Coming as it does so closely on the discovery that the Assembly staircase was not in the safest condition, the employes throughout the structure are having not a little concern about their safety.

That no one was under the heavy masonry when it fell was fortunate, and the five clerks employed there, one of whom is a woman, have good reason to be thankful. The room is on the south side of Commissioner Wieting's department, on the second floor, and faces Washington avenue, being about thirty foot square, with a handsome groined arch ceiling about 30 feet high. The portion that collapsed me assured, about three feet and was bulky information.

As soon as the crash occurred the clerks were hurried from the department and Superintendent Hill of the department of public buildings was summoned. His workmen made an investigation and as a result the room is now closed for an indefinite   period. Experts say the collapse is purely a local one and has no bearing whatever on the fact that some parts of the building are believed to be  decaying.
If the room had been left as it was originally constructed the collapse would not have been possible.

The peculiar formation of the ceiling made it essential to have pillars of masonry supporting it when it was erected in the early stages of the capitol construction, but about 12 or 15 years ago the four central piers were removed to make room for filing cases, which were built against the walls, with a gallery running around the upper part to make the records up there easy of access. The removal of the main supports naturally weakened the heavy ceiling, which remained intact only through its solidity.

These fact were not apparent to Commissioner Wieting or anyone else in office in recent years, as the filing cases hid all evidence that the piers had been removed. That the whole ceiling and not dropped before is miraculous as it is at present nothing more than a web gridironed by huge cracks and fissures. The gallery caught the most of the plaster and stone that fell, and this was another fortunate thing, for it gave the clerks chance to leave the room.

The room is directly under the Assembly chamber, and with the constant traffic overhead during the session it is difficult to conceive how the ceiling kept in place. It was the general opinion among those who witnessed the gaping hole to-day that if the tons of masonry had fallen together the debris would have crashed through the floor and gone through the ceiling of the first floor.

Without delay superintendent Hill got in communication with McCaffrey & Hughes, local contractors, and their men ran up a substantial temporary structure to hold the ceiling in place.
The work of taking down the ceiling began to-day. State Architect Heins made an inspection and is already at
Continued on second page.

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work on plans for a ceiling that when put in place will be safe and substantial in every respect it is probable, in view of recent developments, the next Legislature will direct a thorough overhauling of the building. During the work of repairing, another room has been placed at the disposal of Commissioner Wieting.

January 28, 1906, New York Times, BOARD UP CAPITOL, FEARING A DISASTER;
Serious Defects in $24,000,000 Structure at Albany. COMPLETE SURVEY NECESSARY
Higgins Administration Disturbed by Prospect of Having White Elephant on Its Hands. BOARD UP CAPITOL, FEARING A DISASTER
ALBANY, Jan. 27. -- That the fruits of twenty-six years of political jugglery and chicanery on the State's $24,000,000 Capitol building have not been all garnered developed to-day.

January 30 1906, Auburn Journal, Page 1, ASSEMBLY STAIRCASE TO BE EXAMINED CLOSELY, [Posted to Blogger]

Investigation Will be Under Direction of State Architect Heins -- Ap­proaches Barred Up to Protect the Public
Albany, Jan. 29—A thorough investigation of the condition of the assembly staircase will be made immediately to ascertain the exact cause of the cracks and other evidences of disturbance ap­parent in that structure. This will be done under the direction of State Archi­tect Heins. Determination will also be leached as to the necessary steps to be taken to correct the defects. When this is done the legislature will be called upon to provide for the work.

State Architect Heins, accompanied by former Deputy State Engineer Herschel Roberts and Engineer Fitzgerald, who investigated the condition of the stair­case in 1887, after which it was be­lieved to have been rendered completely stable, made an examination today. William Barclay Parsons and Daniel E. Moran, the expert engineers of New York city, who made the examination last week and upon whose recommendation the staircase has been closed to the public, will return here within a few days to begin an exhaustive inves­tigation. Governor Higgins and those directly concerned do not believe that there is any immediate danger, the clos­ing up of the assembly approaches, which was completed today, being sim­ply a precaution to the public and the employes of the building.

A story was in circulation in the capitol today to the effect that the calling in of the expert engineers followed a report that an employe of the building had heard a load report in the cellar followed by a crushing sound and that investigation showed that the walls at this point had opened up about an inch. This was two weeks ago. Governor Hig­gins today stated that he had heard nothing of such an incident.

"When was the condition of the stair­case called to your attention?" Govern­or Higgins was asked.

"Several months ago I had the mat­ter called to my attention and I ob­served the cracks in the lower part of the staircase," replied the governor.

Continuing he said: "At a meeting of the trustees about two weeks ago we called in Mr. Heins and asked him to make a report. Later Mr. Heins asked me if he could employ expert engineers and I told him, if he wanted any assistance in that direction to go ahead. He secured the services of Mr. Parsons and Mr. Moran of New York city and on their report to him, the trustees on Saturday decided to have the staircase closed as a precaution.

"The cost of removing and rebuilding the staircase has not been considered. The first thing to do is to determine where and why the structure is weak. It is very regrettable, but it is one of those things that we have to meet. Mr. Heins, the State Architect, is in charge of the matter and from what he tells me I am convinced that there is no dan­ger of other portions of the structure being affected."

February 4, 1906, NYT, State Capitol Repairs. Architect Heins Recommends Immediate Expenditures of $3,000.

February 5, 1906, Boston Evening Transcript, To Open Stairway, Danger in Albany Capitol Now Minimized

February 28, 1906, The Fredonia Censor, page 4, Normal School Charges.
The Buffalo Express is after State Architect Heins and Tuesday morning gave several columns attacking the bills he allowed in constructing the State Normal School building at Fredonia. It is charged that he allowed $32,000 for extras at very liberal prices. Fortunately the Local Board of managers had no voice in any of the allowances. Heins took every power away from them under the law creating the office of State Architect, so the controversy does not specially interest anybody in Fredonia.

September 12, 1906, The Wyoming County Times, Supplement, State Laws No. 4. Page 6, Column 6,
For the compensation of the secretary to the trustees of public buildings, one thousand dollars ($1,000). 
For the extraordinary repairs and ordinary maintenance of the senate house at Kingston, to be expended in the discretion of the superintendent of public buildings, three hundred dollars ($300), or as much thereof as may be necessary.
For painting and other incidental repairing and furnishings necessary to preserve and renew the buildings, premises and property in charge of the superintendent of public buildings, and to be expended in his discretion, five  thousand dollars ($5,000), or so much thereof as may be necessary.
The sum of fifty thousand dollars (re. $50,000), being the unexpended balance of an appropriation made by chapter seven hundred and twenty-eight, laws of nineteen hundred and four, for lighting and necessary fixtures and appliances therefor, or as much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby reappropriated for the same purposes. 
For new carpets or other suitable covering for the floors of the senate chamber and lobbies, and the assembly chamber and lobbies, six thousand two hundred and fifty dollars ($6,250). 
For repairs to veranda and roof of the executive mansion, one thousand dollars ($1,000). 
For replacing the water pipe system in capitol park, one thousand  two hundred dollars ($1,200). 
For removing about thirty-two feet of masonry from the top of the main capitol tower, forty-eight thousand dollars ($48,000). 
For removing the present columns and piers on the first floor of the assembly staircase and replacing—the same, fifty thousand dollars ($50,000)

September 12, 1906, The Wyoming County Times, Supplement, State Laws No. 4. Page 6, Column 1,
For the purchase for the state library thirty-nine original muster rolls and lists of men in the service of the New York colony during the French and Indian war and prior to the Revolutionary war, five hundred dollars ($500), or so much thereof as may be necessary. 

September 12, 1906, The Wyoming County Times, Supplement, State Laws No. 4. Page 6, Column 2,
The sum of one thousand and eight dollars and sixteen cents ($1,800.16), being a portion of the unexpended balances of the appropriations made by chapter seven hundred and two of the laws of nineteen hundred and four and chapter seven hundred of the laws of nineteen hundred and five, for services of employees of the state architect's office, is hereby reappropriated for compensation of employees in said office during the current fiscal year. 

For services and expenses of expert engineer in making examination and report on ventilation of the assembly chamber, adjoining rooms and corridors of the capitol, three hundred and fifty dollars ($350), or so much thereof as may be necessary. 

The sum of one thousand dollars, being a portion of the unexpended balance of appropriation made by chapter six hundred and ninety-nine of the laws of nineteen hundred and five for services of assistant chief draftsman in the office of the state architect, is hereby reappropriated for draftsmen and tracers in the same office

October 16, 1907, New York Times, Franklin B, Ware of This City is Appointed by Gov. Hughes.
ALBANY, Oct. 15,--Gov. Hughes this afternoon appointed Franklin B. Ware of New York City to be State Architect, in place of George L. Heins, recently deceased.
The salary is $7,500 and the State Architect holds office at the pleasure of the Governor.
Mr. Ware is a graduate of Columbia University, a member of the firm of James E. Ware & Son, architects, and the director of a realty company. He was a member of the Board of Alderman for four years prior to 1905 and is a corporal of the Seventy-first New York Regiment and a member of the Republican Club. He is 34 years old.

Published: July 11, 1908, New York Times, STATE PRISON PLANS ASSAILED BY WARE
The State Architect and Mr. Burrows of the Minority Board Attack Beardsley Designs. 
MANY ERRORS, THEY SAY Competitors Whose Plans Complied with the Conditions May Sue to Break State Board's Award.

July 22, 1909, Lowville Journal Republican, 
In an Interview He Gives His Reasons for Tendering His Resignation to Superintendent Daniel W. Cahill.
A despatch from Albany under date of July 19th says: Announcement was made to-day by Daniel W. Cahill, State Superintendent of Public Buildings, that his deputy, Milton W. Holt, of Lowville, has tendered his resignation and it has been accepted. The position pays an annual salary of $2,500.

Mr. Holt was allowed $1,000 additional by the Capitol Commissioners, making the salary, $3,500. The resignation of Mr. Holt takes effect July 31. The Albany Argus has an article a column and a half in length concerning the circumstances. Mr. Holt's resignation was worded as follows: "In view of the fact of the decrease in the Salary of the Deputy Superintendent of Public Buildings, as suggested by yourself, and the further fact that my business interests at home will be best served by my being there and attending to them personally, I hereby tender my resignation as such Deputy Superintendent of Public Buildings, taking effect July 31. 1909." -Superintendent Cahill gave out a statement announcing that "there is no friction between himself and Mr. Holt, but, on the contrary, they sever their official relations with the most friendly feeling on both sides, and that any rumor reflecting upon Mr. Holt's integrity and honesty in office are unfounded."

The Argus says that the removal of Holt was brought about by Boss Barnes of Albany, who has many henchmen employed in the State buildings, who did not like Holt because he made them work. Governor Hughes, Lieutenant-Governor White and Speaker Wadsworth are the trustees of the State Capitol and it is intimated that White and Wadsworth will put in Holt's place a man of machine affiliations. In an interview Mr. Holt is quoted as saying: "Superintendent Cahill and I had a pleasant interview and parted in a perfectly friendly manner. I explained everything to him and he acknowledged my explanation to be satisfactory. As a matter of fact, the department owed me $2.52, which was paid, instead of my having property and money belonging to it and the State. As to that carpet charge, all there is to that I bought 65 yards of old Wilton carpet, which had been in the Capitol about 20 years, I should judge, at an auction sale the department had a year ago. The bolt of carpet was knocked down to me at $10, and I paid for it. I shipped it home, to be used on a camp flooring. The record of that sale, it seems, has been lost. Mr. Hazelton, of the department, says he can find none of them. But as soon as I received this bill (here Mr. Holt exhibited the bill sent to him from the department, charging him various things and one item for 65 yards of Wilton carpet at $1 a yard) I had the carpet rolled up and reshipped to Albany. That is the roll of carpet which it may be said I restored. But when I explained to Superintendent Cahill and proved that I had bought the carpet at the auction sale the $10 was refunded to me. So that is all there is to that transaction. I also acknowledged owing the department $2.48 for some rope, to be used as halyard. I ordered that rope bought to replace some cut from a school flagstaff by some boys last Halloween, as my boy was implicated in the prank. The order given for the rope was charged to the department, and not over to me on the books, as it should have been. To offset that, however, I presented a bill against the department for postage for office business that I had paid, and which was acknowledged was owed to me $252 and thus we settled it.

"Another item in the charges of property belonging to the State possessed by me was one for a special leather cushion costing $21.06. I never had that cushion but merely had it made according to an order brought to me from the Senate clerk's office with a design and specifications as to how it should be made. I understood it was for Senator Allds; further than that I know nothing about it and have never had it. I so convinced Superintendent Cahill and that is not now charged against me.

"It is fully a year ago that I told Superintendent Cahill that if at any time he wanted my resignation he could have it. I have never been desirous of remaining in the department. I have business interests enough outside to fully occupy my time. I have had the reputation of knowing how to handle a body of men and keep them to work, and I think my career in the department of public buildings has shown that I have done my duty. I would have resigned before had not they attempted to trump up charges against me and I withheld my resignation while under fire. I have secured from Superintendent Cahill a statement exonerating me from all the flimsy charges; I have made no restoration of any carpet as I explained, I bought the carpet for $10, and when they brought in a bill against me for $65 I returned the carpet and got my money back. The carpet is not worth a dollar a yard or anything like it. I desire to retain my reputation for honesty and integrity which is about all a man can get out of this world, and am here to answer all attempts to impeach my integrity. I may not have been popular. It does not seem to enhance one's popularity to make anybody work about the Capitol; possibly that is where I made my mistake. I have resigned, to take effect August 1, but do not resign under charges and have no confession to make. I have met Superintendent Cahill fairly and squarely, and entertain none but the best of feelings toward him."

Will Promote Subordinate.

Albany, July 21.—No appointment of a successor of Milton W. Holt, of Lowville, as Deputy Superintendent of Public Buildings has been made by Superintendent D. W. Cahill. Mr. Cahill has under advisement a plan by which the positions of present employes will be readjusted somewhat and the deputyship filled by the promotion of some man now on the force. Under this plan no new man will be taken on to the force to fill the place made vacent by Mr. Holt's resignation nor will anyone be appointed to take the place of the man advanced, but it is proposed to do the work for a time at least with the present force.

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