Wednesday, July 11, 2012

No Carr Futures on the 91st Floor, According to 7 Tenant's Lists.

7 With, and 7 Without--A Draw.

No Carr Futures on the 91st Floor, according to The Associated Press list.
List of World Trade Center tenants,
September 11, 2001 09:34 p.m. EDT

No Carr Futures on the 91st Floor, according to the USA Today list.
09/12/2001 - Updated 02:09 AM ET
World Trade Center - north tower tenants

No Carr Futures on the 91st Floor, according to The Boston Globe
WTC Tenants List 9-12 18:21:50
One World Trade Center tenants
[Sources: CoStar Group Inc.; compiled from AP wire reports.]

No Carr Futures on the 91st Floor, according to CNN list
September 13, 2001, 11:28:27 a.m.

No Carr Futures on the 91st Floor, according to The Guardian,
September 14, 2001, The Guardian, "Grim roll call of the companies located in World Trade Centre,"

No Carr Futures on the 91st Floor, according to BBC News
September 15, 2001, 13:33:44 1:33 p.m.

No Carr Futures on the 91st Floor, according to the Crain's Lists
Crain's WTC Tenants North Tower List
[ date October 14, 200122:25:55]

There IS a Carr Futures on the 91st Floor, according to The Associated Press
September 12, 2001, 02:42:52

There IS a Carr Futures on the 91st Floor, according to
The following is a list of tenants of One and Two World Trade Center and their suite numbers, as of Feb. 2, 2001. One and Two World Trade Center Mixed

There IS a Carr Futures on the 91st Floor, according to Team8Plus
[Revised January 27, 2003]
This is the only list to inform us that Carr Future occupied one-half floor.

There IS a Carr Futures on the 91st Floor, according to The Washington Post
The Washington Post WTC Tenants List 1 & 2, (A-K)
Page cannot be crawled or displayed due to robots.txt.

There IS a Carr Futures on the 91st Floor, according to the Forbes list.
Sept. 15, 2001, Forbes, World Trade Complex Tenants
September 14, 2001, 6:49 PM ET [First web capture 9-15-01, 10:24:01]

There IS a Carr Futures on the 91st Floor, according to the World Trade Aftermath list.
1 WTC (North) Tenants by Floor
[Please view our Companies A to Z list.]

There IS a Carr Futures, according to Dun & Bradstreet,
Dun & Bradstreet World Trade Center Business Listing

There ISCarr Futures on the 91st Floor, according to the Let's Roll FOIL list
A thread at Let's Roll Forum announced
LETS ROLL PRESS RELEASE: World Trade Center Occupancy FOIA * 1972-2001,
CARR FUTURES, INC. 1WTC 92 9201 2/1/1998 1/31/2014
been there for three years and eight months.

Tenant Name Bldg Floor Suit...
LOWER MANHATTAN CULTURAL COU 1WTC 91 9165 8/12/1998 12/31/1999
TRIANGLE ARTS ASSOCIATION, LTD 1WTC 91 9111 10/1/1998 10/31/1998   
NEW JAPAN SECURITIES INTERNATI 1WTC 91 9133 8/1/1994 12/31/2003
NEW JAPAN SECURITIES INTERNATI 1WTC 91 123 5/1/1994 12/31/2003
MUTUAL INTERNATIONAL FORWARD 1WTC 91 121 2/1/1995 12/31/1999
NEW JAPAN SECURITIES RESEARCH 1WTC 91 9151 6/1/1990 01/31/1997
MEYERS POLLOCK ROBBINS INC. 1WTC 91 9153 2/1/1997 01/31/1999   
FUKONG SECURITIES, INC. 1WTC 91 9151 8/1/1998 7/31/2008
SMART WORLD TECHNOLOGIES 1WTC 91 9127 12/1/1998 10/31/2008
AMERICAN BUREAU OF SHIPPING 1WTC 91 9165 12/13/1999 09/30/2008
BAND-X, INC. 1WTC 91 9133 11/1/2000 09/30/2008  
SHEARSON/LEHMAN BROS 2WTC 106 10602 9/1/1980 8/31/2002

Triangle Arts Association
A new york based non-profit arts organization

Bowles Corporate Services
Carr Futures, 
The World Trade Center Register Part 3
The World Trade Center Register, Part 6
WTC Leases - News Articles

List of tenants in One World Trade Center - The North Tower also known as Tower 1, Building One or 1 WTC of the World Trade Center in New York City was completed and opened in 1972 at a height of 417 m 1,368

WTC Response Update: Governor Pataki Announces Partnership To Help New York City Businesses In Need Of Office Space." CoStar Group.
CoStar group WTC Info (Archive)
"List of World Trade Center tenants." CNN. (Archive)
Verified lists on
World Trade Center Tenant Relocation Summary on
Cantor, Tradespark, eSpeed Family Information Center - Cantor Fitzgerald
Remembering Our Colleagues - Marsh and McLennan Companies
World Trade Center Tragedy: Information for Families, Friends and ColleaguesMarsh and McLennan Companies

September 15, 2001,
CoStar Group Reports Adequate Supply of NYC Office Space to House Most Displaced WTC Tenants
Click here for analysis on displaced WTC tenants
Click here for World Trade Center Disaster Alternative Space Listings
Click here for WTC Building/Tenant Info & Photographs

Related news stories:
Recession Risk High
Brookfield Says Buildings Next to WTC are OK
Costliest Man-Made Disaster
Aid in Relocating WTC Tenants
"The Bastards Finally Brought it Down"
Losses of Enormous Magnitude

September 15, 2001, 05:04:12
Relocation Options for Displaced WTC Tenants

Downloadable versions of these charts:
Relocation Options for Displaced WTC Tenants
Buildings Included in Our Analysis of Displaced Tenants

㰡 䑏 䍔 Huan 䔠 䡔 䵌 ⁐ Nou 䱉 䌠 ∭ ⼯ Chun 䌯 ⽄ Ge⁈ Yun 䰠 㐮 〠 bared consider Hui Ying tide Create an account ⼯ 䕎 ∾ ഊ 㱈 Yun 䰾 ഊ 㱈 䕁 䐾 ഊ ़ 䵅 Jun ⁣ tide Wen Pan 㴢 Wen Hua ⽨ Overall Le ⁣ radial Mu whole 㵵 Breast - feeding unwinding Tang ∠ rafter Rose ⵥ Nan Jie 㵃 tide Wen Pan ⵔ Gao put ഊ ़ Ying Liu put 䍯 but Man ⁃ tide Tu Song 㰯 Ying Liu put ഊ ़ Veterinary things Hong  Lvchuhuiban ≊ celebrate Piao volume Yu Zhuo the ⁴ Gao Ban ≴ the number Quanxiangchishou matter Hong ∠ by the pull «the celebration Qianjuanyugun Lu Shi 潷 offer the Sheng ∾ 㰯 Veterinary things the Hong 㸍 ਉ 㱬 Chu to to owe the Fang boil for a short ≓ Tu Jixiejiaozhuo ⁨ Fang lucent ≣ angry dog ⽭ Lian 渮 Yue Hu the ⁴ Gao Ban ≴ Shuguanyuehu 㸍 ਼ ⽈ 䕁 䐾 ഊഊ 㱢 Run Cizhidaohong-cool | 〰, 〰 〰 ∠ Ji Qingbomuchu 㴲 ⁴ collapse gushing, animal husbandry, mulberry 㴲  Chu Chin | 〰 〰 〰 Create an account the Yang the Zai ≣ Xiawen Mi 㸍 ਉ 㱣 support Wen Seoul ∠ the ringworm Chu Chin | 〰 〰 〰 the ∠ Create an account Chu Chin | 〰 〰 〰 the ∠ Bomuchuqiao Yang the rafter 㴢 (iii)  the the Man Mahunsongjin 㴢 (iii) 㸍 ਼ Mount Barren ഊ † 㱴 slow Ji ⁢ pigwash Tang Shuang 〠 Wan Jing hunting used to mulberry rust 〠 Wan Jinglanqiangchu rotten 〠 executive unwinding Hong cool | dark dark dark ∠ mongoose Zhi Ban ≈ 䕉 䝈 Ru `㘷 moxibustion 㬠 Tun 䑔 䠺 ‸ 〰 moxibustion ∾ ഊ † † 㱴 Seoul ഊ † † † 㱴 daub executive unwinding Hong cool | 〰 〰 〰 ∾ ഊ † † † † 㱴 slow Ji ⁢ pigwash Tang Shuang 〠 Wan Jing hunting used to mulberry rust 〠 Wan Jing Lan chrome mulberry rust 〾 ഊ † † † † † 㱴 Seoul ഊ † † † † † † 㱴 Shuo Lu metric ton plant ㈱ 〾 ഊ उउउ़ 䥍 䜠 pull Mang knock 㴰 ⁨ Xiao Yang Du 㤰 ⁳ fill up 㴢 䥭 Hui Ai ⽃ tide Tu Song ⹧ last ∠ Lu metric ton plant ㈳ 㐾 ഊ उउउ 㰯 Yao 㸍ਠ † † † † †! Yao ⁡ Mi Fei 㵲 Yang rafter ⁷ Aralia - jin 㴵 㘱 ⁶ Create an account Yangzailanglan ഊ उउउ़ bland quince Dun 㴢 rafter Rose 㨯 ⽣ Tu Shi, animal husbandry revolves around different ⹣ Tan ⽥ Xiao radial Bay branch ∠ Shi, animal husbandry, the whole 㴢 shaped sewage marsh ∾ ഊ उउउ़ 䥍 䜠pull Mang knock 㴰 ⁨ Xiao Yang Du 㘰 ⁳ fill up 㴢 industry Hui Ai ⽢ 〵 㤳 ⹧ last ∠ Lu metric ton the plant 㐶 㠾 ഊ उउउ़ ⽡ 㸍 the ਉ उउ़ ⽴ virgin ഊ † † † † † 㰯 tinkling of gems 㸍 ਠ † † †! ⽴ slow Ji 㸍 ਠ † †! ⽴ virgin 㸍 ਠ † ഊ † † 㰯 tinkling of gems! The tinkling of gems 㸍 ਠ † †! The Yao 㸍 ਠ † † †! Shi Yang Mi pull Mang knock 㴰 the ⁷ ⁣ respect elata - jin 㴷 㜵 Henan Province Lan transition Chung 㴰 ⁣ respect elimination Harcourt Mount Chung 㴰 㸍 ਠ † † † †! Tinkling of gems 㸍 ਠ † † † † †! Yao ⁷ Aralia - jin 㴶 〰 ⁢ the Shanshan pigwash 㴢 ⍦ Zhecheng 〢  潷 Muyingfuqian the Ming ≨ Yitang the Han ∾ the ♮ pull Dai ♮ the pull Dai 䑥 Man ⁃ Hui the Shiju 䍯 submerged San Tian 䝵 Ai the Joan ⽴ virgin ഊ † † † † † 㰯 tinkling of gems 㸍 ਠ † † † †! Tinkling of gems 㸍 ਉ उउ़ Yao ⁷ Aralia - jin 㴢 㜰 〢 ⁢ Shanshan pigwash 㴢 ⍦ dark dark Po ⁶ Create an account Yang Zai ≴ collapse ∠ Tang Xing Wei 㸍 ਉ उउउ 㱴 slow Ji ⁢ pigwash Tang Shuang 〠 Wan Jing Lan chrome mulberry rust ㄰ ⁣ King Henan Province Lan transition Bay㴰 ⁨ Xiao Yang Du ∱ 〰 ┢ ⁷ Aralia - jin 㴹 〰 㸍 ਉ उउउ़ tinkling of gems 㸍 ਉ उउउउ 㱴 Shuo Lu metric ton plant ∱ 〰 ┢ ⁶ Create an account Yang Zai Lang Ying Fu saving Ming ≶ knock Wa ∾ ഊ उउउउउ 䥦 ⁹ San ⁷ knock Mi bland 䍯 but Man ⁃ tide Tu Song ⁳ completion of Veterinary objects Alto, Ju Zhen Qing pine She stabbed the radial disease ⁡ pound Ai Ceon Lang ⁡ Jing  Yingjinmogu mongoose Chu Ying Chu King Si deterrence Dun Drainage tide ⁴ bridge Jiao ⁰ revolves group of springs contravene 楥 offer ഊ उउउउउ 㱰㹐 Ji saving Mi picking Jing ⁴ bridge  Yu Alto, Ju tide ⁴ bridge ⁲ Yang rafter ⁦ pigwash ⁴ casual cup frieze Create an account ⁡ angry dog ​​Mei Shi Zhimin Nang ഊ उउउउउ 㱰 㹔 radial marsh ⁹ San ⸼ monitor 㸍 ਉ उउउउ़ Lan 㱁 ⁣ sewage angry dog ​​㵬 mulberry owed the quince Dun 㴢 rubber crazy Veterinary things the Hong 㩨 Mei Lang Special ⹧ Feng ⴱ ⤢ 㹃 the confused palpable ⁨ to to hit the Han ⽁ 㸠 Lang ⁲ whole the She Drainage Lang ⁴ bridge askance the ⁰ Hui Mi the knock Mi Zhen Qing picking up wet ⁦ the revolves Tao 㰯 Lan † † † ഊ उउउउ़ ⽴ virgin ഊ उउउउ़ Yao ⁶ Create an account Yang Zai Lang Ying Executive unwinding Hong cool | night is play ∠ Fu saving Ming ≶ knock Wa ∾ 䙯 Ju Wu Fang ⁩ Sheng pigwash gushing Ying tide ਉ उउउउ़ ℭ ⵁ ⁣ sewage angry dog ​​㵬 mulberry owe quince Dun 㴢 䵥 Dou knock independence Yu ⹡ hunting ∾ Fu-mei owe bridge Fang 㰯 䄭 ⴾ ഊ उउउउउ pick Jing ⁵ Ceon deterrence 㨍 ਉ उउउउ़ Qin 㸍 ਉ उउउउ़ 䥍 䜠 bridge Yang rafter 㴳 〰 ⁳ fill up 㴢 industry Hui Ai ⽳ completion of Veterinary things prettily ⹧ last ∠ mongoose Zhi Ban ≈ 䕉 䝈Ru "〰 moxibustion ∠ Lu metric ton plant ㈱ 㔠 㸍 ਉ उउउउ 㰯 Yao 㸍 ਉ उउउ़ ⽴ Seoul ഊ उउउ़ ⽴ slow Ji 㸍 ਉ उउ़ ⽴ virgin ഊ उउ़ ⽴ Seoul ഊ † † † † 㰯 Shi Yang put ഊ † † † 㰯 Yao 㸍 ਠ †! ⽴ Seoul ഊ † † 㱴 Seoul ഊ † † † 㱴 Shuo Lu metric ton plant ∱ 〰 ┢ ⁢ Shan Shan pigwash 㴢 ⌰ 〰 〰 〢 㸍 ਉ उ़ Shi Yang Mi pull Mang knock 㴰 ⁷ Aralia - jin 㴢 ㄰ 〥 ∠ Wan Jing hunting used to mulberry rust 〠 Wan Jing Lan chrome mulberry rust ㌾ ഊ उउ़ tinkling of gems 㸍 ਉ उउ़ Yao 㸍 ਉ उउउ 㱦 tide Tian Asr Wan 㴢 disease Mang consider Si ⁳ Rou Ban ∱ ∠ unwinding Hong cool | dark dark dark ∾ ഊ उउउऱ 㤹 㤭 ​​the date 〱 ⁃ Hui Shi Ju 䝲 San Lai⁉ San ⸠䅬 Shen things Young luster of gems ⁲ Ai knock disease Lead-free ഊ उउउ़ ⽦ tide Jie ഊ उउउ 㰯 Yao 㸍 ਉ उउ़ Yao ⁡ Mi Fei 㵲 Yang rafter ⁣ sewage angry dog ​​㴢 Yi left foot to consider angry dog ​​Yu Fang Yang 㸍 ਉ उउउ 㱁 ⁣ sewage angry dog ​​㵦 Xun Wen Ju quince Dun 㴢Wensixianqian Wei Zhimin confused palpable 㴢 Mount  Veterinary crucible Wei ❴ knock Yi ⹡ hunting ✩ 㭲 whole She Drainage Asr Henan Province attack ∠ Shi, animal husbandry, the whole Line Tu congregation Ran Si Ceon flooded ⁕ Jiao 㰯 anger ഊ उउउ़ ℭ ⵁ ⁣ sewage angry dog ​​㵦 Xun Wen Ju the quince Dun 㴢 bedside stand wet ⽌ Min Create an account 䍯 Pan used to Cong saving Wei 㹃 tide Shi Song ⁕ Bo ⽡ ⴭ 㸍 ਉ उउ़ ⽴ virgin ഊ उउ़ ⽴ Seoul ഊ उउ 㰯 Shi Yang put ഊ उ़ ⽴ virgin ഊ † † 㰯 tinkling of gems 㸍 ਠ! ⽴ slow Ji 㸍 ਉ㰯 Wanban knock 㸍 ਼ Use the Jie 㸍 ਼ ⽢ Run community ഊ 㰯 the the rafter miles 㸍 ਍ to

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