Box 1
Box 2
Box 3
Box 4
Box 5
Box 5A
Box 6
Box 7
Box 8
Box 9
Box 10
Box 11
Box 12
Box 12A
Box 13
Box 14
Box 15
Box 16-17
Box 18
Box 19-20
Complete Index (Adobe Acrobat, 362K)
JFK Collection (91-001)
Beers, Jack
05A 01 022
22. Report to Chief J. E. Curry, by P. G. McCaghren. Report concerning an interview with Dallas Morning News photographer Jack Beers regarding photographs taken by him of the shooting of Lee Harvey Oswald, (Photocopy), 12/05/63. 00001694 1 page 05A 01 022
14 02 01616. Report to Chief J. E. Curry, by P. G. McCaghren. Report concerning an interview with Dallas Morning News photographer Jack Beers regarding photographs taken by him of the shooting of Lee Harvey Oswald, (Photocopy), 12/05/63. 00003053 1 page 14 02 016 3053-001.gif
12 49 003
3. Photograph, by an unknown author. Photograph of a camera (very poor quality, image is hardly visible), negative number 91-001/289 and 91-001/290, (Photographic Image: Size 8" X 10"), date unknown. 00004187 1 page 12 50 003 4187-001.gif
3. Photograph, by Jack Beers. Photograph of Jack Ruby shooting Lee Harvey Oswald and subsequent photographs. Reprints are not available for these images due to copyright restrictions, (Photographic Image: Size 5" X 7"), 11/24/63. 00004184 14 pages 12 49 0034184-001.gif
14 02 085
85. Report to Chief J. E. Curry, by P. G. McCaghren. Report concerning an interview with KRLD-TV/CBS camera man Robert Hankel concerning the shooting of Lee Harvey Oswald, (Photocopy), 12/05/63. 00003125 1 page 14 02 085 3125-001.gif
Chicago Tribune
18 06 011
11. Criminal Intelligence Report, by W. S. Biggio. Report to Captain W. P. Gannaway through Lt. Jack Revill with attached Chicago Tribune clipping dated November 26, 1963 with headline: "Agents link Ruby to slain Chicagoans", (Original Signed), 12/11/63. 00003796 2 pages18 06 011
13 05 035
City Hall Basement
07 10 032
32. Inventory, by an unknown author. Inventory of photographs reconstructing the transfer of Lee Harvey Oswald, (Photocopy), date unknown. 00002298 1 page 07 10 032 2298-001.gif
12 29 001
1. Photograph, by an unknown author. Photograph of reconstruction of the shooting of Oswald - #1 jail office showing elevator door, negative number 91-001/162 and 91-001/403, (Photographic Image: Size 8" X 10"), 11/26/63. 00004125 4 pages 12 29 001
12 30 001
12 30 001
12 31 001
Box 12, Folder 32
1. Photograph, by an unknown author. Photograph of reconstruction of the shooting of Oswald - #4 City Hall basement showing southeast door to jail office, negative number 91-001/175 and 91-001/415, (Photographic Image: Size 8" X 10"), 11/26/63. 00004128 4 pages 12 32 001
4128-001.gif Box 12, Folder 32
1. Photograph, by an unknown author. Photograph of reconstruction of the shooting of Oswald - #4 City Hall basement showing southeast door to jail office, negative number 91-001/175 and 91-001/415, (Photographic Image: Size 8" X 10"), 11/26/63. 00004128 4 pages 12 32 001
12 32 001 4128-002.gif
12 32 001 4128-002.gif
12 36 001 4132-001.gif
12 47 001
12 47 002
2. Photograph, by an unknown author. Photograph reconstruction with Secret Service car and position with cones where 2nd and 3rd shots fired, negative number 91-001/125 and 97-001/396, (Photographic Image: Size 8" X 10"), 11/27/63. 00004174 4 pages 12 48 002 4174-001.gif
Dallas Morning News
13 04 042
14 01 003
14 01 004
14 02 016
16 20 002
16 20 003
16 20 004
16 20 008
16 20 009
16 20 010
16 20 011
16 20 012
16 20 013
16 20 014
05A01 022
05A03 025
08 07 016
14 03 112
18 01 002
18 03 017
18 04 013
18 04 014
18 11 007
18 11 022
05 07 014
12 49 003
13 04 036
13 04 038
18 01 003
18 01 004
18 02 009
08 07 001
13 04 026
13 04 054
13 04 055
18 01 008
18 01 009
18 11 023
Dallas Times Herald
05A01 067
14 02 058
16 20 001
16 20 005
16 20 006
16 20 007
16 20 015
18 01 015
05A02 028
05A02 097
12 49 003
13 04 005
13 04 035
14 01 018
14 02 070
14 02 102
14 02 107
14 03 043
15 02 007
18 11 018
13 04 033
13 04 037
05A02 035
18 01 007
18 01 014
18 02 006
Dan Smoot Report
18 05 010
18 05 011
14 01 004
14 02 016
16 20 002
16 20 003
16 20 004
16 20 008
16 20 009
16 20 010
16 20 011
16 20 012
16 20 013
16 20 014
05A01 022
05A03 025
08 07 016
14 03 112
18 01 002
18 03 017
18 04 013
18 04 014
18 11 007
18 11 022
05 07 014
12 49 003
13 04 036
13 04 038
18 01 003
18 01 004
18 02 009
08 07 001
13 04 026
13 04 054
13 04 055
18 01 008
18 01 009
18 11 023
Dallas Times Herald
05A01 067
14 02 058
16 20 001
16 20 005
16 20 006
16 20 007
16 20 015
18 01 015
05A02 028
05A02 097
12 49 003
13 04 005
13 04 035
14 01 018
14 02 070
14 02 102
14 02 107
14 03 043
15 02 007
18 11 018
13 04 033
13 04 037
05A02 035
18 01 007
18 01 014
18 02 006
Dan Smoot Report
18 05 010
18 05 011
Dan Smoot Report, The
13 05 016
13 05 016
15 03 059
Finley, Bob
05A 01 081
81. Report to Chief J. E. Curry, by P. G. McCaghren. Report concerning an interview with Dallas Times Herald Reporter Bob Finley concerning the shooting of Lee Harvey Oswald, (Photocopy), 12/05/63. 00001839 1 page 05A 01 081
14 02 070
70. Report to Chief J. E. Curry, by P. G. McCaghren. Report concerning an interview with Dallas Times Herald Reporter Bob Finley concerning the shooting of Lee Harvey Oswald, (Photocopy), 12/05/63. 00003108 1 page 14 02 070 3108-001.gif
05A 02 03535. Report to Chief J. E. Curry, by P. G. McCaghren. Report concerning an interview with Dallas Times Herald photographer Robert Jackson regarding the shooting of Lee Harvey Oswald, (Photocopy), 12/05/63. 00001891 1 page 05A 02 035
15 03 059
Finley, Bob
05A 01 081
81. Report to Chief J. E. Curry, by P. G. McCaghren. Report concerning an interview with Dallas Times Herald Reporter Bob Finley concerning the shooting of Lee Harvey Oswald, (Photocopy), 12/05/63. 00001839 1 page 05A 01 081
14 02 070
70. Report to Chief J. E. Curry, by P. G. McCaghren. Report concerning an interview with Dallas Times Herald Reporter Bob Finley concerning the shooting of Lee Harvey Oswald, (Photocopy), 12/05/63. 00003108 1 page 14 02 070 3108-001.gif
05A 02 03535. Report to Chief J. E. Curry, by P. G. McCaghren. Report concerning an interview with Dallas Times Herald photographer Robert Jackson regarding the shooting of Lee Harvey Oswald, (Photocopy), 12/05/63. 00001891 1 page 05A 02 035
Fort Worth Press
06 08 002
Fort Worth Press
06 08 002
Fort Worth Star Telegram
18 08 007
18 05 030
Fort Worth Star Telegram
18 08 007
18 05 030
George Phenix
05A 02 099
Jackson, Bob
02 03 026
Machriella, Hank
05A 02 092
92. Report to Chief J. E. Curry, by C. C. Wallace. Report concerning an interview with Ike Pappas, WNEW‑Radio New York, regarding observations on November 24, 1963, (Photocopy Poor Quality), 12/11/63. 00001948 1 page 05A 02 092_______________________________________________________________________________
Box 14, Folder 1
21. Magazine Article, by Hugh Aynesworth. Photocopy of an article by Hugh Aynesworth, (Photocopy), 06/19/67. 00003011 3 pages 14 01 021 3011-001.gif 3011-002.gif 3011-003.gif
Box 14, Folder 2
1. Cover To Bound Notebooks - Front, by an unknown author. Front cover to notebook, (Original), date unknown. 00003035 1 page 14 02 001 3035-001.gif
2. List, by an unknown author. List of DPD personnel involved in the transfer of Lee Harvey Oswald includes a drawing of the crime scene area, (Photocopy), date unknown. 00003037 4 pages 14 02 002 3037-001.gif
3. Report to Chief J. E. Curry, by O. A. Jones. Introductory memo to Chief Curry for the report on the investigation of operational security for the transfer of Lee Harvey Oswald, (Photocopy), 12/19/63. 00003038 1 page 14 02 003 3038-001.gif
4. Report to Chief J. E. Curry, by J. H. Sawyer. Report to Chief Curry from the team investigating the operational security for the transfer of Lee Harvey Oswald, (Photocopy), 12/16/63. 00003039 11 page 14 02 004 3039-001.gif 3039-002.gif 3039-003.gif 3039-004.gif 3039-005.gif 3039-006.gif 3039-007.gif 3039-008.gif 3039-009.gif 3039-010.gif 3039-011.gif
5. List, by an unknown author. Used as an index or table of contents for remaining documents involving the security in transferring Oswald, (Photocopy), date unknown. 00003041 3 pages 4 02 005 3041-001.gif 3041-002.gif 3041-003.gif
05A 02 099
Jackson, Bob
02 03 026
Machriella, Hank
05A 02 092
92. Report to Chief J. E. Curry, by C. C. Wallace. Report concerning an interview with Ike Pappas, WNEW‑Radio New York, regarding observations on November 24, 1963, (Photocopy Poor Quality), 12/11/63. 00001948 1 page 05A 02 092_______________________________________________________________________________
Box 14, Folder 1
21. Magazine Article, by Hugh Aynesworth. Photocopy of an article by Hugh Aynesworth, (Photocopy), 06/19/67. 00003011 3 pages 14 01 021 3011-001.gif 3011-002.gif 3011-003.gif
Box 14, Folder 2
1. Cover To Bound Notebooks - Front, by an unknown author. Front cover to notebook, (Original), date unknown. 00003035 1 page 14 02 001 3035-001.gif
2. List, by an unknown author. List of DPD personnel involved in the transfer of Lee Harvey Oswald includes a drawing of the crime scene area, (Photocopy), date unknown. 00003037 4 pages 14 02 002 3037-001.gif
3. Report to Chief J. E. Curry, by O. A. Jones. Introductory memo to Chief Curry for the report on the investigation of operational security for the transfer of Lee Harvey Oswald, (Photocopy), 12/19/63. 00003038 1 page 14 02 003 3038-001.gif
4. Report to Chief J. E. Curry, by J. H. Sawyer. Report to Chief Curry from the team investigating the operational security for the transfer of Lee Harvey Oswald, (Photocopy), 12/16/63. 00003039 11 page 14 02 004 3039-001.gif 3039-002.gif 3039-003.gif 3039-004.gif 3039-005.gif 3039-006.gif 3039-007.gif 3039-008.gif 3039-009.gif 3039-010.gif 3039-011.gif
5. List, by an unknown author. Used as an index or table of contents for remaining documents involving the security in transferring Oswald, (Photocopy), date unknown. 00003041 3 pages 4 02 005 3041-001.gif 3041-002.gif 3041-003.gif
16. Report to Chief J. E. Curry, by P. G. McCaghren. Report concerning an interview with Dallas Morning News photographer Jack Beers regarding photographs taken by him of the shooting of Lee Harvey Oswald, (Photocopy), 12/05/63. 00003053 1 page 14 02 016 3053-001.gif
53. Affidavit In Any Fact-typed, by J. R. Davidson. Statement concerning the position of ABC-TV camera crew as witnesses to the murder of Lee Harvey Oswald, (Photocopy), 12/07/63. 00003091 3 pages 14 02 053 3091-001.gif 3091-002.gif 3091-003.gif
62. Report to Chief J. E. Curry, by P. G. McCaghren. Report concerning an interview with Dement Nolan
as a possible witness to the shooting of Lee Harvey Oswald, (Photocopy), 12/05/63. 00003100 1 page 14 02 062 3100-001.gif
69. Report to Chief J. E. Curry, by F. I. Cornwall. Report concerning an interview with Warren Ferguson, (Photocopy), 12/09/63. 00003107 1 page 14 02 069 3107-001.gif
70. Report to Chief J. E. Curry, by P. G. McCaghren. Report concerning an interview with Dallas Times Herald Reporter Bob Finley concerning the shooting of Lee Harvey Oswald, (Photocopy), 12/05/63. 00003108 1 page 14 02 070 3108-001.gif
78. Report to Chief J. E. Curry, by J. H. Sawyer. Report concerning a radio interview with Eva Grant by Joe Long, KRLD-Radio, (Photocopy), 12/04/63. 00003118 1 page 14 02 078 3118-001.gif
85. Report to Chief J. E. Curry, by P. G. McCaghren. Report concerning an interview with KRLD-TV/CBS camera man Robert Hankel concerning the shooting of Lee Harvey Oswald, (Photocopy), 12/05/63. 00003125 1 page 14 02 085 3125-001.gif
101. Report to Chief J. E. Curry, by Jack Revill. Report concerning an interview with Robert S. Huffaker, newsman for KRLD-TV regarding the shooting of Lee Harvey Oswald, (Photocopy), 12/09/63. 00003141 1 page 14 02 101 3141-001.gif
102. Report to Chief J. E. Curry, by Jack Revill. Report concerning an interview with Dallas Times Herald reporter David Hughes concerning his report on Ruby's access to the City Hall basement A copy of Hughes' notes are part of this report, (Photocopy), 12/11/63. 0003142 4 pages 14 02 102 3142-001.gif 3142-002.gif 3142-003.gif 3142-004.gif
107. Report to Chief J. E. Curry, by P. G. McCaghren. Report concerning an interview with Dallas Times Herald photographer Robert Jackson regarding the shooting of Lee Harvey Oswald, (Photocopy), 12/05/63. 00003147 1 page 14 02 107 3147-001.gif
110. Report to Chief J. E. Curry, by F. I. Cornwall. Report concerning an interview with UPI Reporter Frank B. Johnston regarding his assignment on 11/24/63, (Photocopy), 12/09/63. 00003150 1 page 14 02 110 3150-001.gif
111. Report to Chief J. E. Curry, by C. C. Wallace. Report regarding request from DPD for UPI photographs of Ruby shooting Oswald, (Photocopy), 12/09/63. 00003151 1 page 14 02 111 3151-001.gif
115. Affidavit In Any Fact-typed, by Seth Kantor. Statement regarding a conversation with Jack Ruby at Parkland Hospital November 22, 1963 and other information concerning Mr. Kantor's assignment November 24, 1963, (Photocopy), 12/04/63. 00003155 2 pages 14 02 115 3155-001.gif 3155-002.gif
121. Report to Chief J. E. Curry, by C. C. Wallace. Report concerning an interview with KRLD-TV video monitor Fritz Kuler regarding video tape recording of the shooting of Oswald, length of video indicated as 56 seconds, (Photocopy), 12/09/63. 00003161 1 page 14 02 121 3161-001.gif
Box 14, Folder 3
4. Report to Chief J. E. Curry, by O. A. Jones. Report concerning an interview by Joe Long , KLIF Radio, with Eva Grant, (Photocopy), 12/04/63. 00003166 1 page 14 03 004 3166-001.gif
38. Report to Chief J. E. Curry, by C. C. Wallace. Report concerning an interview with Ike Pappas, WNEW-Radio New York, regarding observations on November 24, 1963, (Photocopy), 12/11/63. 00003203 1 page 14 03 038 3203-001.gif
43. Report to Chief J. E. Curry, by F. I. Cornwall. Report concerning an interview with Darwin Payne, Reporter Dallas Times Herald, regarding an article on the shooting of Lee Harvey Oswald,(Photocopy), 12/11/63. 00003208 2 pages 14 03 043 3208-001.gif 3208-002.gif
44. Affidavit In Any Fact-typed, by Francois Pelou. Statement as a witness to the murder of Lee Harvey Oswald, (Photocopy), 12/07/63. 00003209 1 page 14 03 044 3209-001.gif
45. Report to Chief J. E. Curry, by P. G. McCaghren. Report concerning an interview with George Phenix, KRLD-TV, regarding the shooting of Lee Harvey Oswald, (Photocopy), 12/05/63. 00003210 1 page 14 03 045 3210-001.gif
57. Report to Chief J. E. Curry, by C. C. Wallace. Report on an interview with Warren Rickey, camera crew for WBAP-TV concerning activities of Jack Ruby on the morning of November 24, 1963, (Photocopy Poor Quality), 12/18/63. 00003222 1 page 14 03 057 3222-001.gif
64. Report to Chief J. E. Curry, by P. G. McCaghren. Report concerning media coverage of the shooting of Lee Harvey Oswald, (Photocopy Poor Quality), 12/13/63. 00003229 1 page 14 03 064 3229-001.gif
72. Report to Chief J. E. Curry, by C. C. Wallace. Report on an interview with Johnnie Smith, camera crew for WBAP-TV concerning activities of Jack Ruby on the morning of November 24, 1963, (Photocopy Poor Quality), 12/18/63. 00003237 1 page 14 03 072 3237-001.gif
83. Report to Chief J. E. Curry, by C. C. Wallace. Report concerning an interview with John Tankersley, WBAP-TV, (Photocopy), 12/18/63. 00003248 1 page 14 03 083 3248-001.gif
86. Report to Chief J. E. Curry, by P. G. McCaghren. Report concerning an interview with Robert Thornton, WFAA news, includes typed transcript from tape, (Photocopy), 12/05/63. 00003251 2 pages 14 03 086 3251-001.gif 3251-002.gif
87. Report to Chief J. E. Curry, by C. C. Wallace. Report on an interview with David Timmons, camera crew for WBAP-TV concerning activity in the basement of City Hall prior to the shooting of Oswald on the morning of November 24, 1963, (Photocopy), 12/18/63. 00003252 1 page 14 03 087 3252-001.gif
90. Report to Chief J. E. Curry, by C. C. Wallace. Report on an interview with Jimmie Turner camera crew for WBAP-TV concerning activity in the basement of City Hall prior to the shooting of Oswald on the morning of November 24, 1963, (Photocopy), 12/18/63. 00003255 2 pages 14 03 090 3255-001.gif 3255-002.gif
118. Report to Chief J. E. Curry, by C. C. Wallace. Report listing members of the news media in the basement November 24, 1963 that had not been contacted by December 16, 1963, (Photocopy), 12/16/63. 00003283 1 page 14 03 118 3283-001.gif
Box14, Folder 4
1. Cover To Bound Notebooks - Front, by an unknown author. Front cover of bound notebook, (Original), date unknown. 00003285 1 page 14 04 001 3285-001.gif
2. Envelope, by an unknown author. Contents empty, (Original), date unknown. 00003286 1 page 14 04 002 3286-001.gif
3. Letter, by D. A. Byrd. Letter stating Dallas Police Department has no objections to the release of materials related to the Kennedy assassination under a Freedom of Information release, (Photocopy), 10/15/76. 00003287 1 page 14 04 003 3287-001.gif
4. List, by an unknown author. Page from habeas corpus docket listing Jack Ruby. Copy sent to the Secret Service, (Photocopy Poor Quality), date unknown. 00003288 1 page 14 04 004 3288-001.gif
5. Criminal Record, by an unknown author. Copies of the prior arrests of Jack Ruby sent to the Secret Service, (Photocopy Poor Quality), date unknown. 00003292 9 pages 14 04 005 3292-001.gif 3292-002.gif 3292-003.gif 3292-004.gif 3292-005.gif 3292-006.gif 3292-007.gif 3292-008.gif 3292-009.gif
6. Letter, by David Martin. Letter concerning release of DPD documents under FOIA request by Mark Lane, (Original), 09/27/76. 00003293 2 pages 14 04 006 3293-001.gif 3293-002.gif
7. List, by an unknown author. Statement sending two folders on the transfer of Lee Harvey Oswald to the Secret Service, (Photocopy), date unknown. 00003294 1 page 14 04 007 3294-001.gif
8. Report-typed, by Chief J. E. Curry. Report to the City Manager concerning the assassination. Copy sent to the Secret Service, (Photocopy), 12/19/63. 00003295 5 pages 14 04 008 3295-001.gif 3295-002.gif 3295-003.gif 3295-004.gif 3295-005.gif
9. Report to Chief J. E. Curry, by Charles Batchelor. Lists assignments of DPD personnel for the visit of the President, (Photocopy), date unknown. 00003296 15 pages 14 04 009 3296-001.gif 3296-002.gif 3296-003.gif 3296-004.gif 3296-005.gif 3296-006.gif 3296-007.gif 3296-008.gif 3296-009.gif 3296-010.gif 3296-011.gif 3296-012.gif 3296-013.gif 3296-014.gif 3296-015.gif
10. Report to Chief J. E. Curry, by Charles Batchelor. Report by Assistant Chief and Deputy Chiefs summarizing the events between the assassination of Kennedy and the murder of Lee Harvey Oswald, (Photocopy), 11/30/63. 00003297 35 pages 14 04 010 3297-001.gif 3297-002.gif 3297-003.gif 3297-004.gif 3297-005.gif 3297-006.gif 3297-007.gif 3297-008.gif 3297-009.gif 3297-010.gif 3297-011.gif 3297-012.gif 3297-013.gif 3297-014.gif 3297-015.gif 3297-016.gif 3297-017.gif 3297-018.gif 3297-019.gif 3297-020.gif 3297-021.gif 3297-022.gif 3297-023.gif 3297-024.gif 3297-025.gif 3297-026.gif 3297-027.gif 3297-028.gif 3297-029.gif 3297-030.gif 3297-031.gif 3297-032.gif 3297-033.gif 3297-034.gif 3297-035.gif
11. Radio Traffic Transcript, by an unknown author. Transcript of radio traffic from President's arrival at Love Field to the arrest of Lee Harvey Oswald. Copy sent to the secret service, (Photocopy), 11/22/63. 00003298 82 pages 14 04 011 3298-001.gif 3298-002.gif 3298-003.gif 3298-004.gif 3298-005.gif 3298-006.gif 3298-007.gif 3298-008.gif 3298-009.gif 3298-010.gif 3298-011.gif 3298-012.gif 3298-013.gif 3298-014.gif 3298-015.gif 3298-016.gif 3298-017.gif 3298-018.gif 3298-019.gif 3298-020.gif 3298-021.gif 3298-022.gif 3298-023.gif 3298-024.gif 3298-025.gif 3298-026.gif 3298-027.gif 3298-028.gif 3298-029.gif 3298-030.gif 3298-031.gif 3298-032.gif 3298-033.gif 3298-034.gif 3298-035.gif 3298-036.gif 3298-037.gif 3298-038.gif 3298-039.gif 3298-040.gif 3298-041.gif 3298-042.gif 3298-043.gif 3298-044.gif 3298-045.gif 3298-046.gif 3298-047.gif 3298-048.gif 3298-049.gif 3298-050.gif 3298-051.gif 3298-052.gif 3298-053.gif 3298-054.gif 3298-055.gif 3298-056.gif 3298-057.gif 3298-058.gif 3298-059.gif 3298-060.gif 3298-061.gif 3298-062.gif 3298-063.gif 3298-064.gif 3298-065.gif 3298-066.gif 3298-067.gif 3298-068.gif 3298-069.gif 3298-070.gif 3298-071.gif 3298-072.gif 3298-073.gif 3298-074.gif 3298-075.gif 3298-076.gif 3298-077.gif 3298-078.gif 3298-079.gif 3298-080.gif 3298-081.gif 3298-082.gif
12. Radio - Call Sheet, by an unknown author. Lists various codes used for radio communication. Copy sent to the Secret Service, (Photocopy), date unknown. 00003300 1 page 14 04 012 3300-001.gif
13. Property Clerks Invoice or Receipt, by an unknown author. Copies of Property Clerk's receipts sent to the Secret Service, (Photocopy Poor Quality), date unknown. 00003301 25 pages 14 04 013 3301-001.gif 3301-002.gif 3301-003.gif 3301-004.gif 3301-005.gif 3301-006.gif 3301-007.gif 3301-008.gif 3301-009.gif 3301-010.gif 3301-011.gif 3301-012.gif 3301-013.gif 3301-014.gif 3301-015.gif 3301-016.gif 3301-017.gif 3301-018.gif 3301-019.gif 3301-020.gif 3301-021.gif 3301-022.gif 3301-023.gif 3301-024.gif 3301-025.gif
14. Note-typed, by James P. Hosty. Copy of the note concerning property given to James Hosty, Special Agent, FBI. Copies sent to the Secret Service, (Photocopy Poor Quality), 11/27/63. 00003302 1 page 14 04 014 3302-001.gif
15. Cover To Bound Notebooks - Back, by an unknown author. Back cover to notebook of copies sent to the Secret Service, (Original), date unknown. 00003303 2 pages 14 04 015 3303-001.gif 3303-002.gif
16. Report-typed, by an unknown author. Statements and reports in possession of the U. S. Secret Service. Photocopies of other reports concerning the transfer of Oswald are in box 5A and box 14 folder 02 and 03, (Photocopy Poor Quality), date unknown. 00003291 186 pages 14 05 016 3291-001.gif 3291-002.gif 3291-003.gif 3291-004.gif 3291-005.gif 3291-006.gif 3291-007.gif 3291-008.gif 3291-009.gif 3291-010.gif 3291-011.gif 3291-012.gif 3291-013.gif 3291-014.gif 3291-015.gif 3291-016.gif 3291-017.gif 3291-018.gif 3291-019.gif 3291-020.gif 3291-021.gif 3291-022.gif 3291-023.gif 3291-024.gif 3291-025.gif 3291-026.gif 3291-027.gif 3291-028.gif 3291-029.gif 3291-030.gif 3291-031.gif 3291-032.gif 3291-033.gif 3291-034.gif 3291-035.gif 3291-036.gif 3291-037.gif 3291-038.gif 3291-039.gif 3291-040.gif 3291-041.gif 3291-042.gif 3291-043.gif 3291-044.gif 3291-045.gif 3291-046.gif 3291-047.gif 3291-048.gif 3291-049.gif 3291-050.gif 3291-051.gif 3291-052.gif 3291-053.gif 3291-054.gif 3291-055.gif 3291-056.gif 3291-057.gif 3291-058.gif 3291-059.gif 3291-060.gif 3291-061.gif 3291-062.gif 3291-063.gif 3291-064.gif 3291-065.gif 3291-066.gif 3291-067.gif 3291-068.gif 3291-069.gif 3291-070.gif 3291-071.gif 3291-072.gif 3291-073.gif 3291-074.gif 3291-075.gif 3291-076.gif 3291-077.gif 3291-078.gif 3291-079.gif 3291-080.gif 3291-081.gif 3291-082.gif 3291-083.gif 3291-084.gif 3291-085.gif 3291-086.gif 3291-087.gif 3291-088.gif 3291-089.gif 3291-090.gif 3291-091.gif 3291-092.gif 3291-093.gif 3291-094.gif 3291-095.gif 3291-096.gif 3291-097.gif 3291-098.gif 3291-099.gif 3291-100.gif 3291-101.gif 3291-102.gif 3291-103.gif 3291-104.gif 3291-105.gif 3291-106.gif 3291-107.gif 3291-108.gif 3291-109.gif 3291-110.gif 3291-111.gif 3291-112.gif 3291-113.gif 3291-114.gif 3291-115.gif 3291-116.gif 3291-117.gif 3291-118.gif 3291-119.gif 3291-120.gif 3291-121.gif 3291-122.gif 3291-123.gif 3291-124.gif 3291-125.gif 3291-126.gif 3291-127.gif 3291-128.gif 3291-129.gif 3291-130.gif 3291-131.gif 3291-132.gif 3291-133.gif 3291-134.gif 3291-135.gif 3291-136.gif 3291-137.gif 3291-138.gif 3291-139.gif 3291-140.gif 3291-141.gif 3291-142.gif 3291-143.gif 3291-144.gif 3291-145.gif 3291-146.gif 3291-147.gif 3291-148.gif 3291-149.gif 3291-150.gif 3291-151.gif 3291-152.gif 3291-153.gif 3291-154.gif 3291-155.gif 3291-156.gif 3291-157.gif 3291-158.gif 3291-159.gif 3291-160.gif 3291-161.gif 3291-162.gif 3291-163.gif 3291-164.gif 3291-165.gif 3291-166.gif 3291-167.gif 3291-168.gif 3291-169.gif 3291-170.gif 3291-171.gif 3291-172.gif 3291-173.gif 3291-174.gif 3291-175.gif 3291-176.gif 3291-177.gif 3291-178.gif 3291-179.gif 3291-180.gif 3291-181.gif 3291-182.gif 3291-183.gif 3291-184.gif 3291-185.gif 3291-186.gif
Box14, Folder 6
1. Report-typed, by an unknown author. Statements and reports in possession of the U. S. Secret Service., Photocopies of other reports concerning the transfer of Oswald also found in box 5A and box 14 folder 02 and 03, (Photocopy Poor Quality), date unknown. 00003299 130 pages 14 06 001 3299-001.gif 3299-002.gif 3299-003.gif 3299-004.gif 3299-005.gif 3299-006.gif 3299-007.gif 3299-008.gif 3299-009.gif 3299-010.gif 3299-011.gif 3299-012.gif 3299-013.gif 3299-014.gif 3299-015.gif 3299-016.gif 3299-017.gif 3299-018.gif 3299-019.gif 3299-020.gif 3299-021.gif 3299-022.gif 3299-023.gif 3299-024.gif 3299-025.gif 3299-026.gif 3299-027.gif 3299-028.gif 3299-029.gif 3299-030.gif 3299-031.gif 3299-032.gif 3299-033.gif 3299-034.gif 3299-035.gif 3299-036.gif 3299-037.gif 3299-038.gif 3299-039.gif 3299-040.gif 3299-041.gif 3299-042.gif 3299-043.gif 3299-044.gif 3299-045.gif 3299-046.gif 3299-047.gif 3299-048.gif 3299-049.gif 3299-050.gif 3299-051.gif 3299-052.gif 3299-053.gif 3299-054.gif 3299-055.gif 3299-056.gif 3299-057.gif 3299-058.gif 3299-059.gif 3299-060.gif 3299-061.gif 3299-062.gif 3299-063.gif 3299-064.gif 3299-065.gif 3299-066.gif 3299-067.gif 3299-068.gif 3299-069.gif 3299-070.gif 3299-071.gif 3299-072.gif 3299-073.gif 3299-074.gif 3299-075.gif 3299-076.gif 3299-077.gif 3299-078.gif 3299-079.gif 3299-080.gif 3299-081.gif 3299-082.gif 3299-083.gif 3299-084.gif 3299-085.gif 3299-086.gif 3299-087.gif 3299-088.gif 3299-089.gif 3299-090.gif 3299-091.gif 3299-092.gif 3299-093.gif 3299-094.gif 3299-095.gif 3299-096.gif 3299-097.gif 3299-098.gif 3299-099.gif 3299-100.gif 3299-101.gif 3299-102.gif 3299-103.gif 3299-104.gif 3299-105.gif 3299-106.gif 3299-107.gif 3299-108.gif 3299-109.gif 3299-110.gif 3299-111.gif 3299-112.gif 3299-113.gif 3299-114.gif 3299-115.gif 3299-116.gif 3299-117.gif 3299-118.gif 3299-119.gif 3299-120.gif 3299-121.gif 3299-122.gif 3299-124.gif 3299-125.gif 3299-126.gif 3299-127.gif 3299-128.gif 3299-129.gif 3299-130.gif
2. Cover To Bound Notebooks - Back, by an unknown author. Back cover to notebook, (Original), date unknown. 00003304 1 page 14 06 002 3304-001.gif
Link to Main list of boxes
113. Note-typed, by an unknown author. Excerpt from recording of an interview with Chief Curry concerning the transfer of Oswald, (Photocopy), date unknown. 00003278 1 page 14 03 113 3278-001.gif
114. Report to Chief J. E. Curry, by Jack Revill. Report concerning an investigation of Jack Ruby's activities prior to the shooting of Lee Harvey Oswald, (Photocopy), 11/29/63. 00003279 1 page 14 03 114 3279-001.gif
Sheet1 - The Harold Weisberg Archive
Items 1 - 26 - ... Inventory created by Dallas Police Department/Records Division of...... witness to the murder of Lee Harvey Oswald by a journalist for ABC-TV, 1, 01281...... interview with Dallas Times Herald reporter David Hughes concerning ...
53. Affidavit In Any Fact-typed, by J. R. Davidson. Statement concerning the position of ABC-TV camera crew as witnesses to the murder of Lee Harvey Oswald, (Photocopy), 12/07/63. 00003091 3 pages 14 02 053 3091-001.gif 3091-002.gif 3091-003.gif
62. Report to Chief J. E. Curry, by P. G. McCaghren. Report concerning an interview with Dement Nolan
as a possible witness to the shooting of Lee Harvey Oswald, (Photocopy), 12/05/63. 00003100 1 page 14 02 062 3100-001.gif
69. Report to Chief J. E. Curry, by F. I. Cornwall. Report concerning an interview with Warren Ferguson, (Photocopy), 12/09/63. 00003107 1 page 14 02 069 3107-001.gif
70. Report to Chief J. E. Curry, by P. G. McCaghren. Report concerning an interview with Dallas Times Herald Reporter Bob Finley concerning the shooting of Lee Harvey Oswald, (Photocopy), 12/05/63. 00003108 1 page 14 02 070 3108-001.gif
78. Report to Chief J. E. Curry, by J. H. Sawyer. Report concerning a radio interview with Eva Grant by Joe Long, KRLD-Radio, (Photocopy), 12/04/63. 00003118 1 page 14 02 078 3118-001.gif
85. Report to Chief J. E. Curry, by P. G. McCaghren. Report concerning an interview with KRLD-TV/CBS camera man Robert Hankel concerning the shooting of Lee Harvey Oswald, (Photocopy), 12/05/63. 00003125 1 page 14 02 085 3125-001.gif
101. Report to Chief J. E. Curry, by Jack Revill. Report concerning an interview with Robert S. Huffaker, newsman for KRLD-TV regarding the shooting of Lee Harvey Oswald, (Photocopy), 12/09/63. 00003141 1 page 14 02 101 3141-001.gif
102. Report to Chief J. E. Curry, by Jack Revill. Report concerning an interview with Dallas Times Herald reporter David Hughes concerning his report on Ruby's access to the City Hall basement A copy of Hughes' notes are part of this report, (Photocopy), 12/11/63. 0003142 4 pages 14 02 102 3142-001.gif 3142-002.gif 3142-003.gif 3142-004.gif
107. Report to Chief J. E. Curry, by P. G. McCaghren. Report concerning an interview with Dallas Times Herald photographer Robert Jackson regarding the shooting of Lee Harvey Oswald, (Photocopy), 12/05/63. 00003147 1 page 14 02 107 3147-001.gif
110. Report to Chief J. E. Curry, by F. I. Cornwall. Report concerning an interview with UPI Reporter Frank B. Johnston regarding his assignment on 11/24/63, (Photocopy), 12/09/63. 00003150 1 page 14 02 110 3150-001.gif
111. Report to Chief J. E. Curry, by C. C. Wallace. Report regarding request from DPD for UPI photographs of Ruby shooting Oswald, (Photocopy), 12/09/63. 00003151 1 page 14 02 111 3151-001.gif
115. Affidavit In Any Fact-typed, by Seth Kantor. Statement regarding a conversation with Jack Ruby at Parkland Hospital November 22, 1963 and other information concerning Mr. Kantor's assignment November 24, 1963, (Photocopy), 12/04/63. 00003155 2 pages 14 02 115 3155-001.gif 3155-002.gif
121. Report to Chief J. E. Curry, by C. C. Wallace. Report concerning an interview with KRLD-TV video monitor Fritz Kuler regarding video tape recording of the shooting of Oswald, length of video indicated as 56 seconds, (Photocopy), 12/09/63. 00003161 1 page 14 02 121 3161-001.gif
Box 14, Folder 3
4. Report to Chief J. E. Curry, by O. A. Jones. Report concerning an interview by Joe Long , KLIF Radio, with Eva Grant, (Photocopy), 12/04/63. 00003166 1 page 14 03 004 3166-001.gif
38. Report to Chief J. E. Curry, by C. C. Wallace. Report concerning an interview with Ike Pappas, WNEW-Radio New York, regarding observations on November 24, 1963, (Photocopy), 12/11/63. 00003203 1 page 14 03 038 3203-001.gif
43. Report to Chief J. E. Curry, by F. I. Cornwall. Report concerning an interview with Darwin Payne, Reporter Dallas Times Herald, regarding an article on the shooting of Lee Harvey Oswald,(Photocopy), 12/11/63. 00003208 2 pages 14 03 043 3208-001.gif 3208-002.gif
44. Affidavit In Any Fact-typed, by Francois Pelou. Statement as a witness to the murder of Lee Harvey Oswald, (Photocopy), 12/07/63. 00003209 1 page 14 03 044 3209-001.gif
45. Report to Chief J. E. Curry, by P. G. McCaghren. Report concerning an interview with George Phenix, KRLD-TV, regarding the shooting of Lee Harvey Oswald, (Photocopy), 12/05/63. 00003210 1 page 14 03 045 3210-001.gif
57. Report to Chief J. E. Curry, by C. C. Wallace. Report on an interview with Warren Rickey, camera crew for WBAP-TV concerning activities of Jack Ruby on the morning of November 24, 1963, (Photocopy Poor Quality), 12/18/63. 00003222 1 page 14 03 057 3222-001.gif
64. Report to Chief J. E. Curry, by P. G. McCaghren. Report concerning media coverage of the shooting of Lee Harvey Oswald, (Photocopy Poor Quality), 12/13/63. 00003229 1 page 14 03 064 3229-001.gif
72. Report to Chief J. E. Curry, by C. C. Wallace. Report on an interview with Johnnie Smith, camera crew for WBAP-TV concerning activities of Jack Ruby on the morning of November 24, 1963, (Photocopy Poor Quality), 12/18/63. 00003237 1 page 14 03 072 3237-001.gif
83. Report to Chief J. E. Curry, by C. C. Wallace. Report concerning an interview with John Tankersley, WBAP-TV, (Photocopy), 12/18/63. 00003248 1 page 14 03 083 3248-001.gif
86. Report to Chief J. E. Curry, by P. G. McCaghren. Report concerning an interview with Robert Thornton, WFAA news, includes typed transcript from tape, (Photocopy), 12/05/63. 00003251 2 pages 14 03 086 3251-001.gif 3251-002.gif
87. Report to Chief J. E. Curry, by C. C. Wallace. Report on an interview with David Timmons, camera crew for WBAP-TV concerning activity in the basement of City Hall prior to the shooting of Oswald on the morning of November 24, 1963, (Photocopy), 12/18/63. 00003252 1 page 14 03 087 3252-001.gif
90. Report to Chief J. E. Curry, by C. C. Wallace. Report on an interview with Jimmie Turner camera crew for WBAP-TV concerning activity in the basement of City Hall prior to the shooting of Oswald on the morning of November 24, 1963, (Photocopy), 12/18/63. 00003255 2 pages 14 03 090 3255-001.gif 3255-002.gif
118. Report to Chief J. E. Curry, by C. C. Wallace. Report listing members of the news media in the basement November 24, 1963 that had not been contacted by December 16, 1963, (Photocopy), 12/16/63. 00003283 1 page 14 03 118 3283-001.gif
Box14, Folder 4
1. Cover To Bound Notebooks - Front, by an unknown author. Front cover of bound notebook, (Original), date unknown. 00003285 1 page 14 04 001 3285-001.gif
2. Envelope, by an unknown author. Contents empty, (Original), date unknown. 00003286 1 page 14 04 002 3286-001.gif
3. Letter, by D. A. Byrd. Letter stating Dallas Police Department has no objections to the release of materials related to the Kennedy assassination under a Freedom of Information release, (Photocopy), 10/15/76. 00003287 1 page 14 04 003 3287-001.gif
4. List, by an unknown author. Page from habeas corpus docket listing Jack Ruby. Copy sent to the Secret Service, (Photocopy Poor Quality), date unknown. 00003288 1 page 14 04 004 3288-001.gif
5. Criminal Record, by an unknown author. Copies of the prior arrests of Jack Ruby sent to the Secret Service, (Photocopy Poor Quality), date unknown. 00003292 9 pages 14 04 005 3292-001.gif 3292-002.gif 3292-003.gif 3292-004.gif 3292-005.gif 3292-006.gif 3292-007.gif 3292-008.gif 3292-009.gif
6. Letter, by David Martin. Letter concerning release of DPD documents under FOIA request by Mark Lane, (Original), 09/27/76. 00003293 2 pages 14 04 006 3293-001.gif 3293-002.gif
7. List, by an unknown author. Statement sending two folders on the transfer of Lee Harvey Oswald to the Secret Service, (Photocopy), date unknown. 00003294 1 page 14 04 007 3294-001.gif
8. Report-typed, by Chief J. E. Curry. Report to the City Manager concerning the assassination. Copy sent to the Secret Service, (Photocopy), 12/19/63. 00003295 5 pages 14 04 008 3295-001.gif 3295-002.gif 3295-003.gif 3295-004.gif 3295-005.gif
9. Report to Chief J. E. Curry, by Charles Batchelor. Lists assignments of DPD personnel for the visit of the President, (Photocopy), date unknown. 00003296 15 pages 14 04 009 3296-001.gif 3296-002.gif 3296-003.gif 3296-004.gif 3296-005.gif 3296-006.gif 3296-007.gif 3296-008.gif 3296-009.gif 3296-010.gif 3296-011.gif 3296-012.gif 3296-013.gif 3296-014.gif 3296-015.gif
10. Report to Chief J. E. Curry, by Charles Batchelor. Report by Assistant Chief and Deputy Chiefs summarizing the events between the assassination of Kennedy and the murder of Lee Harvey Oswald, (Photocopy), 11/30/63. 00003297 35 pages 14 04 010 3297-001.gif 3297-002.gif 3297-003.gif 3297-004.gif 3297-005.gif 3297-006.gif 3297-007.gif 3297-008.gif 3297-009.gif 3297-010.gif 3297-011.gif 3297-012.gif 3297-013.gif 3297-014.gif 3297-015.gif 3297-016.gif 3297-017.gif 3297-018.gif 3297-019.gif 3297-020.gif 3297-021.gif 3297-022.gif 3297-023.gif 3297-024.gif 3297-025.gif 3297-026.gif 3297-027.gif 3297-028.gif 3297-029.gif 3297-030.gif 3297-031.gif 3297-032.gif 3297-033.gif 3297-034.gif 3297-035.gif
11. Radio Traffic Transcript, by an unknown author. Transcript of radio traffic from President's arrival at Love Field to the arrest of Lee Harvey Oswald. Copy sent to the secret service, (Photocopy), 11/22/63. 00003298 82 pages 14 04 011 3298-001.gif 3298-002.gif 3298-003.gif 3298-004.gif 3298-005.gif 3298-006.gif 3298-007.gif 3298-008.gif 3298-009.gif 3298-010.gif 3298-011.gif 3298-012.gif 3298-013.gif 3298-014.gif 3298-015.gif 3298-016.gif 3298-017.gif 3298-018.gif 3298-019.gif 3298-020.gif 3298-021.gif 3298-022.gif 3298-023.gif 3298-024.gif 3298-025.gif 3298-026.gif 3298-027.gif 3298-028.gif 3298-029.gif 3298-030.gif 3298-031.gif 3298-032.gif 3298-033.gif 3298-034.gif 3298-035.gif 3298-036.gif 3298-037.gif 3298-038.gif 3298-039.gif 3298-040.gif 3298-041.gif 3298-042.gif 3298-043.gif 3298-044.gif 3298-045.gif 3298-046.gif 3298-047.gif 3298-048.gif 3298-049.gif 3298-050.gif 3298-051.gif 3298-052.gif 3298-053.gif 3298-054.gif 3298-055.gif 3298-056.gif 3298-057.gif 3298-058.gif 3298-059.gif 3298-060.gif 3298-061.gif 3298-062.gif 3298-063.gif 3298-064.gif 3298-065.gif 3298-066.gif 3298-067.gif 3298-068.gif 3298-069.gif 3298-070.gif 3298-071.gif 3298-072.gif 3298-073.gif 3298-074.gif 3298-075.gif 3298-076.gif 3298-077.gif 3298-078.gif 3298-079.gif 3298-080.gif 3298-081.gif 3298-082.gif
12. Radio - Call Sheet, by an unknown author. Lists various codes used for radio communication. Copy sent to the Secret Service, (Photocopy), date unknown. 00003300 1 page 14 04 012 3300-001.gif
13. Property Clerks Invoice or Receipt, by an unknown author. Copies of Property Clerk's receipts sent to the Secret Service, (Photocopy Poor Quality), date unknown. 00003301 25 pages 14 04 013 3301-001.gif 3301-002.gif 3301-003.gif 3301-004.gif 3301-005.gif 3301-006.gif 3301-007.gif 3301-008.gif 3301-009.gif 3301-010.gif 3301-011.gif 3301-012.gif 3301-013.gif 3301-014.gif 3301-015.gif 3301-016.gif 3301-017.gif 3301-018.gif 3301-019.gif 3301-020.gif 3301-021.gif 3301-022.gif 3301-023.gif 3301-024.gif 3301-025.gif
14. Note-typed, by James P. Hosty. Copy of the note concerning property given to James Hosty, Special Agent, FBI. Copies sent to the Secret Service, (Photocopy Poor Quality), 11/27/63. 00003302 1 page 14 04 014 3302-001.gif
15. Cover To Bound Notebooks - Back, by an unknown author. Back cover to notebook of copies sent to the Secret Service, (Original), date unknown. 00003303 2 pages 14 04 015 3303-001.gif 3303-002.gif
16. Report-typed, by an unknown author. Statements and reports in possession of the U. S. Secret Service. Photocopies of other reports concerning the transfer of Oswald are in box 5A and box 14 folder 02 and 03, (Photocopy Poor Quality), date unknown. 00003291 186 pages 14 05 016 3291-001.gif 3291-002.gif 3291-003.gif 3291-004.gif 3291-005.gif 3291-006.gif 3291-007.gif 3291-008.gif 3291-009.gif 3291-010.gif 3291-011.gif 3291-012.gif 3291-013.gif 3291-014.gif 3291-015.gif 3291-016.gif 3291-017.gif 3291-018.gif 3291-019.gif 3291-020.gif 3291-021.gif 3291-022.gif 3291-023.gif 3291-024.gif 3291-025.gif 3291-026.gif 3291-027.gif 3291-028.gif 3291-029.gif 3291-030.gif 3291-031.gif 3291-032.gif 3291-033.gif 3291-034.gif 3291-035.gif 3291-036.gif 3291-037.gif 3291-038.gif 3291-039.gif 3291-040.gif 3291-041.gif 3291-042.gif 3291-043.gif 3291-044.gif 3291-045.gif 3291-046.gif 3291-047.gif 3291-048.gif 3291-049.gif 3291-050.gif 3291-051.gif 3291-052.gif 3291-053.gif 3291-054.gif 3291-055.gif 3291-056.gif 3291-057.gif 3291-058.gif 3291-059.gif 3291-060.gif 3291-061.gif 3291-062.gif 3291-063.gif 3291-064.gif 3291-065.gif 3291-066.gif 3291-067.gif 3291-068.gif 3291-069.gif 3291-070.gif 3291-071.gif 3291-072.gif 3291-073.gif 3291-074.gif 3291-075.gif 3291-076.gif 3291-077.gif 3291-078.gif 3291-079.gif 3291-080.gif 3291-081.gif 3291-082.gif 3291-083.gif 3291-084.gif 3291-085.gif 3291-086.gif 3291-087.gif 3291-088.gif 3291-089.gif 3291-090.gif 3291-091.gif 3291-092.gif 3291-093.gif 3291-094.gif 3291-095.gif 3291-096.gif 3291-097.gif 3291-098.gif 3291-099.gif 3291-100.gif 3291-101.gif 3291-102.gif 3291-103.gif 3291-104.gif 3291-105.gif 3291-106.gif 3291-107.gif 3291-108.gif 3291-109.gif 3291-110.gif 3291-111.gif 3291-112.gif 3291-113.gif 3291-114.gif 3291-115.gif 3291-116.gif 3291-117.gif 3291-118.gif 3291-119.gif 3291-120.gif 3291-121.gif 3291-122.gif 3291-123.gif 3291-124.gif 3291-125.gif 3291-126.gif 3291-127.gif 3291-128.gif 3291-129.gif 3291-130.gif 3291-131.gif 3291-132.gif 3291-133.gif 3291-134.gif 3291-135.gif 3291-136.gif 3291-137.gif 3291-138.gif 3291-139.gif 3291-140.gif 3291-141.gif 3291-142.gif 3291-143.gif 3291-144.gif 3291-145.gif 3291-146.gif 3291-147.gif 3291-148.gif 3291-149.gif 3291-150.gif 3291-151.gif 3291-152.gif 3291-153.gif 3291-154.gif 3291-155.gif 3291-156.gif 3291-157.gif 3291-158.gif 3291-159.gif 3291-160.gif 3291-161.gif 3291-162.gif 3291-163.gif 3291-164.gif 3291-165.gif 3291-166.gif 3291-167.gif 3291-168.gif 3291-169.gif 3291-170.gif 3291-171.gif 3291-172.gif 3291-173.gif 3291-174.gif 3291-175.gif 3291-176.gif 3291-177.gif 3291-178.gif 3291-179.gif 3291-180.gif 3291-181.gif 3291-182.gif 3291-183.gif 3291-184.gif 3291-185.gif 3291-186.gif
Box14, Folder 6
1. Report-typed, by an unknown author. Statements and reports in possession of the U. S. Secret Service., Photocopies of other reports concerning the transfer of Oswald also found in box 5A and box 14 folder 02 and 03, (Photocopy Poor Quality), date unknown. 00003299 130 pages 14 06 001 3299-001.gif 3299-002.gif 3299-003.gif 3299-004.gif 3299-005.gif 3299-006.gif 3299-007.gif 3299-008.gif 3299-009.gif 3299-010.gif 3299-011.gif 3299-012.gif 3299-013.gif 3299-014.gif 3299-015.gif 3299-016.gif 3299-017.gif 3299-018.gif 3299-019.gif 3299-020.gif 3299-021.gif 3299-022.gif 3299-023.gif 3299-024.gif 3299-025.gif 3299-026.gif 3299-027.gif 3299-028.gif 3299-029.gif 3299-030.gif 3299-031.gif 3299-032.gif 3299-033.gif 3299-034.gif 3299-035.gif 3299-036.gif 3299-037.gif 3299-038.gif 3299-039.gif 3299-040.gif 3299-041.gif 3299-042.gif 3299-043.gif 3299-044.gif 3299-045.gif 3299-046.gif 3299-047.gif 3299-048.gif 3299-049.gif 3299-050.gif 3299-051.gif 3299-052.gif 3299-053.gif 3299-054.gif 3299-055.gif 3299-056.gif 3299-057.gif 3299-058.gif 3299-059.gif 3299-060.gif 3299-061.gif 3299-062.gif 3299-063.gif 3299-064.gif 3299-065.gif 3299-066.gif 3299-067.gif 3299-068.gif 3299-069.gif 3299-070.gif 3299-071.gif 3299-072.gif 3299-073.gif 3299-074.gif 3299-075.gif 3299-076.gif 3299-077.gif 3299-078.gif 3299-079.gif 3299-080.gif 3299-081.gif 3299-082.gif 3299-083.gif 3299-084.gif 3299-085.gif 3299-086.gif 3299-087.gif 3299-088.gif 3299-089.gif 3299-090.gif 3299-091.gif 3299-092.gif 3299-093.gif 3299-094.gif 3299-095.gif 3299-096.gif 3299-097.gif 3299-098.gif 3299-099.gif 3299-100.gif 3299-101.gif 3299-102.gif 3299-103.gif 3299-104.gif 3299-105.gif 3299-106.gif 3299-107.gif 3299-108.gif 3299-109.gif 3299-110.gif 3299-111.gif 3299-112.gif 3299-113.gif 3299-114.gif 3299-115.gif 3299-116.gif 3299-117.gif 3299-118.gif 3299-119.gif 3299-120.gif 3299-121.gif 3299-122.gif 3299-124.gif 3299-125.gif 3299-126.gif 3299-127.gif 3299-128.gif 3299-129.gif 3299-130.gif
2. Cover To Bound Notebooks - Back, by an unknown author. Back cover to notebook, (Original), date unknown. 00003304 1 page 14 06 002 3304-001.gif
Link to Main list of boxes
113. Note-typed, by an unknown author. Excerpt from recording of an interview with Chief Curry concerning the transfer of Oswald, (Photocopy), date unknown. 00003278 1 page 14 03 113 3278-001.gif
114. Report to Chief J. E. Curry, by Jack Revill. Report concerning an investigation of Jack Ruby's activities prior to the shooting of Lee Harvey Oswald, (Photocopy), 11/29/63. 00003279 1 page 14 03 114 3279-001.gif
Sheet1 - The Harold Weisberg Archive
Items 1 - 26 - ... Inventory created by Dallas Police Department/Records Division of...... witness to the murder of Lee Harvey Oswald by a journalist for ABC-TV, 1, 01281...... interview with Dallas Times Herald reporter David Hughes concerning ...
Guide to the City of Dallas Archives
June 29, 2013, SMU Magazine, Remembering JFK: Darwin Payne, by Whit Sheppard, diigo,
November 22, 2011, Los Angeles Times, Reporter recalls Kennedy assassination, interview with Zapruder, by Molly Hennessy-Fiske, in Houston, diigo,
November 10, 2013, New York Daily News, Dan Rather held out hope that CBS would bring him back for coverage of the anniversary of JFK's assassination, by Don Kaplan, diigo
September 23, 2009, The Telegraph, What connects John F Kennedy, Margaret Thatcher and John Galt?, by Daniel Hannan, diigo,
November 22, 2011, Los Angeles Times, Reporter recalls Kennedy assassination, interview with Zapruder, by Molly Hennessy-Fiske, in Houston, diigo,
November 10, 2013, New York Daily News, Dan Rather held out hope that CBS would bring him back for coverage of the anniversary of JFK's assassination, by Don Kaplan, diigo
Reclaiming History: The Assassination of President John F. Kennedy, by Vincent Bugliosi
"Darwin Payne has only been at the newspaper three months.
"Darwin Payne has only been at the newspaper three months.
December 8, 1963, Dallas Police Dept., Memorandum Concerning Interviews Given to Darwin Payne, by Patrick T.Dean,
digital images, (http://texashistory.unt.edu/ark:/67531/metapth337692/ : accessed November 12, 2013), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History, http://texashistory.unt.edu; crediting Dallas Municipal Archives , Dallas, Texas.
Patrick Trevore Dean
When the News Went Live: Dallas 1963
Robert Huffaker - 2004 - History
When the News Went Live: Dallas 1963
Bob Huffaker, Bill Mercer, George Phenix - 2013 - History
Today Show August 9, 2001 >>> This morning, on our series "truth ...
Reporter: Within hours, police arrested Lee Harvey Oswald, an employee of the ... of the fact that I -- I'm just a -- >> Reporter: Darwin payne is a dallas historian.
Truth or conspiracy: JFK - The Puzzle Palace
Lee Harvey Oswald, in police custody, speaks to reporters in Dallas in this Nov. ... Darwin Payne is a Dallas historian. ... Oswald never answered that question.
November 2, 2006, Accessories After the Fact: "The Warren Commission, the Authorities, & the Report, by Sylvia Meagher, Paperback –
Originally published in 1967, Sylvia Meagher's masterful dissection of the Warren Report, based on the Commission's own evidence, has stood the test of time well. In some cases, declassifications of government records have corroborated Meagher's suspicions and analyses, such as her amazing assertion that Oswald had never actually been charged with Kennedy's murder, despite sworn testimony to the contrary (see Commission Document 5 for the FBI's statement that "such arraignment was not necessary"). Meagher's book raises the most serious questions not only about Oswald's guilt in the JFK assassination and related crimes such as the Tippit murder and the Walker shooting, but also about the methods and honesty of the Warren Commission, the FBI, and various Dallas Police and other officials.
When the Church Committee in 1975 first began to re-examine the Warren Commission and its relationship, with the intelligence agencies, investigators were shocked by what they discovered. Senator Richard Schweiker (R-PA) stated on public television that "the Warren Report has collapsed like a house of cards" and said this of Accessories After the Fact:
November 23, 1963, Dallas Times Herald, I Saw Him Die....Woman Cries, by Peggy Burney,
I saw the President die. I was standing at the curb on Elm about a third the way from Houston Street near the overpass. When the President's car made the curve around the corner, he was smiling and waving..
"" He was not standing, as I heard some reports say later. He was sitting, but he was happy and Jackie was happy and smiling as they passed. The car had passed about 15 feet beyond me when I heard the first shot. I did not realize it was a shot; I thought it was a backfire. The President ducked; instinctively I told myself "something is happening," but nobody knew what. Then I heard a second shot. I noticed that Jackie didn't duck - I could no longer see the President..
The car momentarily stopped, then veered slightly to the right and speeded off..
People around me were screaming; some were falling to the ground. I could not tell whether they were hit, or not - or just dodging. There was pandemonium. Everybody realized that the shots were coming from up high. People were running around cars and jumping over things..
Soon, all the buildings around here were locked - including ours. Squad cars converged. There must have been a hundred of them right away..
My employer, Mr. (Abe) Zapruder was making a movie at the time it happened. He is still with the Secret Service men. As soon as we were inside the building before any reports on the condition of the President, Mr. Zapruder had already told us ...
"The President of the United States is dead." We saw him die..."
Note: the Editor gives Peggy's location as being different that what she relates..?
(Editor, corner of Houston and Main)..Peggy states she was on the curb on Elm, about a third of the way from Houston near the overpass..?
Peggy Burney - See
Dallas Times Herald 11/22/63 page 19;
Dallas Times Herald 11/23/63 page 10;
Six Seconds in Dallas (270) Witness to assassination standing on Main Street 1/3 way from Houston overpass.
August 4, 1999, Business Wire, Abraham Zapruder's Ties To CIA and Lee Harvey Oswald,
SANTA CRUZ, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Aug. 4, 1999--
Zapruder Arbitration Board has agreed to pay 16 million for the Zapruder film.
The question is whether Abraham Zapruder's family should be allowed to profit using the corporation LMH Inc. when in 1963 Zapruder belonged to the Dallas Council on World Affairs, a CIA front organization, as did de Mohrenschildt? George Bush's mentor Neil Mallon founded this organization.
In 1964 the Warren Commission found that Jeanne and her husband George de Mohrenschildt were Marina and Lee Oswald's closest friends.
Ten years before the assassination in 1953 Zapruder had worked with Jeanne de Mohrenschildt at the Nardis of Dallas clothing factory. Jeanne designed the clothes while Zapruder cut her patterns.
Not only did Jeanne and Zapruder worked together, they were in 1953 both friends with Olga Fehmer at Nardis of Dallas. Olga's daughter Marie would become the personal secretary of Lyndon Johnson's. Marie was on board Air Force One following J.F.K's death. The Fehmer family attended Senator Chuck Robb's wedding to Lynda Johnson.
Throughout the 1950s George de Mohrenschildt worked out of a CIA-trust building and exchanged letters in 1963 with LBJ seven months before J.F.K's death. De Mohrenschildt met with LBJ on April 26, and again on May 20th.
The man in charge of the CIA, President Bill Clinton's own lawyer, Robert Bennett represented the Zapruder Family in this case before the Zapruder Arbitration Board. Clinton's Attorney General appointed Al Gore's brother-in-law, Frank Hunger, to represent our Government's interest in the Zapruder case. Hunger quit after Adamson complained to Janet Reno of this conflict of interest..
George Bush Sr. was President and was responsible for signing into law in 1991-92 The JFK Assassination Records Review Board Act which took possession of Zapruder's film under this act.
George Bush, Sr. has written a letter admitting that he had known de Mohrenschildt since 1942.
Bush also knew LBJ was involved with The Bay of Pigs Invasion and Bush was briefed by J.E. Hoover on JFK's assassination on November 23, 1963. The Bush family has many ties to Oswald and de Mohrenschildt.
Adamson's research has been supported by President's Clinton's former White House Chief of Staff Leon Panetta and an attorney for the California Attorney General's office who has won a U.S. Supreme court death penalty case.
The Newspapers & the Zapruder Film First Information
Permission granted from Paul Rigby ..
1) Staff Special, "Dallas Man Films Movie of Shooting," Fort Worth Star-Telegram, (morning edition), November 23, 1963, section 1, p.10:
Dallas, Nov. 22 One of the very few -- perhaps two -- pictures of the President's assassination here Friday was in the possession of a business man who was isolated with the FBI here Friday night.
Abraham Zapruder, owner of a dress factory at the intersection near where the tragic shooting occurred, photographed the incident with his movie camera.
Zapruder, who remained incommunicado from shortly after the occurrence, had filmed the assassination attack from near the scene, persons close to him said.
As far as the crush of reporters covering the tragedy knew, there was only one still photograph actually showing Kennedy slumped over, a Polaroid camera picture taken by a young woman. She allowed the print to be shown on a television account of the assassination.
Zapruder's office told the Star-Telegram he was out of the office all afternoon with the FBI. His wife confirmed late Friday night that he was still with the agents.
2) "Photographer Sells Pictures of Assassination for $25,000," Dallas Morning News, November 24, 1963, p.?
President Kennedy flinches as the first shot strikes him.
Mrs. Kennedy takes her husband in her arms.
The second shot strikes the President in the side of his head, toward the back. His head becomes a blur.
Mrs. Kennedy crawls out over the trunk compartment in the rear of the car trying to escape the line of fire. Her husband slumps to the floor. A Secret Service agent runs to aid Mrs. Kennedy.
This historic picture of the assassination of President Kennedy is recorded on 8-millimeter color movie film shot by Abraham Zapruder, dress manufacturer of 3909 Marquette.
Perched on a concrete pillar in a plaza a few feet away, Zapruder took perfect pictures of a terrible tragedy.
Saturday, Dick Strobel of the Associated Press, Los Angeles; Jack Klinge of United Press International, Dallas, and Dick Strolle, Los Angeles representative of Life Magazine, negotiated with Zapruder for still picture rights to his film.
Rights finally were sold to Life for more than $25,000, Zapruder told one of the other men who were bidding for the film.
3) Richard J. H. Johnston, "Movie Amateur Filmed Attack; Sequence Is Sold to Magazine" New York Times, November 24, 1963, p.5:
An amateur movie camera enthusiast in Dallas recorded a 15-second close-up sequence showing the actual impact of the assassin's fire on President Kennedy.
The 8-millimeter film clip in color was sold by the photographer, Abraham Zapruder, for about $40,000 to Time-Life, Inc.
Life magazine will publish the pictures in its issue dated Friday, Nov. 29. The issue will be on the streets next Tuesday.
The editors said that time limitations did not permit reproduction in color. The pictures will be printed in black and white.
Mr. Zapruder, president of Jennifer Juniors, Inc., a dress shop in downtown Dallas, declined yesterday in a telephone conversation, to discuss the film or the arrangement for its sale.
A secretary to Mr. Zapruder, speaking from the offices of the dress shop, said that the Secret Service had sent agents to examine Mr. Zapruder's film and had permitted him to keep or sell it.
The film was developed Friday night. Time-Life editors said yesterday that it had been studied by their Dallas representatives, who were authorized to make the purchase. The film was sent by air to the Chicago laboratories of the magazine.
From a description give by the Life representative in Dallas, the editors said, it appears that the pictures were taken with a telephoto lens.
Mr. Zapruder's secretary said that Mr. Zapruder was "one of hundreds" who were taking pictures of the Presidential motorcade.
Life editors here said that they were unable last night to give precise details as to what the film showed, but that they were assured that it depicted the impact of the bullets that struck Mr. Kennedy.
The photographic department of The Associated Press in New York acknowledged late yesterday that the AP had bid for the pictures but that Mr. Zapruder had sold the film to Time-Life, Inc. A spokesman said he understood the price was in the vicinity of $40,000.
Mr. Zapruder's secretary would neither confirm nor deny the figure, nor would Time-Life spokesmen discuss it. The AP spokesman, however, said the figure was "well over $25,000 and close to $40,000."
4) AP, "Movie Film Depicts Shooting of Kennedy," Milwaukee Journal, November 26, 1963, part 1, p.3
Dallas, Tex.-AP - A strip of color movie film graphically depicting the assassination of President Kennedy was made by a Dallas clothing manufacturer with an 8 millimeter camera.
Several persons in Dallas who have seen the film, which lasts about 15 seconds, say it clearly shows how the president was hit in the head with shattering force by the second of two bullets fired by the assassin.
Life magazine reportedly purchased still picture rights to the material for about $40,000.
("The film also was being distributed by United Press International Newsfilms to subscribing stations. WITI-TV in Milwaukee is a subscriber, but will reserve judgment on whether to show the film until after its officials have viewed it.")
This is what the film by Abe Zapruder is reported to show:
First the presidential limousine is coming toward the camera. As it comes abreast of the photographer, Mr. Kennedy is hit by the first bullet, apparently in the neck. He turns toward his wife Jacqueline, seated at his left, and she quickly begins to put her hands around his head.
At the same time, Texas Gov. John Connally, riding directly in front of the president, turns around to see what has happened.
Then Mr. Kennedy is hit on the upper right side of the back of his head with violent force. His head goes forward and then snaps back, and he slumps down on the seat.
At this time, Gov. Connolly is wounded and drops forward on his seat.
Mrs. Kennedy then jumps up and crawls across the back deck of the limousine, apparently seeking the aid of a secret service man who has been trotting behind the slowly moving vehicle. He jumps onto the car and shoves Mrs. Kennedy back into the seat. Then he orders the driver to speed to the hospital where the president died.
The elapsed time from the moment when Mr. Kennedy is first struck until the car disappears in an underpass is about five seconds."
5) AP (Dallas), "Amateur captures death shot," The Province (Vancouver, BC), 26 November 1963, p.1:
A strip of color movie film showing the assassination of President Kennedy was made by a Dallas clothing manufacturer with an eight millimetre camera.
Several persons in Dallas who have seen the film sat it clearly shows how the president was hit in the head with shattering force by the second of two bullets fired by the assassin.
Life magazine is reported to have purchased still picture rights to the material for about $40,000.
The film, made by Abe Zapruder, is reported to show how, as the presidential limousine comes abreast of the photographer, Kennedy is hit by the first bullet, apparently in the neck.
Then Kennedy is hit on the upper right side of the back of his head with violent force.
6) Express Staff Reporter (New York, Monday), "The Man Who Got the Historic Pictures," Daily Express, Tuesday, 26 November 1963, p.10:
Amateur photographer Abraham Zapruder, owner of a Dallas dress manufacturing business, took the assassination pictures in 8mm colour with a normal lens.
When Mr. Zapruder went to work on Friday he had no intention of watching President Kennedy drive through Dallas. So he left at home his new camera. But his secretary urged Mr. Zapruder to go out and take movies.
He was not very keen, but she pressed him and he drove home to collect his camera.
He returned to the route and took up a position overlooking the road standing on a concrete parapet eight feet above the pavement.
When the procession came into sight he began filming. Just before the President's car got to him he heard the rifle shots and saw that Kennedy was hit.
Zapruder said that he stood absolutely transfixed.. He knew what was happening and yet he continued to go on filming.
He remembers screaming: "My God! He's dead!"
Zapruder was in a state of complete shock. He remembers going back to the office, but for a while he was not really aware of what he had recorded. But when the film was hurriedly processed and when he had screened it on Friday evening, he realized its importance and value.
The secret service sent agents to examine the film and permitted him to keep it.
C 1963 Life Magazine Time Incorporated. All rights reserved.
On same page, 4 stills from Z-film; on opposite, a further 7.
7) UPI (Dallas), "Movie Film Shows Murder of President," Philadelphia Daily News, Tuesday, 26 November 1963, p.3 (4 star edition):
An amateur photographer shot an 8-MM movie film that clearly shows, step-by-step, the assassination of President Kennedy.
The film was made by Abraham Zapruder, a Dallas dress manufacturer. He is selling rights to the film privately. It has been seen by the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Secret Service and representatives of the news media.
It is seven feet long, 35 seconds in colour, a bit jumpy but clear.
It opens as the Kennedy motorcade rounds the corner from Houston Street and turns into Elm Street.
Then it picks up the President's car and follows it down toward the underpass. Suddenly, in the film, Kennedy is seen to jerk. It is the first shot.
Mrs. Kennedy turns, puts her arms around him. A second later, the second shot. The President's head becomes a blur on the film, lunged forward and up. The second bullet has torn into the back of his head.
He rolls towards Mrs. Kennedy and disappears from sight. Mrs. Kennedy lurches onto the flat trunk deck of the Presidential car as a Secret Service man races to their aid. She is on her hands and knees. She reaches for him. He leaps up on the bumper. She pulls him up on the bumper or he pushes her back as the film ends.
Other films show the car never stopped, but raced to the Parkland Memorial Hospital with Mrs. Kennedy cradling the President.
UPI (Dallas), "Movie Film Shows Murder of President," Philadelphia Daily News, Tuesday, 26 November 1963, p.3 (4 star edition):
On page 1, under the headline "Man Who Came to See JFK Makes Tragic Movie," there is the following blurb above 4 stills: "These dramatic pictures are from an 8mm 'home movie' reel, shot by Dallas dressmaker Abraham Zapruder who went to see President Kennedy ride through cheering throngs in Texas city. His camera recorded one of the most tragic moments in American history. Story page 3.
Below are 4 stills from the Muchmore film!
8) Arthur J. Snider (Chicago Daily News Service), "Movies Reconstruct Tragedy," Fort Worth Star-Telegram, (Evening edition), November 27, 1963, section 2, p.1:
Chicago, Nov. 27 With the aid of movies taken by an amateur, it is possible to reconstruct to some extent the horrifying moments in the assassination of President Kennedy.
As the fateful car rounded the turn and moved into the curving parkway, the President rolled his head to the right, smiling and waving.
At that instant, about 12:30 p.m., the sniper, peering through a four-power telescope sight, fired his cheap rifle.
The 6.5 mm bullet about .25 caliber pierced the President's neck just below the Adam's apple. It took a downward course.
"If you were wearing a bow tie, the position is just about where the knot is," said a Dallas neurosurgeon who saw the wound.
The President clutched his throat for a bewildered instant, then began to sag.
A second blast from the high-powered rifle ripped into the right rear of his head at about a 4 o 'clock position.
It was a violent wound. As a motorcycle officer described it: "It just seemed as if his head opened up."
The President swerved to his left and collapsed into the arms of his wife.
Mrs. Kennedy climbed onto the trunk to beseech aid from a Secret Service man. The President slumped against her leg, bloodying her skirt and stocking.
Meanwhile, Gov. John Connally had turned to see what happened. A third shot rang out.
It struck the governor in the back. The bullet was deflected to his right wrist and lodged in his left thigh. A fragment of rib, fractured by the bullet, punctured a lung.
Sequence pictures of the tragedy were taken by an amateur Dallas photographer and were purchased by Life Magazine. They were published in this week's Life.
They serve to deny a rumor that the President may have sustained the throat wound from a shot fired at ground level.
They also indicate the President was shot first. It had been conjectured by some that Connally was the prime target.
Identification of two points of entry, the throat and the skull, was made by Dr. Kemp Clark, neurosurgeon, and Dr. Tom Shires, chief of surgery at Parkland Hospital.
They said neither bullet was recovered in the hospital emergency room. One bullet was said to have emerged from the left temple.
If any bullets were lodged in the body, they would have been removed at an autopsy in the Bethesda Navy Hospital, where the President's body was taken immediately on the return to Washington.
White House Assistant Press Secretary, asked if an autopsy had been performed, said: "The question has been deferred for reply later."
Officials at Bethesda Naval Hospital declined to comment.
Medical personnel at Parkland Hospital said, however, that a post-mortem examination was performed at Bethesda but no report had yet been received there.
Pathologists in Chicago also expressed the "virtual certainty" that an autopsy was performed.
"It would have been necessary for medical-legal reasons," one said. "In a trial for murder, it is necessary to state in court how death came about, whether by massive hemorrhage , cell destruction, or whatever.
Permission from the family is not needed, although in this case it might have been sought.
9) John Herbers, "Kennedy Struck by Two Bullets, Doctor Who Attended Him Says,
"The known facts about the bullets, and the position of the assassin, suggested that he started shooting as the President's car was coming toward him, swung his rifle in an arc of almost 180 degrees and fired at least twice more.
A rifle like the one that killed President Kennedy might be able to fire three shots in two seconds, a gun expert indicated after tests.
A strip of color movie film taken by a Dallas clothing manufacturer with an 8-mm camera tends to support this sequence of events.
The film covers about a 15-second period. As the President's car come abreast of the photographer, the President was struck in the front of the neck. The President turned toward Mrs. Kennedy as she began to put her hands around his head.
Connally Turns Around
At the same time, Governor Connally, riding in front of the President, turned round to see what had happened. Then the President was struck on the head. His head went forward, then snapped back, as he slumped in his seat. At that time, Governor Connally was wounded.
The elapsed time from the moment Mr. Kennedy was first struck until the car disappeared in an underpass was five seconds."
10) Rick Freedman, "Pictures of Assassination Fall to Amateurs on Street," Editor & Publisher, November 30, 1963, pp.16 & 17:
$40,000 Film Clip
"It was an amateur movie camera enthusiast in Dallas who recorded a 25-second close-up sequence showing the actual impact of the assassin's fire on President Kennedy.
Abraham Zapruder, president of a dress shop in Dallas, sold the 8-millimeter color film clip to Time-Life Inc. for about $40,000. Life editors said that deadline limitations did not permit reproduction in color and the pictures were printed in black and white.
Harry McCormick, police reporter of the Dallas Morning News, rushed to the scene of the assassination. He found Abe Zapruder , who said he had taken movies. Seeing a Secret Serviceman he knew, McCormick tried to get the films confiscated, hoping thus they might become public property. Zapruder refused to give them up, and with the S.S. man and McCormick went to the Eastman Kodak plant were the films were processed.
Others by now had heard about the film. Spirited bidding for the rights started McCormick went up to $1,000 for one of the still frames. It showed that terrible second when the bullet hit the President's head. Time outbid everyone and gained rights to the film.
"In Zapruder's room he has a placard on the wall with "Think" but that word is marked out by "Scheme,"" McCormick said.
"I'm going to get me one like it," the reported remarked.
The picture sequence ran as a four-page spread in Life's Nov. 29 issue, which came out Nov.26. Taken from about 40 feet away with a normal lens, according to Life, most of the sequence is slightly dark and out-of-focus. But it does show in dramatic fashion the entire fatal few seconds --- the President and Mrs. Kennedy riding in the car, the President getting hit, Governor Connally getting hit, Mrs. Kennedy cradling the fallen Chief Executive in her arms, and Mrs. Kennedy jumping up to help a Secret Service man into the President's limousine."
Later in the same piece, we find the following description of an untitled/unattributed film shown presumably on Tuesday, 26 November:
"By Tuesday, numerous pictures, both still and movie, were being offered to news media. At least one television station was besieged with protests after it had shown scenes of the President's motorcade at the moment of the shooting. Many viewers considered them to be too gruesome."
11) The Man Who Killed Kennedy, Time, December 6, 1963, p.29:
The Murder
"At 12:31 the President's Lincoln limousine passed by at a speed of 12 to 15 m.p.h.. In the car, Texas Governor Connally, who was seated directly in front of Kennedy, heard a shot. "I turned to my right," he recalled later, from his hospital bed. "The President had slumped. Then I was hit, and I knew I'd been hit badly. I thought, my God, they're going to kill us all."
What actually happened was made horrifyingly clear in color films taken by Abraham Zapruder, a Dallas clothing manufacturer and an amateur movieman. The strip runs for about 20 seconds -- an eternity of history. Kennedy was waving to a friendly crowd. Then came the first shot, and he clutched at his throat with both hands. Connally turned around, raised his right hand toward the President, then fell backward into his wife's lap as the second shot struck him. The third shot, all too literally, exploded in Kennedy's head. In less than an instant, Jackie was up, climbing back over the trunk of the car, seeking help. She reached out her right hand, caught the hand of a Secret Service man who was running to catch up, and in one desperate tug pulled him aboard. Then, in less time than it takes to tell it, she was back cradling her husband's head in her lap.
Gathered from the Web
"Now the Task of Righting Upset Schedules," New York Herald Tribune, Wednesday, 27 November 1963, section 1, p.21:
"WNEW-TV (Channel 5) claimed it was the first TV station in the country to televise an amateur photographer's film footage of the President Kennedy's assassination. The film was distributed by United Press International and aired by Channel 5 at 12:46 a.m. yesterday."
"Reporter Harry McCormack takes Sorrels to Jennifer Juniors, Inc., in the Dal-TexBuilding, 501 Elm St., and the office of Abraham Zapruder. Zapruder was emotionally upset; agreed to furnish a copy of the film to Sorrels with the understanding that it was strictly for official use of the Secret Service and that it would not be shown or given to any newspapers or magazines, as he expected to sell the film for as high a price as he could get for it. Mr. McCormack had offered $1,000 for it, but others were also interested.(Memo from Forrest Sorrels to Thomas Kelley)
WFAA-TV calls Eastman Kodak, which agrees to process the film right away. A police cruiser took the men to Kodak on Manor Way. There, Sorrels also met Phil Willis, there with his film for processing. Sorrels left. Dan Rather later claimed credit for arranging for the film's processing. Zapruder had 3 copies made (possibly at Jamieson). The film was previewed at the lab just after being developed. Zapruder was assured no bootlegs had been made. Sorrels later picked up two of the copies.*(Trask)
After selling the original and one copy to LIFE, Zapruder seems to have retained an unexplained# 4th copy, which Sorrels brought people over to view, being without his copies Nov. 23-26.(Trask)
Nov. 23: With Zapruder at the projector, the film is viewed by Richard Stolley, Life's Los Angeles Bureau Chief, the only reporter among a small group of Secret Service agents in a small room of Jennifer Juniors, early in the morning. Zapruder ran the film again and again as newsmen from AP and UPI and other magazines showed up. When the lights were turned on, Zapruder looked ill. Stolley convinces Zapruder to talk with him first. (Richard Stolley, 1973)"
*Vince Palamera:
"Also on Friday evening, November 22nd, [Forrest] Sorrels did a frame-by-frame study of the Zapruder film~ in his Dallas office. According to Dallas Postal Inspector Harry D. Holmes who was present, "...we thumbed (through) that thing for an hour or more...push (ing) it up one frame at a time."
Subject: Sign moved Joe West
Date: Sun, 4 Dec 2005 16:03:13 -0500
"First Day Evidence and Dealey Plaza"
Michael Parks..
"The Secret Service performed a re-enactment on 12/5/63 of the shooting of President Kennedy at DealeyPlaza. A survey plat was made for this event by Dallas County Surveyor Robert West and his assistant, Chester Breneman. This survey plat later became Commission Exhibit 585..
This was not the first reenactment performed by the Secret Service in Dealey Plaza. On 11/27/63, they hired the local CBS affiliate KRLD-TV...to film a pre-reenactment, the television crew filmed from Zapruder's pedestal. Within this automobile were two other camera-men, one filming back toward the Texas School Book Depository while the other films ahead toward the Triple Underpass. --..
We do not know why the Secret Service needed a pre-reenactment. At the time of this event, they had the Zapruder film and may even had a survey plat made on 11/25/63 for Time/Life by the same survey team of West and Breneman...The Official story during both the Secret Services re-enactments was three shots, three hits. This story did not change until the following year with the advent of the Magic Bullet.....
Breneman stated that they had a full set of Zapruder frames from which to work with during the December re-enactment. The was furnished by Life Magazine to the Secret Service .These slides were uses to place the shots on
CE 585.....As was pointed out by Chuck Marler in his several informative articles on the topic, shots were placed at Zapruder frames 208, 276, and 358..
These locations were marked on the county survey plat and it became an official document..
It is quite obvious by even the casual observer that the Zapruder film does not support this shot placement.."--.
The next year to back up the theory of the Magic Bullet, the FBI and the Warren Commission held a third reenactment in the Plaza---. on 5/24/64-..the actors used the Zapruder film, and West and Breneman made another survey plat-...CE 882...they move the Head shot to Z 313 from Z 358...It makes you wonder if they had the same film....???
The three yellow curb painted sections within the area where JFK was killed, the last yellow curb marker, is seen after Z 313 but before Z 358.....
There is no way the Secret Service could have been off 45 frames in their head shot placement unless they viewed a different Zapruder film.."
"Is there more proof the Stemmons sign was moved?....... Yes!
Surveyor (Joe) West stated he later measured his plats and found the sign had been moved by more than ten feet.
Even assassination witness and Dealey Plaza groundskeeper, Emmett Hudson testified the signs in the Plaza had been moved (shortly?) after 11/22/63...He also said the head shot was almost in front of where he stood.
This would more agree with the Secret Service's Z 358 shot than the FBI's Z 313...It appears the sign was moved to the FBI's position to match the altered sign in the Zapruder film...
All the Zapruder frames seen were chosen because of the closeness to the re-enactment .."...
Life Magazine, surveyors Bob West and Chester Breneman were in their office, Monday Nov.26th /63..when a man entered...and Breneman recalls that this man said he was a special investigator for Life Magazine..
He hired them to do an investigation in Dealey Plaza, Breneman then accompanied the Life investigators to the 13th floor of the Adolphus Hotel where they were headquartered.. He also says that one of them was wearing a bullet proof vest.....
Patrick Trevore Dean
When the News Went Live: Dallas 1963
Robert Huffaker - 2004 - History
When the News Went Live: Dallas 1963
Bob Huffaker, Bill Mercer, George Phenix - 2013 - History
Today Show August 9, 2001 >>> This morning, on our series "truth ...
Reporter: Within hours, police arrested Lee Harvey Oswald, an employee of the ... of the fact that I -- I'm just a -- >> Reporter: Darwin payne is a dallas historian.
Truth or conspiracy: JFK - The Puzzle Palace
Lee Harvey Oswald, in police custody, speaks to reporters in Dallas in this Nov. ... Darwin Payne is a Dallas historian. ... Oswald never answered that question.
November 2, 2006, Accessories After the Fact: "The Warren Commission, the Authorities, & the Report, by Sylvia Meagher, Paperback –
Originally published in 1967, Sylvia Meagher's masterful dissection of the Warren Report, based on the Commission's own evidence, has stood the test of time well. In some cases, declassifications of government records have corroborated Meagher's suspicions and analyses, such as her amazing assertion that Oswald had never actually been charged with Kennedy's murder, despite sworn testimony to the contrary (see Commission Document 5 for the FBI's statement that "such arraignment was not necessary"). Meagher's book raises the most serious questions not only about Oswald's guilt in the JFK assassination and related crimes such as the Tippit murder and the Walker shooting, but also about the methods and honesty of the Warren Commission, the FBI, and various Dallas Police and other officials.
When the Church Committee in 1975 first began to re-examine the Warren Commission and its relationship, with the intelligence agencies, investigators were shocked by what they discovered. Senator Richard Schweiker (R-PA) stated on public television that "the Warren Report has collapsed like a house of cards" and said this of Accessories After the Fact:
"By far the most meticulous and compelling indictment of the Warren Commission Report ever made. The significance of this book cannot be overstated."_________________________________________________________________________________
November 23, 1963, Dallas Times Herald, I Saw Him Die....Woman Cries, by Peggy Burney,
I saw the President die. I was standing at the curb on Elm about a third the way from Houston Street near the overpass. When the President's car made the curve around the corner, he was smiling and waving..
"" He was not standing, as I heard some reports say later. He was sitting, but he was happy and Jackie was happy and smiling as they passed. The car had passed about 15 feet beyond me when I heard the first shot. I did not realize it was a shot; I thought it was a backfire. The President ducked; instinctively I told myself "something is happening," but nobody knew what. Then I heard a second shot. I noticed that Jackie didn't duck - I could no longer see the President..
The car momentarily stopped, then veered slightly to the right and speeded off..
People around me were screaming; some were falling to the ground. I could not tell whether they were hit, or not - or just dodging. There was pandemonium. Everybody realized that the shots were coming from up high. People were running around cars and jumping over things..
Soon, all the buildings around here were locked - including ours. Squad cars converged. There must have been a hundred of them right away..
My employer, Mr. (Abe) Zapruder was making a movie at the time it happened. He is still with the Secret Service men. As soon as we were inside the building before any reports on the condition of the President, Mr. Zapruder had already told us ...
"The President of the United States is dead." We saw him die..."
Note: the Editor gives Peggy's location as being different that what she relates..?
(Editor, corner of Houston and Main)..Peggy states she was on the curb on Elm, about a third of the way from Houston near the overpass..?
Peggy Burney - See
Dallas Times Herald 11/22/63 page 19;
Dallas Times Herald 11/23/63 page 10;
Six Seconds in Dallas (270) Witness to assassination standing on Main Street 1/3 way from Houston overpass.
August 4, 1999, Business Wire, Abraham Zapruder's Ties To CIA and Lee Harvey Oswald,
SANTA CRUZ, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Aug. 4, 1999--
Zapruder Arbitration Board has agreed to pay 16 million for the Zapruder film.
The question is whether Abraham Zapruder's family should be allowed to profit using the corporation LMH Inc. when in 1963 Zapruder belonged to the Dallas Council on World Affairs, a CIA front organization, as did de Mohrenschildt? George Bush's mentor Neil Mallon founded this organization.
In 1964 the Warren Commission found that Jeanne and her husband George de Mohrenschildt were Marina and Lee Oswald's closest friends.
Ten years before the assassination in 1953 Zapruder had worked with Jeanne de Mohrenschildt at the Nardis of Dallas clothing factory. Jeanne designed the clothes while Zapruder cut her patterns.
Not only did Jeanne and Zapruder worked together, they were in 1953 both friends with Olga Fehmer at Nardis of Dallas. Olga's daughter Marie would become the personal secretary of Lyndon Johnson's. Marie was on board Air Force One following J.F.K's death. The Fehmer family attended Senator Chuck Robb's wedding to Lynda Johnson.
Throughout the 1950s George de Mohrenschildt worked out of a CIA-trust building and exchanged letters in 1963 with LBJ seven months before J.F.K's death. De Mohrenschildt met with LBJ on April 26, and again on May 20th.
The man in charge of the CIA, President Bill Clinton's own lawyer, Robert Bennett represented the Zapruder Family in this case before the Zapruder Arbitration Board. Clinton's Attorney General appointed Al Gore's brother-in-law, Frank Hunger, to represent our Government's interest in the Zapruder case. Hunger quit after Adamson complained to Janet Reno of this conflict of interest..
George Bush Sr. was President and was responsible for signing into law in 1991-92 The JFK Assassination Records Review Board Act which took possession of Zapruder's film under this act.
George Bush, Sr. has written a letter admitting that he had known de Mohrenschildt since 1942.
Bush also knew LBJ was involved with The Bay of Pigs Invasion and Bush was briefed by J.E. Hoover on JFK's assassination on November 23, 1963. The Bush family has many ties to Oswald and de Mohrenschildt.
Adamson's research has been supported by President's Clinton's former White House Chief of Staff Leon Panetta and an attorney for the California Attorney General's office who has won a U.S. Supreme court death penalty case.
The Newspapers & the Zapruder Film First Information
Permission granted from Paul Rigby ..
1) Staff Special, "Dallas Man Films Movie of Shooting," Fort Worth Star-Telegram, (morning edition), November 23, 1963, section 1, p.10:
Dallas, Nov. 22 One of the very few -- perhaps two -- pictures of the President's assassination here Friday was in the possession of a business man who was isolated with the FBI here Friday night.
Abraham Zapruder, owner of a dress factory at the intersection near where the tragic shooting occurred, photographed the incident with his movie camera.
Zapruder, who remained incommunicado from shortly after the occurrence, had filmed the assassination attack from near the scene, persons close to him said.
As far as the crush of reporters covering the tragedy knew, there was only one still photograph actually showing Kennedy slumped over, a Polaroid camera picture taken by a young woman. She allowed the print to be shown on a television account of the assassination.
Zapruder's office told the Star-Telegram he was out of the office all afternoon with the FBI. His wife confirmed late Friday night that he was still with the agents.
2) "Photographer Sells Pictures of Assassination for $25,000," Dallas Morning News, November 24, 1963, p.?
President Kennedy flinches as the first shot strikes him.
Mrs. Kennedy takes her husband in her arms.
The second shot strikes the President in the side of his head, toward the back. His head becomes a blur.
Mrs. Kennedy crawls out over the trunk compartment in the rear of the car trying to escape the line of fire. Her husband slumps to the floor. A Secret Service agent runs to aid Mrs. Kennedy.
This historic picture of the assassination of President Kennedy is recorded on 8-millimeter color movie film shot by Abraham Zapruder, dress manufacturer of 3909 Marquette.
Perched on a concrete pillar in a plaza a few feet away, Zapruder took perfect pictures of a terrible tragedy.
Saturday, Dick Strobel of the Associated Press, Los Angeles; Jack Klinge of United Press International, Dallas, and Dick Strolle, Los Angeles representative of Life Magazine, negotiated with Zapruder for still picture rights to his film.
Rights finally were sold to Life for more than $25,000, Zapruder told one of the other men who were bidding for the film.
3) Richard J. H. Johnston, "Movie Amateur Filmed Attack; Sequence Is Sold to Magazine" New York Times, November 24, 1963, p.5:
An amateur movie camera enthusiast in Dallas recorded a 15-second close-up sequence showing the actual impact of the assassin's fire on President Kennedy.
The 8-millimeter film clip in color was sold by the photographer, Abraham Zapruder, for about $40,000 to Time-Life, Inc.
Life magazine will publish the pictures in its issue dated Friday, Nov. 29. The issue will be on the streets next Tuesday.
The editors said that time limitations did not permit reproduction in color. The pictures will be printed in black and white.
Mr. Zapruder, president of Jennifer Juniors, Inc., a dress shop in downtown Dallas, declined yesterday in a telephone conversation, to discuss the film or the arrangement for its sale.
A secretary to Mr. Zapruder, speaking from the offices of the dress shop, said that the Secret Service had sent agents to examine Mr. Zapruder's film and had permitted him to keep or sell it.
The film was developed Friday night. Time-Life editors said yesterday that it had been studied by their Dallas representatives, who were authorized to make the purchase. The film was sent by air to the Chicago laboratories of the magazine.
From a description give by the Life representative in Dallas, the editors said, it appears that the pictures were taken with a telephoto lens.
Mr. Zapruder's secretary said that Mr. Zapruder was "one of hundreds" who were taking pictures of the Presidential motorcade.
Life editors here said that they were unable last night to give precise details as to what the film showed, but that they were assured that it depicted the impact of the bullets that struck Mr. Kennedy.
The photographic department of The Associated Press in New York acknowledged late yesterday that the AP had bid for the pictures but that Mr. Zapruder had sold the film to Time-Life, Inc. A spokesman said he understood the price was in the vicinity of $40,000.
Mr. Zapruder's secretary would neither confirm nor deny the figure, nor would Time-Life spokesmen discuss it. The AP spokesman, however, said the figure was "well over $25,000 and close to $40,000."
4) AP, "Movie Film Depicts Shooting of Kennedy," Milwaukee Journal, November 26, 1963, part 1, p.3
Dallas, Tex.-AP - A strip of color movie film graphically depicting the assassination of President Kennedy was made by a Dallas clothing manufacturer with an 8 millimeter camera.
Several persons in Dallas who have seen the film, which lasts about 15 seconds, say it clearly shows how the president was hit in the head with shattering force by the second of two bullets fired by the assassin.
Life magazine reportedly purchased still picture rights to the material for about $40,000.
("The film also was being distributed by United Press International Newsfilms to subscribing stations. WITI-TV in Milwaukee is a subscriber, but will reserve judgment on whether to show the film until after its officials have viewed it.")
This is what the film by Abe Zapruder is reported to show:
First the presidential limousine is coming toward the camera. As it comes abreast of the photographer, Mr. Kennedy is hit by the first bullet, apparently in the neck. He turns toward his wife Jacqueline, seated at his left, and she quickly begins to put her hands around his head.
At the same time, Texas Gov. John Connally, riding directly in front of the president, turns around to see what has happened.
Then Mr. Kennedy is hit on the upper right side of the back of his head with violent force. His head goes forward and then snaps back, and he slumps down on the seat.
At this time, Gov. Connolly is wounded and drops forward on his seat.
Mrs. Kennedy then jumps up and crawls across the back deck of the limousine, apparently seeking the aid of a secret service man who has been trotting behind the slowly moving vehicle. He jumps onto the car and shoves Mrs. Kennedy back into the seat. Then he orders the driver to speed to the hospital where the president died.
The elapsed time from the moment when Mr. Kennedy is first struck until the car disappears in an underpass is about five seconds."
5) AP (Dallas), "Amateur captures death shot," The Province (Vancouver, BC), 26 November 1963, p.1:
A strip of color movie film showing the assassination of President Kennedy was made by a Dallas clothing manufacturer with an eight millimetre camera.
Several persons in Dallas who have seen the film sat it clearly shows how the president was hit in the head with shattering force by the second of two bullets fired by the assassin.
Life magazine is reported to have purchased still picture rights to the material for about $40,000.
The film, made by Abe Zapruder, is reported to show how, as the presidential limousine comes abreast of the photographer, Kennedy is hit by the first bullet, apparently in the neck.
Then Kennedy is hit on the upper right side of the back of his head with violent force.
6) Express Staff Reporter (New York, Monday), "The Man Who Got the Historic Pictures," Daily Express, Tuesday, 26 November 1963, p.10:
Amateur photographer Abraham Zapruder, owner of a Dallas dress manufacturing business, took the assassination pictures in 8mm colour with a normal lens.
When Mr. Zapruder went to work on Friday he had no intention of watching President Kennedy drive through Dallas. So he left at home his new camera. But his secretary urged Mr. Zapruder to go out and take movies.
He was not very keen, but she pressed him and he drove home to collect his camera.
He returned to the route and took up a position overlooking the road standing on a concrete parapet eight feet above the pavement.
When the procession came into sight he began filming. Just before the President's car got to him he heard the rifle shots and saw that Kennedy was hit.
Zapruder said that he stood absolutely transfixed.. He knew what was happening and yet he continued to go on filming.
He remembers screaming: "My God! He's dead!"
Zapruder was in a state of complete shock. He remembers going back to the office, but for a while he was not really aware of what he had recorded. But when the film was hurriedly processed and when he had screened it on Friday evening, he realized its importance and value.
The secret service sent agents to examine the film and permitted him to keep it.
C 1963 Life Magazine Time Incorporated. All rights reserved.
On same page, 4 stills from Z-film; on opposite, a further 7.
7) UPI (Dallas), "Movie Film Shows Murder of President," Philadelphia Daily News, Tuesday, 26 November 1963, p.3 (4 star edition):
An amateur photographer shot an 8-MM movie film that clearly shows, step-by-step, the assassination of President Kennedy.
The film was made by Abraham Zapruder, a Dallas dress manufacturer. He is selling rights to the film privately. It has been seen by the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Secret Service and representatives of the news media.
It is seven feet long, 35 seconds in colour, a bit jumpy but clear.
It opens as the Kennedy motorcade rounds the corner from Houston Street and turns into Elm Street.
Then it picks up the President's car and follows it down toward the underpass. Suddenly, in the film, Kennedy is seen to jerk. It is the first shot.
Mrs. Kennedy turns, puts her arms around him. A second later, the second shot. The President's head becomes a blur on the film, lunged forward and up. The second bullet has torn into the back of his head.
He rolls towards Mrs. Kennedy and disappears from sight. Mrs. Kennedy lurches onto the flat trunk deck of the Presidential car as a Secret Service man races to their aid. She is on her hands and knees. She reaches for him. He leaps up on the bumper. She pulls him up on the bumper or he pushes her back as the film ends.
Other films show the car never stopped, but raced to the Parkland Memorial Hospital with Mrs. Kennedy cradling the President.
UPI (Dallas), "Movie Film Shows Murder of President," Philadelphia Daily News, Tuesday, 26 November 1963, p.3 (4 star edition):
On page 1, under the headline "Man Who Came to See JFK Makes Tragic Movie," there is the following blurb above 4 stills: "These dramatic pictures are from an 8mm 'home movie' reel, shot by Dallas dressmaker Abraham Zapruder who went to see President Kennedy ride through cheering throngs in Texas city. His camera recorded one of the most tragic moments in American history. Story page 3.
Below are 4 stills from the Muchmore film!
8) Arthur J. Snider (Chicago Daily News Service), "Movies Reconstruct Tragedy," Fort Worth Star-Telegram, (Evening edition), November 27, 1963, section 2, p.1:
Chicago, Nov. 27 With the aid of movies taken by an amateur, it is possible to reconstruct to some extent the horrifying moments in the assassination of President Kennedy.
As the fateful car rounded the turn and moved into the curving parkway, the President rolled his head to the right, smiling and waving.
At that instant, about 12:30 p.m., the sniper, peering through a four-power telescope sight, fired his cheap rifle.
The 6.5 mm bullet about .25 caliber pierced the President's neck just below the Adam's apple. It took a downward course.
"If you were wearing a bow tie, the position is just about where the knot is," said a Dallas neurosurgeon who saw the wound.
The President clutched his throat for a bewildered instant, then began to sag.
A second blast from the high-powered rifle ripped into the right rear of his head at about a 4 o 'clock position.
It was a violent wound. As a motorcycle officer described it: "It just seemed as if his head opened up."
The President swerved to his left and collapsed into the arms of his wife.
Mrs. Kennedy climbed onto the trunk to beseech aid from a Secret Service man. The President slumped against her leg, bloodying her skirt and stocking.
Meanwhile, Gov. John Connally had turned to see what happened. A third shot rang out.
It struck the governor in the back. The bullet was deflected to his right wrist and lodged in his left thigh. A fragment of rib, fractured by the bullet, punctured a lung.
Sequence pictures of the tragedy were taken by an amateur Dallas photographer and were purchased by Life Magazine. They were published in this week's Life.
They serve to deny a rumor that the President may have sustained the throat wound from a shot fired at ground level.
They also indicate the President was shot first. It had been conjectured by some that Connally was the prime target.
Identification of two points of entry, the throat and the skull, was made by Dr. Kemp Clark, neurosurgeon, and Dr. Tom Shires, chief of surgery at Parkland Hospital.
They said neither bullet was recovered in the hospital emergency room. One bullet was said to have emerged from the left temple.
If any bullets were lodged in the body, they would have been removed at an autopsy in the Bethesda Navy Hospital, where the President's body was taken immediately on the return to Washington.
White House Assistant Press Secretary, asked if an autopsy had been performed, said: "The question has been deferred for reply later."
Officials at Bethesda Naval Hospital declined to comment.
Medical personnel at Parkland Hospital said, however, that a post-mortem examination was performed at Bethesda but no report had yet been received there.
Pathologists in Chicago also expressed the "virtual certainty" that an autopsy was performed.
"It would have been necessary for medical-legal reasons," one said. "In a trial for murder, it is necessary to state in court how death came about, whether by massive hemorrhage , cell destruction, or whatever.
Permission from the family is not needed, although in this case it might have been sought.
9) John Herbers, "Kennedy Struck by Two Bullets, Doctor Who Attended Him Says,
"The known facts about the bullets, and the position of the assassin, suggested that he started shooting as the President's car was coming toward him, swung his rifle in an arc of almost 180 degrees and fired at least twice more.
A rifle like the one that killed President Kennedy might be able to fire three shots in two seconds, a gun expert indicated after tests.
A strip of color movie film taken by a Dallas clothing manufacturer with an 8-mm camera tends to support this sequence of events.
The film covers about a 15-second period. As the President's car come abreast of the photographer, the President was struck in the front of the neck. The President turned toward Mrs. Kennedy as she began to put her hands around his head.
Connally Turns Around
At the same time, Governor Connally, riding in front of the President, turned round to see what had happened. Then the President was struck on the head. His head went forward, then snapped back, as he slumped in his seat. At that time, Governor Connally was wounded.
The elapsed time from the moment Mr. Kennedy was first struck until the car disappeared in an underpass was five seconds."
10) Rick Freedman, "Pictures of Assassination Fall to Amateurs on Street," Editor & Publisher, November 30, 1963, pp.16 & 17:
$40,000 Film Clip
"It was an amateur movie camera enthusiast in Dallas who recorded a 25-second close-up sequence showing the actual impact of the assassin's fire on President Kennedy.
Abraham Zapruder, president of a dress shop in Dallas, sold the 8-millimeter color film clip to Time-Life Inc. for about $40,000. Life editors said that deadline limitations did not permit reproduction in color and the pictures were printed in black and white.
Harry McCormick, police reporter of the Dallas Morning News, rushed to the scene of the assassination. He found Abe Zapruder , who said he had taken movies. Seeing a Secret Serviceman he knew, McCormick tried to get the films confiscated, hoping thus they might become public property. Zapruder refused to give them up, and with the S.S. man and McCormick went to the Eastman Kodak plant were the films were processed.
Others by now had heard about the film. Spirited bidding for the rights started McCormick went up to $1,000 for one of the still frames. It showed that terrible second when the bullet hit the President's head. Time outbid everyone and gained rights to the film.
"In Zapruder's room he has a placard on the wall with "Think" but that word is marked out by "Scheme,"" McCormick said.
"I'm going to get me one like it," the reported remarked.
The picture sequence ran as a four-page spread in Life's Nov. 29 issue, which came out Nov.26. Taken from about 40 feet away with a normal lens, according to Life, most of the sequence is slightly dark and out-of-focus. But it does show in dramatic fashion the entire fatal few seconds --- the President and Mrs. Kennedy riding in the car, the President getting hit, Governor Connally getting hit, Mrs. Kennedy cradling the fallen Chief Executive in her arms, and Mrs. Kennedy jumping up to help a Secret Service man into the President's limousine."
Later in the same piece, we find the following description of an untitled/unattributed film shown presumably on Tuesday, 26 November:
"By Tuesday, numerous pictures, both still and movie, were being offered to news media. At least one television station was besieged with protests after it had shown scenes of the President's motorcade at the moment of the shooting. Many viewers considered them to be too gruesome."
11) The Man Who Killed Kennedy, Time, December 6, 1963, p.29:
The Murder
"At 12:31 the President's Lincoln limousine passed by at a speed of 12 to 15 m.p.h.. In the car, Texas Governor Connally, who was seated directly in front of Kennedy, heard a shot. "I turned to my right," he recalled later, from his hospital bed. "The President had slumped. Then I was hit, and I knew I'd been hit badly. I thought, my God, they're going to kill us all."
What actually happened was made horrifyingly clear in color films taken by Abraham Zapruder, a Dallas clothing manufacturer and an amateur movieman. The strip runs for about 20 seconds -- an eternity of history. Kennedy was waving to a friendly crowd. Then came the first shot, and he clutched at his throat with both hands. Connally turned around, raised his right hand toward the President, then fell backward into his wife's lap as the second shot struck him. The third shot, all too literally, exploded in Kennedy's head. In less than an instant, Jackie was up, climbing back over the trunk of the car, seeking help. She reached out her right hand, caught the hand of a Secret Service man who was running to catch up, and in one desperate tug pulled him aboard. Then, in less time than it takes to tell it, she was back cradling her husband's head in her lap.
Gathered from the Web
"Now the Task of Righting Upset Schedules," New York Herald Tribune, Wednesday, 27 November 1963, section 1, p.21:
"WNEW-TV (Channel 5) claimed it was the first TV station in the country to televise an amateur photographer's film footage of the President Kennedy's assassination. The film was distributed by United Press International and aired by Channel 5 at 12:46 a.m. yesterday."
"Reporter Harry McCormack takes Sorrels to Jennifer Juniors, Inc., in the Dal-TexBuilding, 501 Elm St., and the office of Abraham Zapruder. Zapruder was emotionally upset; agreed to furnish a copy of the film to Sorrels with the understanding that it was strictly for official use of the Secret Service and that it would not be shown or given to any newspapers or magazines, as he expected to sell the film for as high a price as he could get for it. Mr. McCormack had offered $1,000 for it, but others were also interested.(Memo from Forrest Sorrels to Thomas Kelley)
WFAA-TV calls Eastman Kodak, which agrees to process the film right away. A police cruiser took the men to Kodak on Manor Way. There, Sorrels also met Phil Willis, there with his film for processing. Sorrels left. Dan Rather later claimed credit for arranging for the film's processing. Zapruder had 3 copies made (possibly at Jamieson). The film was previewed at the lab just after being developed. Zapruder was assured no bootlegs had been made. Sorrels later picked up two of the copies.*(Trask)
After selling the original and one copy to LIFE, Zapruder seems to have retained an unexplained# 4th copy, which Sorrels brought people over to view, being without his copies Nov. 23-26.(Trask)
Nov. 23: With Zapruder at the projector, the film is viewed by Richard Stolley, Life's Los Angeles Bureau Chief, the only reporter among a small group of Secret Service agents in a small room of Jennifer Juniors, early in the morning. Zapruder ran the film again and again as newsmen from AP and UPI and other magazines showed up. When the lights were turned on, Zapruder looked ill. Stolley convinces Zapruder to talk with him first. (Richard Stolley, 1973)"
*Vince Palamera:
"Also on Friday evening, November 22nd, [Forrest] Sorrels did a frame-by-frame study of the Zapruder film~ in his Dallas office. According to Dallas Postal Inspector Harry D. Holmes who was present, "...we thumbed (through) that thing for an hour or more...push (ing) it up one frame at a time."
Subject: Sign moved Joe West
Date: Sun, 4 Dec 2005 16:03:13 -0500
"First Day Evidence and Dealey Plaza"
Michael Parks..
"The Secret Service performed a re-enactment on 12/5/63 of the shooting of President Kennedy at DealeyPlaza. A survey plat was made for this event by Dallas County Surveyor Robert West and his assistant, Chester Breneman. This survey plat later became Commission Exhibit 585..
This was not the first reenactment performed by the Secret Service in Dealey Plaza. On 11/27/63, they hired the local CBS affiliate KRLD-TV...to film a pre-reenactment, the television crew filmed from Zapruder's pedestal. Within this automobile were two other camera-men, one filming back toward the Texas School Book Depository while the other films ahead toward the Triple Underpass. --..
We do not know why the Secret Service needed a pre-reenactment. At the time of this event, they had the Zapruder film and may even had a survey plat made on 11/25/63 for Time/Life by the same survey team of West and Breneman...The Official story during both the Secret Services re-enactments was three shots, three hits. This story did not change until the following year with the advent of the Magic Bullet.....
Breneman stated that they had a full set of Zapruder frames from which to work with during the December re-enactment. The was furnished by Life Magazine to the Secret Service .These slides were uses to place the shots on
CE 585.....As was pointed out by Chuck Marler in his several informative articles on the topic, shots were placed at Zapruder frames 208, 276, and 358..
These locations were marked on the county survey plat and it became an official document..
It is quite obvious by even the casual observer that the Zapruder film does not support this shot placement.."--.
The next year to back up the theory of the Magic Bullet, the FBI and the Warren Commission held a third reenactment in the Plaza---. on 5/24/64-..the actors used the Zapruder film, and West and Breneman made another survey plat-...CE 882...they move the Head shot to Z 313 from Z 358...It makes you wonder if they had the same film....???
The three yellow curb painted sections within the area where JFK was killed, the last yellow curb marker, is seen after Z 313 but before Z 358.....
There is no way the Secret Service could have been off 45 frames in their head shot placement unless they viewed a different Zapruder film.."
"Is there more proof the Stemmons sign was moved?....... Yes!
Surveyor (Joe) West stated he later measured his plats and found the sign had been moved by more than ten feet.
Even assassination witness and Dealey Plaza groundskeeper, Emmett Hudson testified the signs in the Plaza had been moved (shortly?) after 11/22/63...He also said the head shot was almost in front of where he stood.
This would more agree with the Secret Service's Z 358 shot than the FBI's Z 313...It appears the sign was moved to the FBI's position to match the altered sign in the Zapruder film...
All the Zapruder frames seen were chosen because of the closeness to the re-enactment .."...
Life Magazine, surveyors Bob West and Chester Breneman were in their office, Monday Nov.26th /63..when a man entered...and Breneman recalls that this man said he was a special investigator for Life Magazine..
He hired them to do an investigation in Dealey Plaza, Breneman then accompanied the Life investigators to the 13th floor of the Adolphus Hotel where they were headquartered.. He also says that one of them was wearing a bullet proof vest.....
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