Red Detectives
Green Reserves
Purple Civilians
Black News Media
Blue Patrolmen
The Key To Personnel Shown On The Schematic Diagram Of The Basement Parking Area, City Hall, Involved In The Shooting Of Lee Harvey Oswald By Jack Ruby. Numbers Indicate Position Of Personnel At The Time Of The Shooting On November 24, 1963
News Media on Key
6 Jack Beers
24 J. R. Davidson
30 J. B. English
33 Warren Ferguson
34 Bob Fenley
43 R. Hankal
50 R.S. Huffaker
53 Robert Jackson
55 F. B. Johnson [misspelled]
58 Seth Kantor
80-A Ike Pappas
81 D. L. Pate [Samuel Mack Pate, KBOX Radio? Not present. See Dec. 4, 1963, Commission Exhibit No. 2257,
83 Francois Pelou
83-A Tom Pettit
84 George Phenix
93-A Mike Smith
93-B Johnny Smith [On Commerce Street. Not in Basement]
97-A John Tankersly
99 Robert Thornton
99-A David Timmons
100-A Unknown Jap. Reporter
100-B Unknown Reporter
100-C Jimmy Turner
102-A Homer Venso
22 names
Paul Sisco - Present in Basement,
Isadore Bleckman - Present in Basement,
Jim Standard, The Daily Oklahoman, Present in Basement
Point of comparison: NBC News' Charles Murphy, reporting from the Dallas County jail on Lee Harvey Oswald's expected arrival, said 40 reporters and cameramen were waiting in the building. (Transcript)
The Warren Commission Report, Index of Interviewees, page 54 & 55,
2 Photographers
Jack Beers, Photographer, Basement
Robert Jackson, Photographer, Basement
10 Reporters
J.R. Davidson, Reporter, Basement
Warren Furgeson, Reporter, Basement
Bob Fenley, Dallas Times Herald, Reporter, Basement
R.S. [Bob] Huffaker, Reporter, Basement
Seth Kantor, Reporter, Basement
Ike Pappas, Reporter, (Not interviewed) Basement
Francois Pelou, Reporter, AFP, Basement
Tom Pettit, Reporter (Not interviewed) Basement
Mike Smith, Reporter, (Not interviewed) Basement
Robert Thornton, Reporter, Basement
8 Cameramen
J.B. English, Cameraman, Basement
R. Hankal, Cameraman, Basement
F.B. [Frank] Johnston, Cameraman, Basement
George Phenix, Cameraman, Basement
John Tankersly, Cameraman, Basement
David Timmons, Cameraman, Basement
Jimmy Turner, Cameraman, Basement
Homer Venso, NBC News Cameraman, Basement
Johnny Smith, Newsman, Truck on Commerce
Unknown Japanese, Reporter (Not interviewed) Basement
Unknown, Reporter (Not interviewed) Basement
David Hughes, Dallas Times Herald Reporter, Not Present
F. Kuler, Reporter, Not Present
Joe Long, Newsman, Not Present
Darwin Payne, Reporter, Not Present
Tony Zoppi, Reporter, Not Present
December 16, 1963, C. C. Wallace Memo, List of names mentioned as present in basement of City Hall when Lee Harvey Oswald was shot. Not contacted.
Milt Sosin, Miami Florida Reporter
Paul Cisco, Unknown - Not Local [misspelled; Correct spelling: Sisco]
Oliver Oakes, Unknown - Not Local
John Alexander, Unknown - Not Local
Tom Pettit, NBC News, Reporter, Los Angeles, CA
Jim Standard, Oklahoma City, Okla. - Newspaper
Mike Smith, A.P. - Los Angeles, California
Bert Rhinehart, U.P.I. New York City, [misspelled; Correct spelling: Burt Reinhardt]
Hank Machariella, Daily Tribune, New York City,
December 1, 1963, FBI Interviews with Paul Sisco, Oliver Oakes and Isadore Bleckman,
Paul Sisco - Present in Basement
Isadore Bleckman - Present in Basement
Known Names Missing From List:
Geoff Edwards from KXJ. radio in Los Angeles
Peter Worthington
Female Reporter who interviewed Officer Dean
Nelson Binton, CBS News producer, (See: Dan Rather Interview Part 10 of 16)
Fred Rheinstein, NBC New producer (See: The Killing Of Lee Harvey Oswald,)
Red Walker, NBC News Audio Operator,
Commission Exhibit No. 2874, James Standard, reporter, Oklahoma City Times, diigo,
Great work, but I wish the resolution was better. It's very hard to make out the numbers in the circles and the words in the colored circles' key.
Great work but I wish the resolution was better. Where are the doors two that some people think Ruby might have used to get from the alley to the first floor hallway, and then from the hallway to the basement?
The female reporter who interviewed Officer Dean in the basement after Ruby shot Oswald was Peggy Simpson, AP's only female reporter in TX.She's still alive - see interview and her current photo below. She was 8 feet away when Ruby shot Oswald.
More on Peggy Simpson...here are some photos of her as a journalism student at North Texas State Teachers College 1960 (now UNT): http://texashistory.unt.edu/ark:/67531/metapth61030/hits/?q=%22Peggy+Simpson%22
Sorry, keep remembering things to share with you about Peggy Simpson. She can also be seen questioning Fritz in the DPD Hallway in this video. It's cued up at the moment of the scene. JFK photo researcher, Denis Morissette, was the one who clued me in to her existence: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qy4Fv4xsM4Y&feature=youtu.be&t=8572
The Unknown Japanese reporter is known, he's Sassa Atsuyuki: https://cryptome.org/jp-journo-id2.htm
That last page is his wikipedia page in Japanese which has a lot of information. Just click on the box to translate in google chrome or rt click and then click on translate to english.
Also i see another name that is not on the list who was known to be there, Thayer Waldo. He was near Blackie Harrison I think. He testified to the WC:
FBI Report on Waldo: http://www.history-matters.com/archive/jfk/wc/wcvols/wh21/html/WH_Vol21_0366b.htm
FWST article by him on p.8:
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