January 1, 1932, The New York Times, Nation's Movements for Disarmament and Prosperity
INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS. Jan. 29-Secretary Stimson apologizes to Italy for General Smedley Butler's speech at Philadelphia. Oct. 22-27-Premier Pierre ...
January 3, 1932, The New York Times, Quaker City Keeps Eyes On the Police; Philadelphia Wets and Drys Are Awaiting Developments Under Moore Regime, by Lawrence Davies, Editorial Correspondence,
Wide Open Town Rumored; Fact He Is a Wet, New Safety Head, ls No Indication of Lax Law Enforcement, ...W. Freeland Kendrick, brought in General Smedley D. Butler to "clean up Philadelphia." Has a Good Record. The Mayor-elect, -who has served Philadelphia's ...
January 4, 1932, New York Times, Miss Ethel Butler Engaged To Marry; Daughter of Major Gen. and Mrs. Smedley D. Butler to Wed Lieut. John Wehle, First Met At Quantico; Lieut. Wehle Is In the Marine Corps and Is Stationed at Brooklyn Navy Yard.
PHILADELPHIA, Pa., Jan. 3. Gen. and Mrs. Smedley Darlington Butler of Newtown Square have announced the engagement of their daughter, Miss Ethel Peters ...
January 4, 1932, New York Times, Treaty Navy by 1942 to Cost $616,000,000 Asked in Vinson Bill, Measure to Be Offered Today Would Provide 120 New Ships in Replacement Program. $18,000,000 Outlay in 1933 Expenditures Would Then Mount Each Year to a 1937 Peak of $90,000,000; Against Hoover Policies; It Restores Plan He Rejected -- Hearings Begin Tuesday, With Adams to Be Called,
Smedley D. Butler of the Marines, retired, may also be called. Under the Georgia Representative's bill the $616,000,000 program would become effective in the ...
January 25, 1932, New York Times, Shanghai Is Ruled in Three Sections; Native City, International Settlement and French Concession Separate Units; Police of Many Nations; Japanese Will Risk Interference if They Take Measures Within the Foreign Area,
As a. matter of fact, under General Smedley Butler, the marines -were used to guard property within the Settlement and were not stationed on the periphery of the ...
January 29, 1932, New York Times, Marines in China Veterans of Corps; Commander Is Colonel Hooker, Who Has Served as Officer Since 1900; Officers in World War; Regiment Itself Also Campaigned In Mexico, Santo Domingo and the Hawaiian Islands,
Smedley D. Butler commanded the Third Brigade, United States Marines, of which the Fourth Regiment was a part. A large man physically, Colonel Hooker can ...
February 1, 1932, New York Times, Butler Says Japan Planned War 10 Years; Marine Corps General Asserts Tokyo Waited Until Other Nations Were "Flat",
Smedley D. Butler, who commanded the United States marines in China during the rise of the Nationalist Government, told 3000 persons at the ymca here today ...
February 2, 1932, New York Times, Butler-Wehle,
PHILADELPHIA, Pa., Feb. 1. Ethel Peters Butler, daughter of: Major Gen.Smedley D. Butler and Mrs. Butler of Newtown ...
February 3, 1932, UP The Daily Argus [Mount, Vernon, NY] Hoover Flays Relief Bill,
February 4, 1932, New York Times, Gen. Butler Warns of War; Tells Women In Hackensack Japan Plans to Expand Into China,
HACKENSACK, NJ, Feb. 8.--General Smedley D. Butler warned tonight in a lecture here that although, "like every civilized man ...
February 5, 1932, New York Times, Simon Lake Patents a New Escape Buoy; Inventor Says His Latest Device Might Have Saved Some of Submarine M-2's Crew,
Butler to Defend 'Armed Peace' The question of disarmament will be ...Smedley D. Butler under the auspices of the Westchester County committee of the ..
February 7, 1932, New York Times, Frank E. Maize,
Mr. Maize was appointed to his post by the former director of safety, General Smedley D. Butler. The promotion came as a reward for more than thirty-five years' ...
February 8, 1932, New York Times, Butler-Wehle
PHILADELPHIA, Pa., Feb. 7. Plans for the wedding of Miss Ethel Peters Butler, daughter of Major Gen. and Mrs. Smedley ...
February 11, 1932, New York Times, Charges We Forced Loan To Hold Haiti; Georges Leger Tells Senate Committee State Department Caused Needless Borrowing, Domination is Denounced; Haitian Lawyer Says That Continuing of Control to 1953 Will Bring Trouble. Department in Rejoinder: American Supervision Is Credited for the "Unique Soundness" of the Island's Finances,
...the Chamber of Deputies was "padlocked" by marines under the command of General Smedley D.Butler, and in 1930, when the Forbes Commission made an ..
February 13, 1932, New York Times, Gen. Butler Says Shanghai Row Masks Colonization of Manchuria.
WHITE PLAINS, NY, Feb. 12.General Smedley D. Butler forecast tonight at the County Centre here that "when the smoke ...
February 21, 1932, New York Times, Hint Dry Will Fight Davis for Senate; Pinchot's Remarks Indicate He Will Help Choose a Candidate, Possibly Smedley Butler; Du Pont Assails Leaders; He Says Republicans Have Not Kept Campaign Pledges -- Urges a Repeal Plank,
...but it is known that he believes General Smedley D. Butler would make a lively candidate. Some time ago, however, Dr. Homer W. Tope, State superintendent ...
March 3, 1932, New York Times, Gen. Butler as Dry Seeks Senate Seat; Ex-Marines Officer Will Oppose Davis, Wet, in Pennsylvania Republican Primaries; Pinchot Backs Him; Candidate Promises His "Best Fight" and "Plenty of Campaigning"; Liquor Foes Hail News; Anti-Saloon League Head Recalls Work for Enforcement -- Vare Leaders Are Silent
Major General Smedley D. Butler, with the backing of Governor Pinchot, announced his candidacy today for the Republican nomination for the United States ...
March 6, 1932, New York Times, Stock Exchange Inquiry Ordered, by Arthur Krock,
Pennsylvania Major General Smedley D. Butler, vsmc, re:ired, announced his candidacy on a Done dry platform for the Republican Senatorial nomination ...
Print Headline: "The Week in America: Kidnapping Stirs Nation; World Affairs Aside; All Else Faded in Importance Before the Empty Cradle in the Lindbergh Home,
March 6, 1932, New York Times, Headline Footnotes; About Four Hunters -- of Bears, of Critics, of Atoms and of Political Office,
And, last week, Smedley D. Butler, retired Marine Corps General, jumped in with both feet and all expletives to General Butler. oppose Senator James J. Davis ..
March 6, 1932, New York Times, Factional Row Due in Keystone State; Dissension in Republican Ranks Foreshadows Spectacular Primary Battle, by William T. Martin, Editorial Correspondence, Martin and Vare Combine; Philadelphia and Pittsburgh Party Heads Seek to Eliminate Pinchot as Contender for Control;
General Smedley D. Butler, of West Chester, for the United States Senatorship now held by James J. Davis. Senator Davis, since his declaration for modification ..
March 12, 1932, New York Times, Leaves Field to Davis and Butler
...Davis, a -wet, backed by William S. Vare and the Republican State organization, and Major Gen. Smedley D. Butler, bone dry, supported by Governor Pinchot.
March 18, 1932, New York Times, Davis Urges Liquor Option; Senator in Opening Campaign Demands Republicans Take Stand,
Smedley D. Butler, dry candidate, spoke to the Union League of Upper Darby before 1300 Delaware County Republicans. "I cannot understand," he asserted, ...
March 31, 1932, New York Times, Progressive Economist,
...out for Federal alms, appeared as sponsor by the side of General Smedley D. Butler, beginning his campaign for the Republican nomination for Senator.
April 1, 1932, The [Glen Falls, NY] Post-Star, Butler Recommends Use of Martial Law,
April 4, 1932, New York Times, Gen. Butler Tells Bible Class He Prays Before Each Speech
PHILADELPHIA, April 3.-Major Gen. Smedley D. Butler utters a prayer before he begins every speech in his campaign ...
April 8, 1932, New York Times, To Hear Bonus Plea by Smedley Butler; Ways and Means Committee Will Get His Views Favoring Payment Now, Ex-Soldiers Parade Today; Petitions Said to Carry 2,500,000 Names -- Milligan Comes Out Against Legislation,
A personal appeal for the passage of bonus legislation will be made by Brig. Gen . Smedley D. Butler, retired, before the Ways and Means Committee. A personal ...
April 8, 1932, New York Times, The Cleaner-Up,
Governor Pinchot's candidate for Senator from Pennsylvania, General Smedley D. Butler, not content with cannonading the Wets, has turned his angry ...
April 9, 1932, The New York Times, Parade To Capitol In Plea For Bonus; l,200 Members of Legion and Other Veterans' Groups in Line of March; Official Reception Given; Petitions With 2,240,030 Names Are Turned Over to McNary and Rainey for Congress; Floridians Back Stevens; State Legion Against Payment Now -- Cincinnati Post and Merchants Here Are Also Opposed.
Smedley D. Butler of the Marine Corps, retired, is expected to appear as a. witness. He is a bonus advocate. Other witnesses Tuesday will include Thomas Kirby, ...
April 10, 1932, New York Times, $949,237,795 Voted in Aid of Veterans; House Passes the Independent Offices Bill After a Sharp Debate on the Bonus; Dyer Warns of "Panic"; Patman and Rankin Defend Plan on the Radio, While Johnson Says It Means "Disaster",
Smedley D. Butler will appear for the bill. After asserting that there was no such thing as a "bonus certificate," Mr. Patman said in his radio speech: "About 3 per ..
April 12, 1932, New York Times, Robinson and Rainey Lead Fight on Bonus; United Attack Leads to Party Split, Which Makes Bill's Outlook Less Hopeful; Patman Defends Measure; He and Ex-Senator Owen Advise Inflation to Aid the Nation; Connery Asks Legion Poll,
Smedley Butler Not to Appear. The hearings will continue tomorrow with testimony from several members of the House for bonus payments; representatives of ...
April 13, 1932, New York Times, Topics of the Times,
Millionaires Not Wanted. General SMEDLEY BUTLER, who recently announced his purpose to "clean up" the Senate, now proposes to clean up the Cabinet.
April 14, 1932, New York Times, Butler Denies Onus For Williams Trial; Heckled at Pottsville, He Says Admiral Forced Court-Martial of Officer for Drinking, Pinchot Supports Version Retired General Says He Has Kept Silent Heretofore to Protect Son of the Convicted Man
Heckled by several persons in an audience of 2500 here today, Major Gen. Smedley D. Butler, candidate for the Republican, nomination for United States ...
April 17, 1932, New York Times, Asserts Drys Face Crisis in Primary; McBride Warns Pennsylvanians Defeat of Butler Will Influence National Trend; Switch of Davis Assailed' Anti-Saloon League Officials Seek, Through Pastors, Pledges of Votes for "Desirable Candidates,
If they nominate Davla and defeat General Smedley D. Butler and a number of drv Congressmen they will create a psychology that will make the maintaining- of ...
April 18, 1932, New York Times, Pennsylvania Drys Warned by M'Bride; Letter to Ministers Reiterates Fate of Prohibition in Nation Is Involved in Primary; League 'Much Concerned'; Wet Leader Thinks That Drys Have Occasion to Be Worried -- He Sees Davis Winning,
...Dr. McBride said a victory by Senator James J. Davis over General Smedley D. Butler, coupled with the defeat of a number of dry members of Congress, would ...
April 24, 1932, New York Times, Butler for "Real" Bonus.; General in Speech Declares Against Payment In "Phony" Money,
LEHIGHTON. Pa., April 23 OF).General Smedley D. Butler, campaigning: for the Republican nomination against Senator James J. Davis, told an audience today ...
April 24, 1932, New York Times, Pennsylvania Trend Runs to Roosevelt; Supporters Predict Sweep Over Smith in Primary That Will Clinch Nomination; Unopposed in 21 Districts; Philadelphia Party Leaders for Him-- Smith Men Claiming Only Ten Delegates. Democratic Tide Rising Thousands Have Quit Republican Party. While 300,000 Wets Are Threatening Revolt, Smedley D. Butler, which I might so divide the vote as to elect the Democratic candidate for the Senate. Pennsylvania today is a fertile territory for Republican ...
April 26, 1932, New York Times, Pennsylvania Goes to Primary Today; Roosevelt Men Claim Sweep in Democratic Contest, but Smith Backers Are Confident, Davis Victory Predicted State Republican Chairman Sees Margin of 250,000 -- Drys in Plea for General Butler, Smedley D. Butler for the Republican Senatorial nomination. | ia sweeping victory not only for i Senator Davis but for all other i candidates on the ticket supported ...
April 27, 1932, New York Times, Sharp Contest in Pennsylvania,
In 1334 of the State's 8181 districts for the Republican Senatorial nomination Senator James J. Davis had 152510 votes and General Smedley D. Butler 68530 .
April 28, 1932, New York Times, Pennsylvania Republicans,
...the Legislature, send anti-Hooverites to the National Convention, beat Senator DAVIS, reformed prohibitionist, with General SMEDLEY BUTLER, dryest of the ...
April 28, 1932, New York Times, Will Rogers Sees a Lesson In Results of the Primaries, by Will Rogers,
And, Smedley Butler in Pennsylvania. He used fine .judgment! He run as a dry instead of as a marine. There is one thing you can bet on this year. No voter is ...
April 28, 1932, New York Times, Massie Jury is Out; Darrow Asks Mercy in a 4 1/2-Hour Plea, by Russell Owen, Defense Counsel Pictures Four Accused as Entrapped in Meshes of a Cruel Fate; Lawyer Assails Alienist; Terms the Prosecution Witness Inconsistent -- Likens Him to "Spider Waiting for Fly." Sympathy Plea Assailed; Prosecutor Declares Lieutenant "Will Be Made an Admiral" if Acquitted of Murder, As long as the American flag flies on that staff without the Admiral's pennant over it, you must regard the Constitution and the law. As Smedley Butler said, to ...
May 1, 1932, New York Times, Two Primaries Held, by Arthur Krock,
Smedley D. Butler, United States Marine Corps, retired, was badly beaten by Senator James J. Davis for the Republican nomination. His wife failed in her effort .
May 22, 1932, New York Times, Caucus Action Jars Pennsylvania Wets; Davis Vote Led Republicans to Expect Strong Stand for Repeal Plank, by Lawrence Davis, Editorial Correspondence,
Leaders Seem Lukewarm; Delegation Refers All Questions of Policy to Committee Which Will Report at Chicago; Rank and File Perturbed; They Talk of "Washington Orders" -- Party Heads Working Hard for Harmony, Wet leaders who had looked upon Senator James J. Davis's overwhelming victory over Major Gen.Smedley D. Butler in the Pennsylvania Republican ...
June 12, 1932, New York Times, Quaker City Mayor at Odds with Police; Mr. Moore and His Director of Safety Apparently Define "Liberal" Differently; Latter Would Dry Up City; Series of Raids by New "Mystery" Squad Arouse Caustic Philadelphia Comment; Mayor Curbs Shake-Up; Orders Police Head to Make No More Appointments or Promotions Without Consultation, by Lawrence Davies,
Stories of Mayor W. Freeland Kendrick's battles with General Smedley D. Butler, whom he eventually fired as police head, are old favorites with the story-telling ...
June 18, 1932, New York Times, Smedley Butler Silent on Politics,
NEWTOWN SQUARE, Pa., June 17 Off1).-Major Gen. Smedley D. Butler, who lost a campaign as a "bonedry" against Senator James J. Davis in the primary last ...
June 30, 1932, New York Times, Gen. Butler May Bolt.; Republican Dry Says He Will Vote Democratic for "Right Man.",
PHILADELPHIA, June 29.-Major Gen. Smedley Butler, avowed "dry," at a Bible class meeting at Broomall, near here, said ...
July 7, 1932, New York Times, Gen. Butler Warns of 'Tory' Menace; Says Control of Nation Must Be Wrested From Them to Avert 'Political Dyspepsia.'; Urges Fight on Hunger; Constitutional Guarantees Also Include the Right to Eat and Work, He Asserts
A people "without pride in their form of government is politically dyspeptic," Major General Smedley D. Butler, United States Marine Corps, retired, told 300 ...
July 8, 1932, New York Times, General Butler for Roosevelt,
SQUIRE, Pa., 7 UPI-Major Gen. Smedley D. Butler, a Republican and an outspoken dry, said tonight he would vote for Governor Roosevelt for ...
July 19, 1932, New York Times, B.E.F. Gets Recruits Federal Expense; Many Turn Fare-Home Funds to "Tourist and Enlistment Service." Mr. Zero' and Aides Fined; Bonus Army Cheers News That General Butler Will Visit Camps as "Buddy."
Members of the bbf tonight were awaiting the arrival of the newest and probably most famous recruit, General Smedley D. Butler. The retired marine officer not ...
July 20, 1932, New York Times, Gen. Butler Urges Bonus Army to Stick; Ex-Marine Officer Makes Fiery Address to Veterans in Camp at Anacostia; Railroad Tickets Sold; Some Bonus-Seekers Get Gasoline and Ration Allowances, but Refuse to Leave
...until the government pays the veterans the full value of their adjusted compensation certificates, General Smedley D. Butler, retired officer of the Marine Corps, ...
July 20, 1932, New York Times, Gen. Butler Will Not Run as Dry,
HARRISBURG, Pa., July 19.Major Gen.Smedley D. Butler withdrew today as the Prohibition party's candidate for the Sen
July 20, 1932, The Saratogian, page 1, Bonus Seekers at Capital Held Off From White House,
July 21, 1932, New York Times, Veterans Barred From White House; Police Arrest deader and Two Aides of One of the Radical Groups, Clash Narrowly Averted; Officers Display Tear Gas Guns as They Close Capitol Area to All Traffic; Butler Spends Night at Camp,
General Smedley D. Butler, v/ho last night told the men they should stick together to force payment of the claims, addressed them ...
July 24, 1932, New York Times, Only 3,500 Veterans Left, Asserts Hines; Leaders Deny Big Exodus, but Robertson and Many of Followers Depart; Ordered From Building; Rush is Expected Before Limit of Federal Transportation Expires at Midnight Tonight,
...Glassford succeed Commander Waters, while in other quarters a move to displace Mr. Waters with General Smedley D. Butler was gaining some headway.
August 1, 1932, New York Times, Rumor Booms Gen. Butler; But Talk of His Leading "Khaki Shirts" is "News" to Him,
PHILADELPHIA, July 31.-General Smedley D. Butler gave no encouragement tonight to rumors emanating from the ...
August 2, 1932, New York Times, Veteran Dies of Wounds; Eric Carison Is Second Victim of Thursday's Strife,
August 2, 1932, New York Times, Gen. Butler Advises B.E.F, to Disperse; Declining to Visit Johnstown, He Urges That Men Go Home for States' Care, Camp Sanitation a Worry; Mayor Flies to Harrisburg for Tents, but is Told State Has None Available; Campers in Good Spirits; Enjoy Life Despite Hardships -- Panhandling Forbidden, but Fee is Levied on Visitors. by F. Raymond Daniell,
Maj. Gen. Smedley D. Butler, who the ragged bonus marchers secretly hope will undertake to lead a nation-wide organization of "Khaki Shirts," advised them ...
August 3, 1932, New York Times, Butler Renews Plea to Go.; Says if Bonus Seekers Disband, Their States Will Aid Them,
NEWTOWN SQUARE, Pa., Aug. 2.-Major Gen. Smedley D. Butler it was in telephone communication tonight -with ...
*August 7, 1932, New York Times, The Week in America; Silver Lining Appears; But the Public is Wary; by Arthur Krock, However, Certain Definite Signs of Improvement Raise Hopes. Five-Day Week Discussed; Reconstruction Finance Body Helps Some States, but Refuses Others; Bonus Army Disbanding; Political Activity Grows -- Wets Show More Strength -- Seabury Replies to Walker, He appealed to Major Gen. Smedley D. Butler, USMC, retired, to help him out. General Butler remained prudently away. Finally he made arrangements with local ...
August 21, 1932, New York Times, Jewish Veterans Meet Sept. 2,
Gov. Herbert H. Lehman of New York, Governor A. Harry Moore of New Jersey, General Smedley D. Butler and Congressman Sol Bloom of New Torh.
August 21, 1932, New York Times, Keystone Legion Denounces Hoover; Veterans Assail President and Congress for the Rout of the B.E.F. in Washington; Demand Bonus Payment; Motion to Strike Out References to Hoover Is Defeated by 864 to 124 Votes,
Just before the convention closed, General Smedley E. Butler walked to the platform and received an ovation. "There is no Santa Claus in life," he told the ...
August 26, 1932, New York Times, Pinchot Demands Ousting of Davis; Governor Asks State Committee to End Senator's Candidacy and Run 'a Clean Republican'; "Under Suspicion,' He Says; Asserts Nominee Was 'Indicted as a Lottery Racketeer' and Warns of Democratic Victory; Recalls Vare Rejection and Declares Davis, If Elected, "Will Never Be Allowed to Take Seat" in the Senate.
In the primary this year the Governor supported General Smedley D. Butler, retired marine officer, for the Senatorial nomination, but Senator Davis had little ...
September 1, 1932, New York Times, Jewish Veterans Meet Tomorrow,
Lehman of New York, Major Gen. Dennis E. ,Nolan, commanding the Second Corps Area; Major Gen.Smedley D. Butler; Eugene Meyer, governor of the Federal ...
September 4, 1932, New York Times, Campaign Troubles Pile on Sen. Davis; Indicted Here, Pennsylvanian Comes Under Severe Attack by Governor Pinchot; by Lawrence Davies,
Vare Machine Backs Him, But Action of State Committee 19 Awaited and Governor May Have Last Word;
After the rout of that political interloper, Major Gen. Smedley D. Butler, in the Spring Senatorial primary, Senator James J. Davis was considered as much, ...
September 5, 1932, New York Times, Sands Point to Have Air Marine Pageant; Several Planes Will Fly Over Bath Club Saturday Night During Outdoor Program, Veterans to Hear Smedley Butler.
Brig. Gen. Smedley Butler, retired, and Cornelius Vanderbilt Whitney, Democratic candidate for Congress from Nassau County ...
September 8, 1932, New York Times, Gen. Butler to Stump; Ex-Marine, Lifelong Republican, Will Speak for Roosevelt,
PHILADELPHIA, Pa., Sept. 7.-Major Gen.Smedley D. Butler indicated today that he -would make several campaign speeches ...
September 10, 1932, New York Times, Freeport Veterans to Hear Butler
FREEPORT, LI, Sept. 9.-A speech to be made by General Smedley D. Butler, former head of the United States Marine Corps, will be ...
September 21, 1932, New York Times, Strong Wet Trend Shown in Nation; Gains for Repeal Movement Counted On in Massachusetts and Wisconsin Primaries; Mixed Results in New York; Victories in Pennsylvania, Ohio, Texas and Other Sections Cited by Dry Foes; Florida Upset is Recalled; Results Cheer Henry Curran of Association Against the Prohibition Amendment,
Smedley D. Butler, a militant dry, was pointed to as one of the earliest indications of how the voters felt. Of greater significance, according to Henry Curran, vice ...
September 30, 1932, New York Times, Farley Finds Race Close in 5 States; Will Not Concede Even These to Rivals, He Says After Talk With Campaign Aides, Victory in New York Seen; Chairman Sure Roosevelt Will Win by Greater Plurality Than He Got in 1930,
Butler to Speak for Roosevelt. Major Gen. Smedley D. Butler, stormy petrel of Pennsylvania politics and now stumping for the Roosevelt-Garner slate, -was a ...
October 6, 1932, New York Times, Amelia Earhart Honored; Receives Gimbel Award In Philadelphia as Outstanding Woman in 1932,
Miss Earhart received from Mayor Moore the medal of the city of Philadelphia in recognition of her transatlantic flight, and from Major Gen. Smedley D. Butler a ...
October 6, 1932, Buffalo Courier Express, Banking Group Denounces High Federal Taxes,
October 17, 1932, New York Times, Governor Lays Plans for Trip, Governor to State Anti-Bonus Stand,
HYDE PARK, Oct. 16. -- Governor Roosevelt spent many hours today with his research advisers in mapping out the program of speeches for his tour.
October 18, 1932, New York Times, Norris Asks Voters to Bolt 'Bosses,' Turn to Roosevelt; Senator Tells Pennsylvanians Governor Will Carry State if Conscience Guides Ballot; Assails Hoover Tactics; Links Him With "Machine" and "Insiders" Exploiting People in Economics; Quotes '28 Hoover Rivals; Citing Attacks by Republican Leaders, He Inquires If They Are "Telling the Truth Now"; Norris Asks Voters to Bolt 'Bosses',
Smedley D. Butler, the other speaker tonight, describing himself as a "Hoover-for- Ex-President Republican," predicted that Governor Roosevelt would carry ...
October 21, 1932, New York Times, Republicans Renew Pennsylvania Hopes; State Shows Strong Trend to Roosevelt, but They Look for Vare Machine to Save Them, by Arthur Krock,
Change in Polls is Cited; Readers Also Count on Pick-Up in Business and Inherent Support for the Party; Democrats Are Confident; They Believe They Have a Fighting Chance for the First Time in 76 Years,
...Davis won't be seated if elected, and that the open opposition of General Smedley Butler and the silent opposition of Governor Pinchot will show in the returns.
October 29, 1932, New York Times, Butler Assails Gas Attack On B.E.F.; Says He Is Against Hoover for Calling for Bayonets Against Unarmed Americans. Brig. Gen.Smedley D. Butler ...
October 31, 1932, New York Times, Smith Tells Party How to Use Victory; As Editor, He Advises "the New Democratic Administration" to Act on Unemployment, Smith Tells Party Hos to Use Victory; As Editor, He Would Push Public Works; He Accuses R.F.C. of Balking Model Housing Here -- Cut in Tariff and War Debt in His Program,
Among other articles Newton D. Baker discusses responsibility for relief in depression and Brig1. Gen. Smedley D. Butler defends the veterans' demand for ...
November 11, 1932, New York Times, Disarmament Mass Meeting at Carnegie Hall Tonight,
Among yesterday's signers were Lieut. Gen. Robert Lee Bullard, Brig. Gen. Smedley D. Butler, Major Gen. James G. Harbord. Major Gen, William N. Haskell.
November 11, 1932, New York Times, Silence Will Mark Armistice Today; City to Celebrate 14th Year of Peace With Many Patriotic and Memorial Services; Forts Fire 21 Guns at Noon; Official Observance at Eternal Light -- Legion to Mass Colors at Brooklyn Borough Hall; Good-Will Cable is Sent; Generals Sign Message to Germany -- Disarmament Mass Meeting at Carnegie Hall Tonight,
November 20, 1932, New York Times, Quotations Not to Be Found in Bartlett; Who's Hooey Nitwitticisms of the Notable, Compiled and annotated by Arthur Zipser and George Novack. Caricatures by Rainey Bennett. 96 pp. New York: B.P. Dutton & Co. $1,
Smedley D. Butler, for example, tempts the gods by saying. "1 i know when to keep my mouth shut." Benjamin De Casseres ("whose modesty will be the death of ...
December 9, 1932, New York Times, Smedley Butler Is Grandfather,
PHILADELPHIA, Dec. 8, UPI--Major Gen. Smedley D. Butler, retired marine officer, is a grandfather for the first time, it was learned today. A baby girl was born to ...
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