January 4, 1936, New York Times, Gen. Butler Calls Neutrality Vital; New World War Gathering, He Says, and We Must Decide to Keep Utterly Aloof; Asks Pleas to Congress,
Smedley D. Butler struck out tonight at war in an address before the third United States Congress Against War and Fascism..
January 5, 1936, New York Times, Tennis Meet in Florida; Ranking Players Compete At Coral Gables for Doherty Trophy,
...the negative by Mr. Kaitenborn, editor, author and radio announcer; Major General Smedley D. Butler and "Private Meet," March 1, in a symposium on "How Can ...
January 23, 1936, New York Times Bonus Bond Bill Passes and Rushed to President,
January 25, 1936, New York Times, House Swiftly Overrides Bonus Veto by Roosevelt; Senate to Act on Monday; House Vote is 324 TO 61; President Sends Brief Message in Own Hand, Citing 1935 Stand; Points Out Higher Outlay; Leaders Overwhelmed in Attempt to Delay Test -- Republicans Join in Blocking Them; Cost to Be $2,491,000,000; Party's Senate Chiefs Predict Defeat of Executive by Big Margin in That Chamber; WASHINGTON, Jan. 24. -- President Roosevelt today vetoed the $2,491,000,000 "baby bond" Bonus Bill. Exactly forty-five minutes after his message had been delivered to the House, the veto had been overridden by a vote of 324 to 61.
January 28, 1936, New York Times, Bonus Bill Becomes Law, page 1, Repassed in Senate, 76-19; Payment Will Be Speeded; President Acts Quickly; Sets Machinery Going but Asks Veterans to Be Patient; Huge Task by June 15; Seven Million Interest Calculations Required With 3,000 More Clerks to Be Hired; Plea Made to Hold Bonds; Ex-Service Men's Leaders Urge Against Cashing In at Once Unless Need Is Pressing; WASHINGTON, Jan. 27. -- The $2,491,000,000 "baby bond" Bonus Bill became law at 1:30 o'clock this afternoon when the Senate voted 76 to 19 to override President Roosevelt's veto. Every member voted.
*February 9, 1936, New York Times, Sidelights of the Week,
The Spanish-American War broke out when Smedley Butler was 16 years old; he ran away from his Quaker home to join the army. A year later he was ...
February 10, 1936, New York Times, May Nominate Smedley Butler,
Major Gen. Smedley D. Butler may become a Democratic candidate for . I-Ie has been recommended to county leaders but has not committed himself.
February 25, 1936, New York Times, Hagood Relieved of Duty in Army for His WPA Gibes; General Who Testified as to 'Stage Money' Is Sent to Home to 'Await Orders'.
Smedley D. Butler, retired marine officer. Representative Blanton of Texas, a member of the subcommittee before which the general testified, took the floor in the ...
February 26, 1936, New York Times, In Washington; Republicans Seize on Hagood Case for the Campaign, by Arthur Krock,
And if the Republicans persist in throwing the case into , especially should General Hagood escape a court-martial (which Generals :[ and Smedley Butler were ...
February 26, 1936, New York Times, Hagood Case Stirs the Senate; Republicans Charge 'Terrorism; Hastings, Seeing Effort 'to Crush Criticism,' Draws Reply From Robinson, Who Also Warns General Bolles on 'Politics' -- Blanton Has Letter Saying Hagood Could Talk 'Freely,'by Turner Catledge,
William Mitchell and Major Gen. Smedley D. Butler, former stormy figure of the Marine Corps. Senator Robinson told the Senate, furthermore, that ...
March 1, 1936, New York Times, Hagood Case Poses a Sharp Army Issue; emand for 'Discipline' Made by One Side Is Met by a Cry of 'Politics' From the Other', by Turner Catledge,
William Mitchell and former Major Gen.Smedley Butler of the Marine Corps. In the course of the controversy Senator Robinson, the Democratic floor leader, met ...
March 7, 1936, New York Times, Phone Data Seized in Lobbying Inquiry; Black Group Uses New Check-Up as It Traces Battle on the Wheeler Bill; Doherty Deal Described; Committee Alleges He Unloaded Stock at $17,800,000 Profit Just Before Crash,
He said the Senator dictated telegrams to General Smedley D.Butler and General John A. Lejeune, retired marine officers, seeking information to block the ...
March 26, 1936, New York Times, G. C. M'Guire Dies; Accused of 'Plot',
June 12, 1936, New York Times, Cult Plot to Kill Voisine Confessed; Dean Says He Was in Party Sent to Shoot Ecorse Mayor After Bombing Failed, Butler Aids Inquiry; He Tells McCrea of Evidence Linking the Black Legion
...Smedley D. Butler, that he believed the Black Legion "was rapidly building up ...
June 22, 1936, New York Times, Mrs. Thomas S.Butler; Widow of Representative and the Mother of General Butler,
I _N, Texas, June 21 --Mrs. Maude D. Butler, the widow of Representative Thomas S. Butler of Pennsylvania and mother of General Smedley D. Butler, died ...
July 30, 1936, Ballston Spa [NY] Daily Journal, page 4, Notable Nativities, Smedley D. Butler, b. July 30, 1881, Quaker-born fighting Marine,
August 4, 1936, New York Times, Gen. Butler Legatee of Mother,
Brig. Gen. Smedley D. Butler will receive a third of the $28800 estate left by his mother, Mrs. Maude D. Butler of West Chester, according to papers filed at the ...
August 8, 1936, New York Times, Oil Man a Victim of Extortionist; Samuel Butler Tosses Money From Texas Train to Man Who Threatened Family, Youth Makes Getaway, Brother of General Butler Had Followed Instructions -- Officers Start a Wide Hunt,
Samuel Butler, prominent oil operator of Eastland and a brother of Brig. Gen. Smedley D. Butler, retired, was the victim of an extortionist who threatened to " wipe ...
September 17, 1936, New York Times, War is Called 'Hell' and 'Business Racket'; Gen. Butler and Senator Bone Warn Veterans of Foreign Wars of the Future,
Smedley D. Butler, i retired, used blunt language as he i told the Veterans of Foreign Wars that "war is hell." Senator Homer T. Bone of Washington State. said ...
September 29, 1936, New York Times, Back Marcantonio Race; Senator Nye and Gen. Butler in Group Endorsing Candidacy,
United States Senators Gerald P. Nye of North Dakota and Elmer A. Benson of Minnesota, General Smedley D. Butler, Professor Robert Morse Lovett and ..
October 10, 1936, New York Times, Topics of Sermons That Will Be Heard in Pulpits of the City Tomorrow, by General Smedley D. Butler on "War Is a Racket."
October 13, 1936, The New York Post, Behind the Cables, Mussolini Still Boss of Austria Despite Hitler's Bid, by Ludwig Lore,
October 13, 1936, The New York Post, Geo. Vanderbilt’s Wife Sues at Reno,
October 19, 1936, New York Times, Butler Would End War; Retired General Urges W.C.T.U. at Albany to Seek Peace Measures,
Smedley D. Butler, retired major general of the Marines, delegates to the W.C.T.U. State convention today to start a campaign against drunken automobile drivers.
October 28, 1936, Ballston Spa [NY] Daily Journal, page 3, Large Audience,
November 20, 1936, The New York Sun, Sees Another War; Gen. Butler Predicts a New World Conflict,
November 29, 1936, New York Times, First Lady a Fan in Throng at Game; by William D. Richardson,
Mrs. Roosevelt Eats a Box Lunch -- Leaves Before End, Learns Result Later; Foreign Notables Attend Thirty-seventh Battle of the Service Series; Attracts Brilliant Gathering,
Major General Smedley D. Butler, retired, of the marines, and Mrs. Butler occupied a box on the Navy side with a group of friends, who Brig. General Cyrus H.
December 27, 1936, New York Times, Gen. Butler Celebrates The Date He Was Fired,
Major Gen. Smedley D. Butler, who interrupted a marine corps career for a couple of years back in the Nineteen Twenties to take the job of Director of Public ...
April 28, 1937, New York Times, Daniel Daly, Hero of Marine Corps; Sergeant Major Who Twice Won Congressional Medal of Honor Is Dead at 63,
Smedley Butler of the marines called Daly "the fightingest man I ever knew." in 1899. Born at Glen Cove, LI, he was a newsboy before he enlisted in the Marine ...
April 29, 1937, Brooklyn Daily Eagle, page 8, Masked Anti-Nazi to Address Rally,
July 4, 1937, New York Times, War Clouds' Lead in Institute Topics; Virginia Program Emphasizes Affairs Abroad and Industrial Unrest Here,
Smedley D. Butler, Miss Jeannette Rankin and Sir Herbert Brown Ames of Brookline, Mass., former financial director of the League of Nations Secretariat.
July 11, 1937, New York Times, Radio Programs Scheduled for Broadcast This Week;
WEDNESDAY 6:45-7:00-"Avoiding War in the Pacific," Major General Smedley Butler-WABC
July 12, 1937, New York Times, Butler Warns of War; Retired Marine Officer Tells New Jersey Veterans of Perils, Smedley D. Butler, Marine Corps, retired, said today in dedicating a war memorial at Laurel Grove Memorial Park, Totowa Borough. ...
July 15, 1937, New York Times, Gen. Butler Warns of War 'Rackets"; He and Mrs. Sisson, of D.A.R., Say America Should Avoid All Future Foreign Conflicts, by Winfred Mallon,
War "rackets" were denounced by Major Gen. Smedley D. Butler, USMC, retired, and peace "rackets" by Mrs. Vinton Earl Sisson, national defense chairman of the ...
July 18, 1937, New York Times, Sidelights of the Week,
Major Gen. Smedley Butler, retired Marine Corps officer, spoke last week to the University of Virginia's institute of Public Affairs. He characterized ...
August 30, 1937, Buffalo Courier-Express, page 1, Nazi Leaders Deny Backing Spies Abroad,
August 30, 1937, Buffalo Courier Express, page 1, Veterans of Foreign Wars Storm Buffalo; Trains Bring Thousands to Big Conclave,
August 31, 1937, The Saratogian, page 8, Smedley Butler Raps Americans in China,
September 1, 1937, New York Times, Mayor Asks VFW to Aid Peace Plan; Project of Soldiers Anti-War Building at Fair Put to Veterans by La Guardia, by Charles McLean,
Butler, at Buffalo, Urges Get Americans Out of China' -40000 in Annual Parade ..."Introduces"Smedley Butler Mayor La Guardia interrupted his speech to ask for ...
September 2, 1937, New York Times, Veterans Acclaim Anti-War Appeal; Gen.Butler and Senator Clark Urge V. F. W. at Buffalo to Fight Only for Peace, by Charles McLean,
Smedley Butler, retired, former commandant of the marine corpse to see how many would vote for a resolution calling upon President Roosevelt "to state what he ...
September 5, 1937, New York Times, Footnotes on Headliners
Smedley Butler, retired, former head of the Marine Corps. The Mayor remarked: " Every time I find myself in a tough place in New York City and I have to make a ...
September 17, 1937, Brooklyn Daily Eagle, page 1, News Behind the News in Washington; Generals as Debunkers,
October 13, 1937, New York Times, Gen. Butler Offers Plan; Would Withdraw Our Diplomats Both From Japan and China,
Major Gen. Smedley D. Butler, retired, told members of the Poor Richard Club today that this country could not remain neutral In the Far East crisis "and write ...
November 1, 1937, New York Post, page 1, U.S. Marines' Area Invaded by Jap Sailors; Admiral Apologizes---Tokio Shock Troops Cross Soochow Creek,
November 1, 1937, New York Post, page 2,
November 2, 1937, Schenectady Gazette, page 1,
November 20, 1937, New York Times, Elmer Shaw,
MARTINS FERRY, OHIO, Nov. 19 (JP). Elmer Shaw, personal chauffeur to Major Gen. Smedley Butler while with the American Ex-Forces In France, died today ...
December 1, 1937, Brooklyn Daily Eagle, page 3, Duce Raps China Policy as Kindling Flame; Urges China Quit Now--Japan Apologizes on Seizure of Tugboat,
December 1, 1937, New York Times, Roosevelt Called Dictatorship Foe; Ludwig Quotes Him as Saying He Would Be Bored in Office Without Opposition, Author Guest at Dinner; In Biography of the President He Says War May Force Election; Third Time LaGuardia at Dinner; Roosevelt Methods Hailed; Macfadden Gives Dinner; Methods Held Significant
Other speakers were Fulton Oursler, editor of Liberty, Dr. Lin Yutang, Chinese author; General I Smedley Butler and Emile Vaillancourt of Montreal.
January 6, 1938, New York Times, 'Militant' Eagle Sent to Butler,
A young bald eagle, with a wing spread of 7 feet 2 inches and guaranteed to be "militant," was en route today to General Smedley D.Butler, retired commander ...
January 7, 1938, New York Times, Social Activities in New York and Elsewhere,
The guest speaker is to be General Smedley D. Butler. Walter Godley is secretary general of the society. Miss Muriel B. Hodge has returned to Glynwydd, ...
January 9, 1938, New York Times, Four Views of the Eternal Problem of Peace and War; Some Recent Books That Survey Its Various Aspects at The Present Time, by Henry E. Armstrong,
Among the witnesses against war the author presents from the military ranks, including Brigadier General Smedley Butler, formerly of the United States Marines, ...
January 18, 1938, New York Times, Gordon H. Cilley, A Retired Editor; Former Advertising Executive Once Editorial Head of The Philadelphia Record, Dies,
...and several years ago was an unsuccessful candidate for Congress against the late Representative Thomas R. Butler, father of General Smedley D. Butler.
April 9, 1938, New York Times, Navy Bill a 'Bluff' to General Butler; Retired Marine, Advocating a 'Home Guard' Navy, Asks Defeat of Measure SCOFFS AT JAPAN 'THREAT' Would Abandon Panama and Alaska in War--Peace Groups Stress 'Needless' Cost Bill's Passage Predicted
Urging that the Administration's $1121000000 Naval Construction Bill be defeated, Major Gen. Smedley D.Butler, retired, told the Senate Committee on Naval ...
April 9, 1938, New York Times, The Day in Washington,
The Naval Affairs Committee heard Smedley D. Butler and others oppose the billion-dollar construction bill. The Unemployment Committee heard WPA ...
May 15, 1938, New York Times, Brass Hat Pacifist; The Men I Killed. By Brig. Gen. Frank Percy,C. B., C. M. G., D. S. O, by S.T. Williamson, 269 pp. New York: Doubleday, Doran & Co. $2.
GENERAL CROZIER is one of Britain's bad boys. He speaks his mind as freely and as frequently as General Smedley D. Butler does in this country. Irish Rifles ..
May 19, 1938, Brooklyn Daily Eagle, page 8, Butler Warns Against Rising War Hysteria,
September 27, 1938, New York Times, 4 Marine Fliers Killed; Pilot and a Corporal Escape in Crash at Quantico,
Captain John Wehle of West Point, ny, a son-in-law of General Smedley Butler. was at the controls of the machine, which suddenly dropped from treetop-height ...
December 30, 1938, New York Times, As 'Outstanding Woman'; ' Mother' Moore Gets Gimbel Award in Philadelphia,
At a luncheon in the Gimbel store at which the presentation was made Ellis A. Gimbel, on of the award committee, sent General Smedley D.Butler, one of the ...
January 18, 1939, The New York Sun, page 1, Lehman Asks Wide Power For State to Inquire Into Local Corruption,
April 23, 1939, New York Times, The Prudent American's Guide to Peace and War,
...World Peaceways and Generals William C. Rivers, George Van Horn Moseley, Hugh Johnson and Smedley Butler. Not all the freaks are under the same tent, ...
- By S.T. WILLIAMSON -The New York Times Book Review - Article - Print Headline: ""The Prudent American's Guide to Peace and War"; Peace and War"
April 30, 1939, New York Times, Louise Howell Kirkpatrick Chooses May 20 For Her Marriage to Procter Wetherill,
...a brother-in-law of the bride-elect; John R. Dillard and David F. Conover Jr. of Wynnewood, Pa. ; Hal Bemis, Charles S: Taylor 2d, Smedley D.Butler. Jr., T..
July 6, 1939, The Lima Recorder, [Lima, NY] page 2, Defense Costs Zoom Skyward As Army, Navy Start Tapping Appropriations for New Year,
Defense Spree
In 1922 the U. S. spent only $3«0,-000,000 for Its army. By 1929 the dove of peace cooed so pleasantly that only $780,252,163 was needed for all defense—army, navy and coast guard. The upward swing in arms costs did not start until 1930. gained strong impetus last year and zoomed to unprecedented peacetime heights in the current congressional session. As the 1918-39 fiscal year ended and military men reached for new funds provided by a new year, the next 12 months indeed looked like record breakers.
Summing up this past year, Under-secretary of War Louis Johnson told readers of the Army and Navy Journal that 703 new planes (heavy and medium bombers, pursuit, attack, observation, cargo and training) had been delivered and that 733 more had been ordered, most of them single engine pursuit ships.
Upped 400 per cent under current orders were sound locators for anti-aircraft control: anti-aircraft artillery 210 per cent; aircraft artillery, 110 per cent; anti-aircraft control directors. 130 percent.
Journal readers also heard from the navy's paymaster. Rear Adm. Cay Spear, that his extraordinary expenditures next year will help U. S. industry: 10.5 per cent will go for materials; 39.01 for labor. But what Interested most taxpayers was how much America's defense spree would cost. Figures:
September 1, 1939, New York Times, Lodge Urges Nation to Stay Out of War; Senator and Gen.Butler Stress Neutrality Before Veterans
Smedley Butler, Marine Corps, retired, and of Senator Lodge for a neutrality policy strong enough to keep this nation out of any European war. "There are only ...
September 24, 1939, New York Times, Gen. Butler Urges Ironclad Defense; He Wants One 'a Rat Couldn't Crawl Through'--Favors Present Neutrality Law; Nation Held of Like View; Former Marine Commander Says We Should Warn World Not to Come Here With Gun,
In an interview that bristled with a strong defense of the present Neutrality Law, Major Gen. Smedley D.Butler, retired, former commander of the United States ..
October 4, 1939, New York Times, Norris Denounces Embargo and Asks Our Aid For Allies, by Turner Catledge, Repeal Will Keep the U.S. Out of War, He Says, but Still Help Fight on Dictatorships; Warns of Nazi-Red Peril; He Condemns Hitler and Stalin in Radio Address as Death of Logan Halts Debate,
...over the Columbia Broadcasting System tomorrow night, and Theodore Roosevelt Jr., Mrs. Alice Roosevelt Longworth and General Smedley Butler have been ...
January 19, 1940, New York Times, Books of the Times, by Thomas C. Linn,
Smedley D. Butler, United States Marine Corps (retired); Boake Carter, author, columnist and commentator; Dr. Frank P. Graham, president of the University of ...
January 28, 1940, New York Times, Flint Officer Tells Vivid Story Of Seizure by German Warship; First Mate Describes How Nazi Crew Took Ship to Murmansk and Recounts Experiences Until Freed by Norwegians, by Warren W. Rhoads, First Mate S.S. City of Flint Copyright, 1940, by the New York Times Company and NANA,
Smedley Butler, "Old Gimlet-Eye" of the marines. As soon as he had finished docking his ship the captain dashed off two cablegrams. One was to Mrs. Harriman ...
April 28, 1940, New York Times, Charles H. Fox Dies; Police Official, 65; Philadelphia Inspector Was an Aide of the Superintendent,
Smedley D. Butler was Director of Public Safety he chose Inspector Fox, then a captain, as one of five officers to elt in 1925 as a permanent special board to ...
May 2, 1940, New York Times, Obituary 5 -- No Title
Smedley D. Butler when the latter was Director of Public Safety here. In 1935 Inspector Koester resigned rather than accept demotion to patrolman, under the ...
May 24, 1940, New York Times - AP, Butler Scoffs at Raids; Our 'Best Navy' Can Block Nazis, He Says in Philadelphia,
PHILADELPHIA, May 23 (AP)- Major Gen. Smedley D. Butler, former officer of the Marine Corps, scoffed at of a German attack against this country because the ..
June 22, 1940, New York Times, Obituaries, Smedley Butler of Marines Dead; Major General, Who Joined Corps at 16, Won Many Decorations for Bravery Often a Storm Center; Ex-Director of Public Safety in Philadelphia Consistently Advocated U.S. Isolation,
Major Gen. Smedley D. Butler, a "fighting Quaker" who became one of the country's most picturesque military men long before his retirement from the marine ...
June 22, 1940, The Independent Record (Helena, Montana) Page 3, Smedley Butler, Famous as Fighting Marine, Hears Taps,
June 22, 1940, Arizona Republic, page 1, Butler, Noted U.S. Marines General, Dies; Many Medals Won by Heroics of 'Gimlet Eye',
June 22, 1940, The Kingston Daily Freeman, page 9, 'Fighting Quaker' Dies at 58,
June 22, 1940, Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Gen. Smedley Butler Dies; America's Ideal Soldier,
June 23, 1940, New York Times, President in Tribute to Smedley D. Butler; Daniels and Holcomb Also Send Messages--Rites Tomorrow,
PHILADELPHIA, June 22-President Roosevelt and hundreds of others prominent in American life sent messages of ...
June 24, 1940, Troy [NY] Times Record, page 10, Smedley D. Butler,
June 25, 1940, New York Times, Military Leaders Honor Gen.Butler; Service for Retired Marine Officer Held in His Home at Newtown Square, Pa.; Sons Are Among Bearers; Two Eulogies Delivered at the Rites--Veteran Groups and Legislators Attend,
NEWTOWN SQUARE, Pa., June 24--After a simple funeral service which included two brief eulogies the body of Major Gen. Smedley D. Butler, retired marine ...
June 23, 1940, News of the Nation, page 9, U.S. Mourns Smedley Butler,
July 19, 1940, New York Times, General Butler's Estate $2,000,
MEDIA, Pa., July 18 (IA)-An estate of $2000 was left by Major Gen.Smedley D. Butler, United States Marines, retired, it was disclosed today as letters of ...
July 25, 1940, New York Times, Honor Paid to Smedley Butler,
PHILADELPHIA, June 24 (Pa.)-A plaque honoring the late Gen. Smedley D. Butler of the 142 was placed today in the City Hall office which he occupied as ...
October 1, 1940, New York Times, Pippin Has Display at Bignou Gallery; One-Man Show of 'Primitive' Art to Remain on Exhibition Until Oct. 12, by Edward Alden Jewell,
Work Reflects Rousseau; War Experiences of the Artist Are Included in the Show--Portraits Offered
Smedley D. Butler and Marian Anderson; a whimsical "Lady of the Lake" (a nude in a fantastic garden setting), two or three flower still-lifes and, representing Mr.
November 9, 1940, New York Times, Obituaries, Edwin M. Abbott, Lawyer 45 Years; Ex-Assistant City Solicitor of Philadelphia; Admitted to Bar at 18, Dies in Abington, Pa. Ex-Aide of Gen. Butler; Poet and Author, Long a Timer at Penn Relays, Had Served in the State Legislature,
Smedley D. Butler, then Philadelphia's Director of Public Safety, he handled 600 liquor padlock cases in the prohibition era. Later Mr. Abbott served a year in the ...
December 19, 1940, Buffalo NY Courier Express, U. S. Bombers Seen Britain's Greatest Need,
1941 - 0006.pdf
...shake the confidence of Adolf Hitler and his totalitarian partner, Benito Mussolini. "But the weapon which
ultimately will enforce submission of ... Vanderbilt, Jr., Gets Divorce Carson City, Nev., Dec. 18 UP)— Cornelius Vanderbilt, Jr., author and member of the noted New York City ...
January 3, 1941, Poughkeepsie Eagle News, page 1, Dublin Target In New Aerial Raid On Ireland; Nazi Marking on One Bomb of Lone Plane,
February 16, 1941, New York Times, Richard Peters Jr. Dies In Philadelphia; Member of a Building Materials Firm Belonged to Old Family,
...Conyngham Peters; a brother, S. M. Felton Peters of Oswego, NY., and two sisters, Mrs. Smedley D. Butler of Square and Mrs. C.S. Ashby Henry of Gladwyne.
April 28, 1941, New York Times, Obituaries, Max (Boo-Boo) Hoff Dies Broke at 48; Ex-Bootleg Kingpin in Philadelphia, Never Indicted, Ran Juke-Box Dance at the Last,
Hoff had a hand in he operation of two well-known -, the "Ship" and the " Piccadilly," scene of several police raids when General Smedley D.Butler was director ...
May 23, 1941, Brooklyn Eagle, Vanderbilt Leaves Million to Family; File Will of Contractor Named in Amen Probe,
June 8, 1941, New York Times, Destroyer Named For Gen. Butler; Marine Corps Officer Is Among Persons Designated on List for 41 New Such Ships,
Major Gen. Smedley D. Butler, who was once called "the stormy petrel of the Marine Corps," will be honored by having one of the Navy's new destroyers named ...
September 17, 1941, New York Times, No Ceremony at Philadelphia, 'Work Is Too Important'
The destroyers will be named after Major General Smedley D. Butler of Philadelphia, who died June 21, 1940, and Rear Admiral Bancroft Gherardi, who died at ...
September 28, 1941, New York Times, George W. Fritz; Former Inspector of Police and Traffic in.Philadelphia
Smedley Butler became Director of Public Safety in 1924, Mr. Fritz was made inspector of traffic. Later, and until his retirement, he was inspector in charge of all .
November 5, 1941, New York Times, To Sponsor Destroyers; Smedley Butler's Daughter and Mrs Anderheggen Are Picked
WASHINGTON, Nov. 4 UPI--Mrs. John Wehle of Lansdowne, Pa., and Mrs. William Anderheggen. of Bronxville, nt, were designated by Secretary Knox today to ...
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