Thursday, May 15, 2014

October 4, 1836, The N.Y. Advertiser, Destruction of the Bowery Theatre by Fire,

October 4, 1836, Rutland Herald, page 2,
From the N.Y. Advertiser
Destruction of the Bowery Theatre by Fire,

At about a 15 before 5 o'clock yesterday morning a man who was passing along Elizabeth St. discovered a quantity of smoke issuing from the back of the Bowery Theatre--he proceeded to examine it more closely, and almost instantly discovered that the building was on fire--from thence he ran to the front of the building, and along with other persons, who had by that time arrived, gave the requisite alarm to the watchman and firemen, a great body of whom were very quickly on the spot. Owing to the very flammable nature of the articles within and the fitting up of the Theatre, and especially of that portion where the fire originated, it became evident from the rapidity with which the flames spread, that there was no chance of saving the building of the valuable contents from destruction, indeed, the fire raged with such fearful violence, that to stop it, except by the thick brick walls of the building, seemed, and ultimately proved impossible. Great exertions were made to save the wardrobe, scenery and valuable properties of the Theatre, although we are sorry to add, with very little success. The proprietor, Mr. T. Hamblin, in attempting to save some portion of the property, received a severe injury to his left hand, and had a narrow escape with his life. The loss of Mr. H., notwithstanding he was insured to a somewhat considerable amount, will, ne states, be not less than $75,000, as the whole of the building is destroyed, except the external walls which are still standing. This is the second time the Bowery Theatre has been subjected to a similar casually--the last occasion was about 7 or 8 years ago.

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